Publications (Total List)

Publications (Total List)


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Jörg-Olaf Wolff


Kirchner JS, Lettmann KA, Schnetger B, Wolff J-O, Brumsack H-J (2021) Identifying Appropriate Locations for the Accelerated Weathering of Limestone to Reduce CO2 Emissions. Minerals, 11(11), 1261.


Kirchner JS, Lettmann KA, Schnetger B, Wolff J-O, Brumsack H-J (2020) Carbon capture via accelerated weathering of limestone: modelling local impacts on carbonate chemistry of the southern North Sea. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, doi:


Stanev E, Badewien T, Freund H, Grayek S, Hahner F, Meyerjürgens J, Ricker M, Schöneich-Argent RI, Wolff J-O, Zielinski O (2019) Extreme westward surface drift in the North Sea: public reports of stranded drifters and Lagrangian tracking, Continental Shelf Research, 177, 24-32, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2019.03.003

Meyerjürgens J, Badewien TH, Garaba SP, Wolff J-O, Zielinski O (2019) A state-of-the-art compact surface drifter reveals pathways of floating marine litter in the German Bight. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:58, 1-15, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00058

Schadewell Y, Hahner F, Lettmann KA, Janzen T, Collins R, Mariani S, Genner M, Wolff JO and Gerlach G (2019) Evaluating spatial distribution of aquatic animals by modelling water-borne environmental DNA. Conference Poster, FSBI 2019


Gutow L, Ricker M, Holstein JM, Dannheim J, Stanev EV, Wolff J-O (2018) Distribution and trajectories of floating and benthic marine litter in the south-eastern North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131 763-772.

Ribbe J, Toaspern L, Wolff J-O, Azis Ismail MF (2018) Frontal eddies along a western boundary current. Continental Shelf Research 165 51-59

Hahner, F., Lettmann, K., Wüllner, T., Heinrich, P., Wolff, J.-O., (2018) A nested structured grid application for barrier islands of the Southern German North-Sea with Lagrangian particle tracking, Conference Poster, IMUM Hamburg 2018.

Schakau V, Lettmann KA, Wolff J-O, Feudel U (2018) Hydrodynamic drivers of Vibrio spp. dynamics and associated health risks in the German Bight, Southern North Sea. Pico presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, eISSN 1607-7962.


Bye,J.A.T., -Wolff,J.-O., - Lettmann, K.A. (2017) A note on ocean surface drift with application to surface velocities measured with HF Radar. J Oceanogr, Vol 73, Pages 491 - 502

Lim CH, Lettmann KA, Wolff J-O, Samah AS (2017) Wave dynamics and hydrodynamics in Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Oral presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, eISSN 1607-7962.

Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2017) Impacts of Artificial Limestone Weathering on Carbonate Chemistry of the North Sea - A Model Study, Poster on Goldschmidt Conference, Paris 2017.


Meinhardt A-K, März C, Schuth S, Lettmann KA, Schnetger B, Wolff J-O, Brumsack H-J (2016) Diagenetic regimes in Arctic Ocean sediments: Implications for sediment geochemistry and core correlation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 125-146.

Singer, A. , Schückel, U., Beck, M., Bleich, O., Brumsack, H.-J., Freund, H., Geimecke, C., Lettmann, K.A., Millat, G., Staneva, J., Vanselow, A., Westphal, H., Wolff, J.-O., Wurpts, A., Kröncke, I. (2016), Small-scale benthos distribution modelling in a North Sea tidal basin in response to climatic and environmental changes (1970s-2009). Mar Ecol Prog Ser, Vol. 551: 13-30.

Anja Singer et al, Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2016), Hindcasting and forecasting macrofauna species distribution for the Jade Bay tidal basin (North Sea, Germany) in response to climatic and environmental changes. Presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, eISSN 1607-7962.

Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modeling Impacts of Artificial Limestone Weathering on Marine Carbonate Chemistry, Poster on Estuarine Coastal Conference (ECSA 56), Bremen.

Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modelling Effects of Bicarbonate Release on Carbonate Chemistry of the North Sea, Poster on 4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Hobart, Tasmania

Lettmann, K, Kirchner, J., Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modeling Effects of Bicarbonate Release on Carbonate Chemistry and pH of the North Sea: A Pilot Study for Atmospheric CO2 Reduction , Poster on AGU Conference, San Francisco 2016 >>Download poster<<


Grashorn, Sebastian; Lettmann, Karsten A.; Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; Badewien, Thomas H.; Stanev, Emil V., (2015), East Frisian Wadden Sea hydrodynamics and wave effects in an unstructured-grid model, Ocean dynamics (65), pp. 419-434, >>Download<<

Donadi, Serena; Eriksson, Britas Klemens; Lettmann, Karsten A.; Hodapp, Dorothee; Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; Hillebrand, Helmut, (2015), The bodysize structure of macrobenthos changes predictably along gradients of hydrodynamic stress and organic enrichment, Marine Biology (162), pp. 675-68, >>Download<<

Wolff, J.-O., Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K.A., Badewien, T.H.,Stanev, E.V. , (2015), Wave energies and wave-induced longshore currents in an unstructured-grid model - circulation in front of barrier islands, southern North Sea. Oral presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, eISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Schakau,V., Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2015), Modelling the seasonal occurrence and distribution of humanpathogenic bacteria within the German Bight, southern North Sea. Oral presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, eISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Schakau,V., Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2015), Modelling the seasonal occurrence and distribution of human-pathogenic bacteria within the German Bight, southern North Sea. Poster presentation on FVCOM User Workshop in Halifax, Canada, October 2015 >>Download poster<<


Bye,J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., Lettmann, K.A., (2014), On the variability of the Charnock constant and the functional dependence of the drag coefficient on wind speed: Part II observations, Ocean Dynamics, 64(7) 969-974, >>Download<<

Wölfl, A.-C., Lim, C.H., Hass, H.C., Lindhorst, S., Tosonotto, G., Lettmann, K.A., Kuhn, G., Wolff, J.-O., Abele, D., (2014), Distribution and characteristics of marine habitats in a subpolar bay based on hydroacoustics and bed shear stress estimates (Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica), Geo-Marine Letters, 34(5) 435-446, >>Download<<


