Curriculum Vitae
Professional experience
03/2021-present | Scientist, Marine Isotope Geochemistry at the ICBM Oldenburg |
| Principal Investigator of the DFG project "Glacial – Interglacial Changes in Dust Supply to the Pacific Southern Ocean" hosted by Prof. K. Pahnke, Marine Isotope Geochemistry at the ICBM Oldenburg |
10/2015-07/2018 | Postdoc in the Max Planck Research Group for Marine Isotope Geochemistry at the ICBM Oldenburg |
| PhD student at Imperial College London and Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment. Thesis title: Deciphering glacial-interglacial Southern Ocean dynamics with deep-sea corals (supervised by Prof. Dr. Tina van de Flierdt)
10/2005 - 10/2011
| Studies of Geography, Geology and Physical Oceanography at the Christian Albrecht University Kiel, graduation in isotope geochemistry/paleoceanography (Diplom) Thesis title: Late Quaternary water mass mixing in the Arctic Gateway – evidence from radiogenic isotopes (supervised by: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank) |
DFG (SPP 527)
| “The role of South Pacific dust provenance changes in Pliocene-Pleistocene climate variability (IODP Expedition 383)” (507217083) |
DFG (Eigene Stelle) | “Glacial – Interglacial Changes in Dust Supply to the Pacific Southern Ocean” (412785502) |
PhD studentship | Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London |
Research expeditions
04/2022 – 05/2022 | PaläoTaNZ research cruise SO290 with R/V Sonne in the Tasman Sea |
01/2017 – 02/2017 | PoriBacNewZealand research cruise SO254 with R/V Sonne in the Southwest Pacific |
10/2013 – 12/2013 | TROPICS research cruise JC094 with RRS James Cook across the tropical Atlantic |
07/2010 | Arctic expedition JC219 with RRS James Clark Ross in the eastern Fram Strait/Spitzbergen |
Teaching and advising students
Winter term | - Lecture, Seminar and Practical course „Climate Engineering” - Contribution to lecture series „Globaler Klimawandel” (Global Climate Change) |
Summer 2016 | “Geochemical Seminar“ (host), Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, University of Oldenburg |
Fall 2014 | “Climate” (assistant), Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London |
Spring 2014 | “Marine Stratigraphy” and “Paleoceanography” (assistant), Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London |
Fall 2013 | “Solid Earth Geochemistry” (assistant), Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London |
Since 2011 | Support and supervision of research students during laboratory work and data interpretation (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate/PhD level) |