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Hahner F, Meyerjürgens J, Ricker M (2019) Lagrangian modelling and observations in the North Sea. Poster. Macroplastics final symposium >>download poster<<
Lettmann KA, Schönung M, Fiesinger A, Wüllner T, Hahner F, Suckow J, Schöneich-Argent R, Meyerjürgens J, Tietjen B, Badewien T, Zielinski O, Aden C, Schaal P, Mose I, Stanev E, and Freund H (2019) Modelling the Riverine Transport of Surface-Floating Macroplastic within the River Weser and Investigating its Input into the German Bight and the Southern North Sea. Poster presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-14169, eISSN 1607-7962 >>Download poster<<
Hahner, F., Lettmann, K., Wüllner, T., Heinrich, P., Wolff, J.-O., (2018) A nested structured grid application for barrier islands of the Southern German North-Sea with Lagrangian particle tracking, Conference Poster, IMUM Hamburg 2018. >>Download poster<<
Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2017) Impacts of Artificial Limestone Weathering on Carbonate Chemistry of the North Sea - A Model Study, Poster on Goldschmidt Conference, Paris 2017 >>Download poster<<
Lettmann, K, Kirchner, J., Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modeling Effects of Bicarbonate Release on Carbonate Chemistry and pH of the North Sea: A Pilot Study for AtmosphericCO2 Reduction , Poster on AGU Conference, San Francisco 2016 >>Download poster<<
Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, ISSN 1607-7962, >>Download poster<<
Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster Presentation on KLIFF Congress, Goettingen, Germany >>Download abstract<< >>Downloadposter<<
Gebler M, Rietbroek R, Kusche J, Schröter J, Wolff J-O (2012) A joint inversion of GRACE, GPS, modeled and in-situ ocean bottom pressure. >>Download<<
Tambke J, Bye JAT, v. Bremen L, Wolff J-O, Suselj K (2012) Wind Speed Profiles and Variability of the drag coefficient over the North and Baltic Sea. IWMO 2012 >>Download<<
Gebler M, Rietbroek R, Schröter J, Wolff J-O (2012) Improving a joint inversion of GRACE, GPS and modelled ocean bottom pressure by using in-situ data. EGU General Assembly 2012 >>Download<<
Gebler M., Boebel O., Schröter J., Wolff J.-O. (2012) Transport variability of the ACC and teleconnection with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) south of Africa, Ocean Science Meeting 2012, Salt Lake City >>Download<<
Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2012), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. 11th International Workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics, (IMUM 2012) , Delft, The Netherlands, >>Download poster<<
Grashorn S., Lettmann K., Wolff J.-O. (2011) Modelling wave propagation and sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, YOUMARES 2.0 2011, Bremerhaven >>Download<<
Ahmerkamp S. H., Grashorn S., Wolff J.-O. (2011) On wave motions at the steep slope of a coral reef, IMUM 2011, Bremerhaven >>Download<<
Lim C. H., Lettman K., Wolff J.-O. (2011) Modelling Tidal Dynamics and Flow Patterns over Complex Bottom Topography in Potter Cove, Antarctica, using an Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, IMUM 2011, Bremerhaven >>Download<<
Lim C. H., Lettman K., Wolff J.-O. (2011) Modelling Tidal Dynamics and Flow Patterns over Complex Bottom Topography in Potter Cove, Antarctica, using an Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, IWMO 2011, Qingdao >>Download<<
Ahmerkamp S. H., Wolff J.-O., Hench J. L., Walter L., Monismith, S. G. (2011) On wave motions at the steep slope of a coral reef, EGU conference 2011, Vienna >>Download<<
Grashorn S., Lettmann K., Wolff J.-O. (2011) Investigation of hydro- and sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea using the unstructured-grid model FVCOM, KLIFF-Statusseminar 2011, Göttingen >>Download<<
Wolff J.-O., Bye J.A.T., Ghantous M. (2010) On the variability of the Charnock constant, EGU conference 2010, Vienna >>Download<<
Gräwe U. (2009) Suspended particulate matter dynamics in a particle framework >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Wolff J.-O. (2009) Impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), EGU Conference 2009, Vienna >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Wolff J.-O. (2009) Impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), Final symposium of the DFG Research Group on "BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats", Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, 19-20 May 2009 >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Jørgensen B.B., Khalili A. (2009) A mathematical model for estimating the reactivity of marine organic matter via measured oxidant consumption rates, EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Olbers D. (2009) Barotropic and baroclinic processes in the transport variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, DPG (German Physical Society) conference 2009, Hamburg, Germany >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Wolff J.-O. (2008) Investigation of the impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), EGU Conference 2008, Vienna >>Download<<
Riedel T., Beck M., Lettmann K., Brumsack H.J. (2008) Biogeochemistry of Advective Tidal Flat Pore Waters, Goldschmidt meeting 2008, Vancouver, Canada >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Wolff J.-O., Badewien T. (2007) Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea, GV International Conference 2007, Bremen >>Download<<
Lettmann K., Olbers D. (2007) Barotropic and baroclinic processes in the transport variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 2nd International Conference of Earth System Modeling, Hamburg 2007 >>Download<<
Marsland S. and J.-O. Wolff (1997) A regional high-resolution coupled ocean/sea-ice model, ANARE Jubilee Science Symposium, Hobart, July 20 - 23, 1997
Marsland S. and J.-O. Wolff (1997) Seasonal sea-ice ocean stability and the oceanic heat flux in East Antarctica, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Hobart, December 8-11, 1997