Behnisch Madlen, Macrander Andreas, Boebel Olaf, Jörg-Olaf Wolff, Schröter Jens (2013) Barotropic and deep-referenced baroclinic SSH variability derived from Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders (PIES) south of Africa, 3046-3058. In Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans 118 (6), >>Download<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Numerical study on wave dynamics and wave-induced bed erosion characteristics in Potter Cove, Antarctica, Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 63, Issue 11-12, DOI 10.1007/s10236-013-0651-z >>Download<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, ISSN 1607-7962, >>Download poster<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster Presentation on KLIFF Congress, Goettingen, Germany >>Download abstract<< >>Download poster<<

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., Badewien, T.H., Stanev, E.V.. (2013), Radiation stresses and wave energy in a numerical model of the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) during a storm event. Poster Presentation on KLIFF Congress, Goettingen, Germany, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Tuning the Modelling System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster presentation on American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Franciso, USA, >> Download<<


Karsten Alexander Lettmann, Natascha Riedinger, Ronny Ramlau, Nina Knab, Michael Ernst Böttcher, Arzhang Khalili, Jörg-Olaf Wolff, Bo Barker Jørgensen (2012) Estimation of biogeochemical rates from concentration profiles: A novel inverse method, 26-37. In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2012), East-Frisian Wadden Sea hydrodynamics and wave propagation in an unstructured-grid model. Coastal Dynamics 2013 >>download<<

Tambke J, Bye JAT, v. Bremen L, Wolff J-O (2012) Variability of the drag coefficient over the North and Baltic Sea. IWMO 2012 >>Download<<

Gebler M, Rietbroek R, Schröter J, Wolff J-O (2012) Improving a joint inversion of GRACE, GPS and modelled ocean bottom pressure by using in-situ data. EGU General Assembly 2012 >>Download<<

Ahmerkamp S, Wolff J-O, Grashorn S (2012) Wave induced currents in and around a tropical coral reef: a comparison of observations with theoretical and numerical modelling results. 4th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, IWMO 2012, Yokohama, Japan >>Download<<

Gebler M, Boebel O, Schröter J, Macrander A, Wolff J-O (2012) Transport variability of the ACC and teleconnection with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) south of Africa. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, abstract

Grashorn S, Lettmann K, Wolff J-O, (2012), Modelling wave propagation and hydrodynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea. JONSMOD 2012 >>Download<<

Lim, CH, Lettmann K, Wolff J-O, (2012), Modelling waves and currents in Potter Cove, Antarctica. 4th IMCOAST Workshop >>Download<<

Lettmann, KA. , Riedinger N, Ramlau R, Knab N, Böttcher M, Khalili A, Wolff J-O, Jørgensen BB (2012) Estimation Of Biogeochemical Rates From Concentration Profiles: A Novel Inverse Method. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 100, pages 26-37, >>Download article<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2012), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. 11th International Workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics, (IMUM 2012) , Delft, The Netherlands, >>Download poster<<


Ahmerkamp SH, Grashorn S, Wolff J-O (2011) On wave motion at the steep slope of a coral reef. IMUM 2011 >>Download<<

Ahmerkamp SH, Wolff J-O, Monismith SG (2011), On wave motion at the steep slope of a coral reef. EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 13, EGU2011-5966, ISSN 1607-7962 >>Download<<

Borth H, Gryanik VM, Olbers D, Wolff J-O (2011) Jets and vortices: the turbulent attractors of the wind-driven two-layer Phillips Model. Ocean Dynamics, submitted Nov 2011

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Modelling wave propagation and sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea. YOUMARES 2.0 2011 >>Download<<

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Modelling wave propagation and sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea. IMUM 2011 >>Download<<

Grashorn S, Lettmann K, Wolff J-O (2011), Modelling wave propagation and wave-current interaction in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea with the unstructured-mesh modelling system FVCOM-SWAVE. EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 13, EGU2011-2222-1, ISSN 1607-7962 >>Download<<

Lettmann K, Bleich O, Rettig S, Grashorn S, Kraft D, Wolff J-O (2011), Numerical modelling of cooling water inputs into the Jade bay using the unstructured-mesh model FVCOM. EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 13, EGU2011-9796, ISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Lettmann KA, Riedinger N, Ramlau R, Knab N, Böttcher M, Khalili A, Wolff J-O, Jørgensen BB (2011) Estimation of biogeochemical rates from concentration profiles: A novel inverse method. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.01.012 in press

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Modelling Tidal Dynamics and Flow Patterns over Complex Bottom Topography in Potter Cove, Antarctica, using Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model. 3rd International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, IWMO 2011 >>Download<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Multiscale Hydrodynamic Modelling of Potter Cove, Maxwell Bay, Antarctica, using an Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, 3rd IMCOAST esf-EUROPOLAR Workshop >>Download<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Tidal Dynamics and Flow Pattern over Complex Bottom Topography in Potter Cove, Antarctica, IMUM 2011 >>Download<<

Tambke J, Suselj K, Saint-Drenan Y-M, Bye JAT, Wolff J-O (2011) Evaluation of Wind Speed Profile Models over the North Sea. EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 13, EGU2011-13438, ISSN 1607-7962 >>Download<<

Tambke J, von Bremen L, Schmidt M, Steinfeld G, Wolff J-O (2011) Correlations and Variability of Wind Speed Fields and Wind Power in Europe. EGU General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 13, EGU2011-13500, ISSN 1607-7962 >>Download<<

Tambke J, Mohr E, Suselj K, Saint-Drenan Y-M, Wolff J-O (2011) Meso-scale wind flow simulations over the North Sea. DEWEK 2010, in press

Tambke J, Suselj K, Saint-Drenan Y-M, Wolff J-O (2011) Vertical Profiles of Wind Speeds over the North Sea. Advances in Science and Research, under review

Wolff J-O, Lettmann K, Grashorn S (2011) Will the East Frisian Islands still exist in 2100? Effects of projected climate change on sediment and hydrodynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Norddeutscher Verbund zur Förderung des Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnens - Research in the HLRN Network 2011, ISBN 978-3-00-034131-1, >>download<<


Bye JAT, Ghantous M, Wolff J-O (2010) On the variability of the Charnock constant and the functional dependence of the drag coefficient on wind speed. Ocean Dynamics, 60(4), 851-860 doi 10.1007/s10236-010-0300-8 >>Download<<

Gräwe U, Wolff J-O (2010), Suspended particulate matter dynamics in a particle framework. Environmental Fluid Mechanics , 10(1-2) 21-39 >>Download<<

Gräwe U, Wolff J-O, Ribbe J (2010) Impact of Climate Variability on an East Australian Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 86(2) 247-257 >>Download<<

Lettmann K, Riedinger N, Ramlau R, Böttcher ME, Wolff J-O (2010) A new mathematical approach for modeling biogeochemical consumption and production rates from measured vertical concentration profiles in aquatic systems. EGU General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-6027, ISSN 1607-796, >>Download abstract<<

Lettmann K, Wolff J-O, Liebezeit G, Meier G (2010) Investigation of the spreading and dilution of domestic waste water inputs into a tidal bay using the finite-volume model FVCOM. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-6139, ISSN 1607-7962 , >>Download<<

Lettmann K, Wolff J-O, Liebezeit G, Meier G (2010) Investigation of the spreading and dilution of domestic waste water inputs into a tidal bay using the finite-volume model FVCOM, JONSMOD 2010, Delft, >>Download abstract<<

Wolff J-O, Bye JAT, Ghantous M (2010) On the variability of the Charnock constant. EGU General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 12, EGU2010-5757, ISSN 1607-7962 >>Download<<

Wolff J-O, Lettmann K (2010) High resolution modelling of hydro- and sedimentdynamics with structured and unstructured grids. Leidl R, Hartmann AK (Eds), Modern Computational Science, BIS Verlag, Oldenburg, Summerschool lecture notes, ISBN 978-3-8142-2114-1 >>Download<<


Gräwe U, Suspended particulate matter dynamics in a particle framework, Poster, >>Download<<

Gräwe U, Lettmann K, Wolff J-O (2009) Sediment dynamics in a single particle framework , abstract EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, >>Download<<

Gräwe U, Ribbe J, Wolff J-O (2009) Impact of Climate Variability on the Circulation of an East-Australian Bay, abstract 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, Melbourne, Australia, >>Download<<

Gräwe U, Wolff J-O, Ribbe J (2009), Mixing, hypersalinity and gradients in Hervey Bay, Australia. Ocean Dynamics PECS 2008 Special Issue 59(5) 643-658 >>Download<<

Lettmann K, Wolff J-O, Badewien TH (2009), Modelling the impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). Ocean Dynamics Special Issue BioGeoChemistry of tidal flats 59(2) 239-262 >>Download<<

Lettmann K, Wolff J-O (2009) Impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), abstract EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, >>Download abstract<< , >>Download poster<<

Lettmann K, Wolff J-O (2009) Impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), Final symposium of the DFG Research Group on "BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats", Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, 19-20 May 2009 >>Download poster<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Liebezeit, G., Meier, G., Investigation of the spreading and dilution of domestic waste water inputs into the Jade bay using the finite-volume model FVCOM, talk on UMM2009 conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, >>Download abstract<<

Staneva J, Stanev E, Wolff J-O, Badewien TH, Reuter R, Flemming BW, Bartholomä A, Bolding K (2009) Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics in the German Bight. A Focus on Observations and Numerical Modelling in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, PECS 2006 Special Issue , Continental Shelf Research, 29(1) 302-319 >>Download<<

Wolff J-O (2009) High-resolution Hydro- and Sediment Dynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. abstract EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, >>Download<<

Wolff J-O (2009) Heywood received the 2009 Georg Wüst Prize. Ocean Dynamics 59(3), 429-431 >>Download<<

Wolff J-O (2009) High resolution modelling of hydro- and sedimentdynamics. Leidl R, Hartmann AK (Eds), Modern Computational Science, BIS Verlag, Oldenburg, Summerschool lecture notes, ISBN 978-3-8142-2169-4, 213-251 >>Download<<


Bye, J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O. (2008), Charnock dynamics: A model for the velocity structure in the wave boundary layer of the air-sea interface, Ocean Dynamics, Vol 58(1), 31-42 >>Download<<

Gräwe, U., Ribbe, J., Wolff, J.-O., (2008), Stability of an Australian inverse bay, abstract PECS 2008, >>Download<<

Gräwe, U., Ribbe, J., Wolff, J.-O., (2008), Stability of an Australian inverse bay, extended abstract, PECS 2008, 4 pages >>Download<<

Gräwe, U., Ribbe, J., Wolff, J.-O., (2008), The inverse nature of an Australian bay, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU 2008, Vienna, Austria, abstract accepted, 1 page, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2008), Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), abstract PECS 2008, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2008), Investigation of the impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) using the numerical model GETM, extended abstract, PECS 2008, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Investigation of the impact of winter storms on the sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) using the numerical model GETM, abstract EGU Conference 2008, Vienna, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), poster EGU Conference 2008, Vienna, >>Download<<

Ribbe, J., Wolff, J.-O., Staneva, J., Gräwe, U., (2008), Assessing Ventilation Times Scales for Marine Environments from Three-Dimensional Modelling, A Case Study for Hervey Bay, Australia. Env. Modelling and Software, Vol. 23(10), 1217-1228, >>Download<<

Wolff, J.-O., (2008), Hydro- and Sedimentdynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, 04683 EGU 2008, Vienna, Austria, abstract accepted, 1 page , >>Download<<


Gräwe, U., Ribbe, J., Wolff, J.-O., Staneva, J., (2007), Ventilation times scales for a subtropical bay from 3-D modelling, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 05029 EGU 2007, Vienna, Austria >>Download<<,1 page

Gräwe, U., Ribbe, J., Wolff, J.-O., Staneva, J., (2007), Accessing exchange and ventilation times scales from 3-D modelling, GV International Conference 2007, Bremen, abstract accepted >>Download<<, 1 page

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Badewien, T., (2007), Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea, GV International Conference 2007, Bremen, poster, >>Download<<

Olbers, D., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O. (2007), Wave-induced topographic formstress in baroclinic channel flow, Ocean Dynamics, Vol 57(6), DOI: 10.1007/s10236-007-0109-2, p. 511-530, >>Download<<

Stanev, E.V., Brink-Spalink, G., Wolff, J.-O. (2007), Sediment dynamics in tidally dominated environments controlled by transport and turbulence. A case study for the East Frisian Wadden Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C04018, doi:10.1029/2005JC003045 >>Download<<, 20 pages

Stanev, E.V., Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Staneva, J.V., Wolff, J.-O. (2007), Vertical circulation in shallow tidal inlets and back-barrier basins , Cont. Shelf Res., Vol 27(6), 798-831, ISSN 0278-4343 >>Download<<, 34 pages

Tambke, J., Bye, J.A.T., Lange, B., Wolff, J.-O., (2007) Wind Speed Profiles above the North Sea, in Wind Energy , Peinke, J., Schaumann, P., Barth, S. (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-33865-9, 4 pages >>Download<<

Wolff, J.-O., (2007), Fahrbach received the 2007 Georg Wüst Prize, Ocean Dynamics, Vol 57(3), Editorial, DOI 10.1007/s10236-007-0105-6, 3 pages >>Download<<

Lettmann, K. Wolff, J.-O., (2007), Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea, 10th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (ECM10), Newport USA, abstract, >>Download<<


Gemein, N., E. V. Stanev, G. Brink-Spalink, J.-O. Wolff, R. Reuter (2006). Patterns of suspended matter in the East Frisian Wadden Sea: comparison of numerical simulations with MERIS observations, EARSeL eProceedings 5(2), 180-198, ISSN 1729-3782 >>Download<<, 19 pages

Stanev, E. V., J.-O. Wolff, and G. Brink-Spalink (2006) On the sensitivity of sedimentary system in the East Frisian Wadden Sea to sea level rise and magnitude of wind waves. Ocean Dynamics 56(3-4): 266-283, ISSN 1616-7341 >>Download<<, 18 pages

Tambke, J., L. Claveri, F. Durante, J.A.T. Bye, J.-O. Wolff, B. Lange, L. von Bremen (2006). Modelling of Offshore Wind Speed Conditions. In Proc. of German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK 2006, Bremen, Germany >>Download<<, 4 pages , ISBN 978-3-00-020998-7

Tambke, J., J.A.T Bye, L. Claveri, L. von Bremen, C. Poppinga, B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff (2006). Offshore Meteorology for Multi-Mega-Watt Turbines. Scientific Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Athens, abstract >>Download<<

Tambke, J., L. von Bremen, N. Saleck, U. Gräwe, C. Poppinga, J.-O. Wolff, J.A.T. Bye (2006). Combined and Large-Area Short-Term Wind Forecasts for the Grid Integration of 50GW On- and Offshore Wind Power Capacity. In Proc. of German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK 2006, Bremen, Germany >>Download<<, 4 pages, ISBN 978-3-00-020998-7.

Tambke, J., J.A.T. Bye, L. Claveri, C. Poppinga, L. v. Bremen, B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff: Modelling of Wind Fields above the North Sea. Scientific Proceedings of the OWEMES Conference, Civitavecchia, Italy, 2006 >>Download<<, 10 pages

Tambke, J., L. v. Bremen, N. Saleck, U. Gräwe, C. Poppinga, L. Claveri, M. Lange, U. Focken, J.A.T. Bye, J.-O. Wolff: Accuracy of Short-Term Predictions for 25 GW Offshore Wind Power in Germany, Scientific Proceedings of the OWEMES Conference, Civitavecchia, Italy, 2006 >>Download<<, 13 pages

Tambke, J., L. Claveri, J. A. T. Bye, C. Poppinga, B. Lange, L. v. Bremen, F. Durante, J.-O. Wolff: Offshore Meteorology for Multi-Mega-Watt Turbines. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Athens, 2006, >>Download<<, 10 pages

Wolff, J.-O., Stanev, E.V:(2006) Dynamics and Sediment Dynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 05082 2006, EGU Joint Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 April 2006 >>Download<<, 1 page


Brink-Spalink, G., Wolff, J.-O., Stanev, E.V., (2005) Modelling mud and sand transport in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. In Flemming, B., D. Hartmann, and M.T. Delafontaine (eds). From particle size to sediment dynamics, Research Centre Terramare Reports, No 13, 21-24 >>Download<<

Stanev E. V., G. Brink-Spalink G, and J.-O. Wolff (2005) Transport controlled sediment patterns in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. In Flemming, B., D. Hartmann, and M.T. Delafontaine (eds). From particle size to sediment dynamics, Research Centre Terramare Reports, No 13,141-146 >>Download<<

Tambke, J., Lange, M., Focken, U., Wolff, J.-O., Bye, J.A.T., (2005), Forecasting Offshore Wind Speeds above the North Sea , Wind Energy, Vol (8), 3-16. >>Download<<

Tambke, J., L. v. Bremen , C. Poppinga, J.-O. Wolff, J.A.T. Bye: Forecasting Wind Power above North and Baltic Sea using Combined and Refined Numerical Weather Predictions. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Glasgow , 2005

Tambke, J., J.A.T. Bye, B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff: Wind Velocity Profiles up to 100m above the North Sea - Observations compared to a Model of Wave-Coupled Ekman Layers. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.7, 06884, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-06884

Tambke, J., J.A.T. Bye, B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff: Wind Speeds and Momentum Fluxes in the Marine Boundary Layer of the North Sea - Predictions and 1 Year Measurements up to 100m Height. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, Utrecht, 12-16 September 2005, abstract

Tambke, J., M. Lange, U. Focken, L. v. Bremen , B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff: Wind Speed Forecasts for the North and Baltic Sea - Verification against 10m to 100m Observations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.7, 10222, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-10222

Tambke, J., J.A.T. Bye, L. Claveri, L. v. Bremen, C. Poppinga, U. Graewe, B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff, (2005), Marine Meteorology for Multi-Mega-Watt Turbines, Copenhagen Offshore Wind 2005 >>download<<

Tambke, J., J.A.T. Bye, B. Lange, J.-O. Wolff: Wind Speed Profiles above the North Sea. EUROMECH Colloquium Wind Energy, Oldenburg, 2005 (*)

Tambke, J., C. Poppinga, L.v. Bremen, L. Claveri, M. Lange, U. Focken, J.A.T. Bye, J.-O. Wolff: Forecasting 25GW Wind Power above North and Baltic Sea. Proceedings of the Copenhagen Offshore Wind Conference COW, Copenhagen, 2005

Tambke, J., C. Poppinga, L. Claveri, L. v. Bremen, U. Gräwe: Quality of two different Wind Speed Forecasts for the North and Baltic Sea. Fifth Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, Abstract-No. EMS05-A-00410, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, ISSN 1812-7053, Utrecht, 2005

Wolff, J.-O., (2005), Rintoul received the 2005 Georg Wüst Prize, Ocean Dynamics, Vol (55), 65-67, ISSN: 1616-7341 (Paper) 1616-7228 (Online)

Wolff, J.-O., Witschel, C., (2005), Online First publication. Ocean Dynamics, Vol(55) 1, ISSN: 1616-7341 (Paper) 1616-7228 (Online) DOI: 10.1007/s10236-004-0107-6, p 1


Brink-Spalink, G., Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., (2004), Investigation of the dynamics of sediment transport in the East Frisian Wadden Sea with a numerical model, Geophys. Res. Abstr., Vol 6, 2004, EGU Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006

Bye, J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., (2004), Prediction of the drag law for air-sea momentum exchange, Ocean Dynamics, Vol 54(6), 577-580, ISSN 1616-7341 >>Download<<

Lange, M., Tambke, J., Focken, U., Wolff, J.-O., Bye, J.A.T., (2004), Forecasting offshore wind power, EWEA Special Topic Conference "The Science of making Torque from Wind", Delft (2004), G.A.M. van Kuik (Ed.), Proceedings, 384-394, ISBN 90-76468-10-9

Olbers, D., Borowski, D., Völker, C., Wolff, J.-O., (2004), The dynamical balance, circulation and transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Antarctic Science, 16, 439-470, doi: 10.1017/S0954 102004002251 >>download<<

Stanev, E.V., Brink-Spalink, G., Wolff, J.-O., (2004), Transport controlled sediment patterns in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, HWK Workshop >>Download<<

Stanev, E.V., Brink-Spalink, G., Wolff, J.-O., (2004), Transport controlled sediment patterns in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Geophys. Res. Abstr., Vol 6, 2004, EGU Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006

Stanev, E.V., Brink-Spalink, G., Wolff, J.-O., (2004), On the sensitivity of the sediment system in the East Frisian Wadden Sea to Climate Change. In. Gönnert, G., H. Grassl, D. Kellelat, H. Kunz, B. Probst, H. von Storch and J. Sündermann (eds), Climate change and coastal protection, 63-72.

J. Tambke, J. A. T. Bye, J.-O. Wolff, S. Tautz, B. Lange, M. Lange, U. Focken: Modelling Offshore Wind Profiles using Inertially Coupled Wave Boundary Layers. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, London, 2004

J. Tambke, J. A. T. Bye, M. Lange, U. Focken, J.-O. Wolff: Wind Profiles over the North Sea - Measurements compared to an Air-Sea-Interaction Model. Proc. German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK, Wilhelmshaven, 2004


Brink-Spalink, G., Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., (2003), A three-dimensional sediment transport model for the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, extended abstract for RCEM 2003, Barcelona, 1-5 September 2003 >>Download<<

Brink-Spalink, G., Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., (2003), On numerical modelling of sediment dynamics in the East-Friesian Wadden Sea, abstract for Sediment2003, Wilhelmshaven, 10-13 June 2003 >>Download<<

Brink-Spalink G, Stanev EV, Wolff J-O (2003) On numerical modelling of sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, In: Rullkötter J (ed) BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats, Research Centre Terramare Reports 12:39-42

Bye, J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., (2003), The use of the surface Stokes drift in the determination of the surface shear stress over the ocean, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006 >>Download<<

Stanev, E.V., Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Wolff, J.-O., (2003), Vertical circulation in shallow tidal inlets and back barrier basins, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006 >>Download<<

Stanev, E.V., Flöser, G., Wolff, J.-O., (2003), First- and higher order dynamical controls on water exchanges between tidal basins and the open ocean. A Case Study for the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Ocean Dynamics, PECS Special Issue, Vol 53(3), 146-165, ISSN 1616-7341>>Download<<

Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., (2003), Temporal and spatial asymmetries in the tidal response of shallow inlets and back-barrier basins, abstract for IUGG2003, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11, 2003, [ stanev03d.asp .]

Stanev EV, Wolff J-O (2003), Tidal Response Shaped by Nonlinear Topographic Control, In: Rullkötter J (ed) BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats, Research Centre Terramare Reports 12:112-117 >>Download<<.

Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., Burchard, H., Bolding, K., Flöser, G., (2003), On the Circulation in the East Frisian Wadden Sea: Numerical modelling and data analysis, Ocean Dynamics, Vol 53(1), 27-51, ISSN 1616-7341, >>Download<<

Wolff, J.-O., Flemming, B.W., (2003), On hydro- and sediment-dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, ISSN 1029-7006

Wolff, J.-O., Flemming, B.W., (2003), Tidal Asymmetries, Water Exchanges and Sediment Transports in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, In: Rullkötter J (ed) BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats, Research Centre Terramare Reports 12:132-137 >>Download<<

Wolff, J.-O., Stanev, E.V., Brink-Spalink, G., (2003), Hydro- and sediment dynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, Southern North Sea, abstract for 8th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modelling, Monterey, California


Borth, H., V. M. Gryanik, D. Olbers and J.-O. Wolff, (2002), Hetonic vortex streets and a new model of quasi-stationary intermittent fronts, EGS 2002, ISSN 1029-7006, EGS02-A-03970

Bye, J.A.T and J.-O. Wolff, (2002), The influence of wind-waves on the transfer of momentum to the ocean general circulation, EGS 2002, ISSN 1029-7006, EGS02-A-00142

Hohlfeld, M. and J.-O. Wolff, (2002), Distributed Information Systems in Marine Science , Oceanography, Vol. 15(1), 109-111, ISSN 1042-8275

Rintoul, S. R., J.-O. Wolff, B. Griffiths, N. Bindoff, J. Church, B. Tilbrook, J. Parslow, M. Rosenberg, (2002), Southern Ocean processes and climate: recent progress by ANARE. In: Australian antarctic science: the first 50 years of ANARE, H. J. Marchant, D. J. Lugg, and P. G. Quilty (Ed.), Australian Antarctic Division. pp. 519-540, ISBN 1 876934 05 0

Stanev, E.V., Flöser, G., Wolff, J.-O., (2002), An estimate of water exchanges between the East Frisian Sea and the soutern North Sea, In: The 11th International Biennial Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas in Hamburg, Germany, September 17-20, 2002, 94-97

Stanev, E.V., Flöser, G., Wolff, J.-O., Burchard, H. and K. Bolding, (2002), On the Circulation in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Numerical modelling and data analysis, PECS 2002, abstract

Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., Flöser, G., Burchard, H. and K. Bolding, (2002), On the Circulation in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Eulerian and Lagrangian characteristics derived from numerical simulations, EGS 2002, ISSN 1029-7006, EGS02-A-01988


Becker, G., Wolff, J.-O., (2001), Editorial, Ocean Dynamics, 52(1), 1, ISSN 1616-7341

Bye, J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., (2001), Momentum transfer at the ocean-atmosphere interface: the wave basis for the inertial coupling approach, Ocean Dynamics , 52, 2, 51-57; DOI 10.1007/s102360100001 >>Download<<

Bye, J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., (2001), Quasi-Geostrophic Modelling of the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol 33, 609-617.

Hohlfeld, M., Wolff, J.-O., (2001), Call for the establishment of a working group, Mitteilungen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, Vol (2001)/1, 3-4, ISSN 0938-9911.

Marsland, S., Wolff, J.-O., (2001), On the sensitivity of Southern Ocean sea ice to the surface freshwater flux: A model study, J. Geophys. Res., 106 (C2): 2723-2741

Rullkötter, J., Wolff, J.-O., (2001), BioGeoChemistry of the tidal flats: a new DFG research group in Oldenburg, Mitteilungen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, Vol (2001)/1, 9, ISSN 0938-9911

Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., Burchard, H., Bolding, K., (2001), On the sensitivity of the East-Frisian Wadden Sea to external forcing, Joint Assemblies of IAPSO-IABO, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 21-28 October, 2001, abstract

Wolff, J.-O., Stanev, E.V., Bolding, K., Burchard, H., (2001), Turbulence characteristics in a primitive equation sigma coordinate model of the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, 2001, Geophys. Res. Abstr, Vol 3, 3579, ISSN 1029-7006


Becker, G. and J.-O. Wolff, (2000), Ocean Dynamics: A new scientific journal for marine research, Mitteilungen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, Vol (2000)/4, 31-32, ISSN 0938-9911

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (2000), Sensitivity of Southern Ocean Sea Ice to the Surface Fresh Water Flux, 24th European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Nice, April 2000, abstract

Olbers, D. J., J.-O. Wolff and C. Völker, (2000), Eddy-fluxes and Second Order Moment Balances for non-homogeneous Quasigeostrophic Turbulence in Wind-driven zonal flows, J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol 30(7), 1645-1668.


Bye, J. A. T. and J.-O. Wolff, (1999), Atmosphere-ocean momentum exchange in general circulation models, J. Phys. Oceanogr. , Vol 29(4), 671-692.

Olbers, D. J., J.-O. Wolff and C. Völker, (1999), Eddy-fluxes and Second Order Moment Balances for non-homogeneous Quasigeostrophic Turbulence in Wind-driven zonal flows, Berichte Fachbereich Physik, Alfred-Wegener Institut for Polar- and Marine Science, No. 95, 30 pp.

Wolff, J.-O., (1999), Modelling the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Eddy-dynamics and their parameterization , Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol 14, 317-326.

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1999), Large density contrast quasi-geostrophic modelling, WMO report No. 28 on "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling", (H. Ritchie, Ed.), 9.16.

Wolff, J.-O., J. A. T. Bye and R. A. Madden, (1999), The quasi-geostrophic response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to inertially coupled scatterometer winds, WMO report No. 28 on "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling", (H. Ritchie, Ed.), 2.51


Ivchenko, V. O., K. J. Richards, B. Sinha and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), Parameterization of meso-scale eddy fluxes in zonal flow of the ocean, J. Mar. Res., 55(6), 1127-1162

CLIVAR Sub-Committee of the Australian National Committee for Climate and Global Change (1998) Beyond El Nino: The Australian CLIVAR Plan, Australian Academy of Sciences, ISBN 0858472120, 92 pp.

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1998), East Antarctic seasonal sea-ice and ocean stability: a model study, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 27, 477-482.

Marsland and J.-O. Wolff, (1998), East Antarctic High-Resolution Coupled Ocean/Sea-Ice Model, WMO report No. 27 on "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling", (A. Staniforth, Ed.), 8.31-8.32.

Wolff, J.-O., (1998), Antarctic sea-ice simulations with a coupled ocean/sea-ice model on a telescoped grid, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 27, 495-500.

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1998), Drift patterns in an Antarctic channel from a quasi-geostrophic model with surface friction, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 27, 501-506.

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1998), OGCM simulations using an inertial surface shear stress relation, WMO report No. 27 on "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling", (A. Staniforth, Ed.), 8.49-8.50.

Wolff, J.-O., J. A. T. Bye and R. Madden, (1998), The quasi-geostrophic response of the€C to inertially coupled scatterometer winds, 1998 WOCE Conference on Ocean Circulation and Climate, Halifax, May 24-29, 1998, abstract, 142.

Wolff, J.-O. and S. Marsland, (1998), High-resolution coupled ocean/sea-ice modelling, Australasians Atmospheres and Oceans '98, Wellington, New Zealand, 9-12 February, 1998, abstract, 120.

Wolff, J.-O. and S. Marsland, (1998), Southern Ocean Coupled Ocean/Sea-Ice Modelling at Medium and High Resolutions, 23rd European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Nice, April 20-24, 1998, C587.


Bindoff, N. L., R. Coleman, H. van Gysen and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), The role of heat fluxes and winds on seasonal sea-level signals, Proceedings of ORI Symposium on "Global Geodynamics Coupled with Variations of Atmosphere and Ocean", Tokyo, October 26-27, 1996, 45-57.

Bye, J. A. T. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), A quasi-geostrophic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with inertial coupling, Southern Ocean Workshop, National Tidal Facility, Adelaide, April 22 - 23, 1996, Proceedings, 7 pp.

Bye, J. A. T. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), Momentum Balance in OGCMs with surface friction, 4th AMOS National Conference, Sydney, February 10-12, 1997, abstract, 9.

Bye, J.A.T. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), Quasi-geostrophic modelling of the coupled ocean atmosphere, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Hobart, December 8-11, 1997, Proceedings, 54-58.

Ivchenko, V. O., K. J. Richards, B. Sinha and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), Parameterization of meso-scale eddy fluxes in zonal flow of the ocean, J. Mar. Res., 55(6), 1127-1162.

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), A regional high-resolution coupled ocean/sea-ice model, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, WP1H

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), East Antarctic Seasonal Sea-Ice and Ocean Stability: A Model Study, Antarctica and Global Change Symposium, Hobart, July 13-18, 1997, abstract, 0505.

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), A regional high-resolution coupled ocean/sea-ice model, ANARE Jubilee Science Symposium, Hobart, July 20 - 23, 1997, poster.

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), Seasonal sea-ice ocean stability and the oceanic heat flux in East Antarctica, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Hobart, December 8-11, 1997, poster.

Olbers, D. J., J.-O. Wolff, V. O. Ivchenko and C. Völker, (1997), Eddy-flux parameterizations of wind-driven quasigeostrophic zonal flows, Berichte Fachbereich Physik, Alfred-Wegener Institut for Polar- and Marine Science, No. 83, 39 pp.

Rintoul, S. R., N. Bindoff, J. Church, B. Griffiths, J. Parslow, P. Sedwick, B. Tillbrook, T. Trull and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), The Southern Ocean and Climate: Recent Progress by ANARE, Aurora-ANARE Club Journal, 16(4), 22-24.

Schröter, J. and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), On the Assimilation of Large Scale Altimeter Data into PE Models, European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, April, 1997, abstract.

Schröter, J., J.-O. Wolff, N. L. Bindoff and R. Coleman, (1997), Assimilation of Large Scale Satellite Altimeter Data in a PE Model of the Southern Ocean, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, CGP4f.

Schröter, J., N. Bindoff, R. Coleman, J.-O. Wolff and M. Yaremchuk, (1997), Assimilation of long wavelength altimetry, Intl. Symposium on "Monitoring the Oceans in the 2000s: An Integrated Approach", Biarritz, France, October 15-17, 1997, abstract, 4/14.

van Gysen, H., R. Coleman, N. L. Bindoff and J.-O. Wolff, (1997), Oceanic Excitation of Length-of-Day Fluctuations from TOPEX/Poseidon, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, JPGM10L.

Wolff, J.-O., (1997), Global and Regional Sea Level Variability - Results from a Range of Ocean Models, Southern Ocean Workshop, National Tidal Facility, Adelaide, April 22 - 23, 1996, Proceedings, 15pp.

Wolff, J.-O., (1997), Sea-Ice/Ocean Interaction in a Southern Ocean Primitive Equation Model, APOC-AMOS '97, Sydney, February 10-12, 1997, abstract, 91.

Wolff, J.-O., (1997), Antarctic sea-ice simulations with the Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation Model, Antarctica and Global Change Symposium, Hobart, July 13-18, 1997, abstract, 0502.

Wolff, J.-O., (1997), Dynamical and thermodynamical balance of the system SO/ACC, WOCE Southern Ocean Workshop, July 8-13, Hobart, electronic abstract.

Wolff, J.-O., (1997), Modelling the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Eddy-dynamics and their parameterization, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Hobart, December 8-11, 1997, Proceedings, 115-122.

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1997), Quasi-geostrophic solutions of a coupled wind-wave-current model in an Antarctic channel, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, JPM8DD

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1997), Drift patterns in an Antarctic Channel from a quasi-geostrophic model with surface friction, Antarctica and Global Change Symposium, Hobart, July 13-18, 1997, abstract, 0510.

Wolff, J.-O. and M. Latif, (1997), SST/Australian Rainfall relations in a multi-decadal OAGCM integration, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, JPM3T.

Wolff, J.-O., E. Maier-Reimer and S. Legutke, (1997), The Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation Model, Technical Report No. 13, German Climate Computer Center (DKRZ), Modell Betreuungsgruppe (Ed.), 103 pp., ISSN 0940-9327.

Wolff, J.-O., D. J. Olbers, C. Völker and V. O. Ivchenko, (1997), Eddy-flux parameterization for wind-driven quasi-geostrophic flows, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, IP1T

Woolf, A., N. L. Bindoff, J.-O. Wolff and R. Coleman, (1997), Assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry data in an eddy-resolving model of the Southern Ocean, IAMAS/IAPSO 1997 Joint Assemblies, Melbourne, July 1-9, 1997, abstract, IP1MM.

Woolf, A., N. L. Bindoff, J.-O. Wolff and R. Coleman, (1997), Assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON data in a limited-area model of the Southern Ocean, APOC-AMOS '97, Sydney, Australia, 10-12 February, 1997, abstract, 93.


Bindoff, N. L., J.-O. Wolff, A. Woolf and P. De Mey, (1996), Assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON and oceanographic data in the Southern Ocean, BMRC Workshop on "Data assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography" October 1994, P. J. Meighen and J. D. Jasper (Eds.), 183.

Bye, J. A. T. and J.-O. Wolff, (1996), A quasi-geostrophic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with inertial coupling, Southern Ocean Workshop, National Tidal Facility, Adelaide, April 22 - 23, 1996, abstract, 6.

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1996), Regional high-resolution coupled ocean/sea-ice model, The 3rd National AMOS Conference, Hobart, Australia, 5 - 7 February, 1996, abstract, 136.

Marsland, S. and J.-O. Wolff, (1996), Regional high-resolution coupled ocean/sea-ice model, 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, AGU, Brisbane, Australia, 23-27 July, Suppl. to EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77(22), p W48.

Munro, B. A. and J.-O. Wolff, (1996), The dynamical and thermodynamical balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in an eddy-resolving primitive equation ocean model with reentrant channel geometry, The 3rd National AMOS Conference, Hobart, Australia, 5-7 February, 1996, abstract, 140.

van Gysen, H., R. Coleman, N. L. Bindoff and J.-O. Wolff, (1996), The contribution of the oceans to the dynamics of the solid earth as determined by satellite altimetry, 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, AGU, Brisbane, Australia, 23-27 July, Suppl. to EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77(22), p. W16.

Wolff, J.-O., (1996), Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes, The 3rd National AMOS Conference, Hobart, Australia, 5-7 February, 1996, abstract, 158.

Wolff, J.-O., (1996), Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes, The 12th Australian Institute of Physics Congress, Hobart, Australia, 1-5 July, 1996, Proceedings, paper 0501, abstract

Wolff, J.-O., (1996), Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes, Australian National University Supercomputer Facility, Annual Report 1995, 166-167

Wolff, J.-O., (1996), Sea-Ice/Ocean Interaction in a Southern Ocean Sector Model, 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, AGU, Brisbane, Australia, 23 - 27 July, Suppl. to EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77(22), p. W48 (invited).

Wolff, J.-O., (1996), Global and Regional Sea Level Variability - Results from a Range of Ocean Models, Southern Ocean Workshop, National Tidal Facility, Adelaide, April 22 - 23, 1996, abstract, 8.

Wolff, J.-O., (1996), Ocean/Climate Modelling Activities at the Antarctic CRC in Tasmania, CRAY International User Group Meeting, Melbourne, April, 1996, (invited), electronic abstract.

Wolff, J.-O. and N. L. Bindoff, (1996), Southern Ocean Sector Model, The 3rd National AMOS Conference, Hobart, Australia, 5-7 February, 1996, abstract, 159.

Wolff, J.-O. and N. L. Bindoff, (1996), Southern Ocean and Atmosphere Process Model, Australian National University Supercomputer Facility, Annual Report 1995, 163-165.

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1996), Inertial surface stress coupling in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic channel model, Ocean Modelling, 112, 6-8 plus 5 figs.

Wolff, J.-O. and J. A. T. Bye, (1996), Inertial surface stress coupling in a quasi-geostrophic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, AMSA Meeting, July 1996, Hobart, abstract, 94.

Wolff, J.-O. and M. Latif, (1996), Relations between SST and Australian Rainfall in a multi-decadal coupled ocean/atmosphere model, The 3rd National AMOS Conference, Hobart, Australia, 5-7 February, 1996, abstract, 116.

Wolff, J.-O., D. J. Olbers and V. O. Ivchenko, (1996), Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes in Circumpolar Currents, 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, AGU, Brisbane, Australia, 23-27 July, Suppl. to EOS, Transactions, AGU, 77(22), p. W50.

Woolf, A., N. L. Bindoff, J.-O. Wolff and R. Coleman, (1996), Comparison of TOPEX/POSEIDON data with a primitive equation model of the Southern Ocean, The 3rd National AMOS Conference, Hobart, Australia, 5-7 February, 1996, abstract, 119.


Wolff, J.-O., (1995), Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes, Australian National University Supercomputer Facility, Annual Report 1994, 196-197

Wolff, J.-O. and N. L. Bindoff, (1995), Southern Ocean and Atmosphere Process Model, Australian National University Supercomputer Facility, Annual Report 1994, 193-195

Wolff, J.-O., M. Latif and T. P. Barnett, (1995), Southern Ocean climate variability in a multi-decadal global coupled ocean / atmosphere model integration at T42 resolution'', Abstract, IAPSO 1995, Honolulu, USA, (invited).

Wolff, J.-O., M. Latif and T. P. Barnett, (1995), Southern Ocean climate variability in a multi-decadal global coupled ocean / atmosphere model integration at T42 resolution, Abstract, Third International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg, Germany, 4-8 September, 1995, 102.


Bindoff, N. L., J.-O. Wolff, A. Woolf and P. De Mey, (1994), Assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON and oceanographic data in the Southern Ocean, BMRC Workshop on "Data assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography" October 1994, P. J. Meighen and J. D. Jasper (Eds.), abstracts.

Latif, M., T. N. Stockdale, J.-O. Wolff, G. Burgers, E. Maier-Reimer, M. M. Junge, K. Arpe and L. Bengtsson, (1994), Climatology and Variability in the ECHO Coupled GCM , Tellus, 46A, 351-366.

Stockdale, T. N., M. Latif, G. Burgers and J.-O. Wolff, (1994), Some Sensitivities of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM, Report No. 128, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 27 pp.

Stockdale, T. N., M. Latif, G. Burgers and J.-O. Wolff, (1994), Some Sensitivities of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM , Tellus, 46A, 367-380.

TWP, (1994), University of Tasmania SuperComputer Acquisition - Evaluation and Recommendation, internal confidential technical report by the Technical Working Party (Bindoff, Grainger, Johnston, Patterson, Warner, Wolff, Yates), 33 pp.

Wolff, J.-O., (1994), Ocean Modelling Efforts in the Global Climate System, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, National Conference 1994, abstract, (invited), 96

Wolff, J.-O., (1994), Ocean modelling efforts in the global climate system, Austr. Met. Mag., 43(1994), 263-281

Wolff, J.-O., (1994), High Resolution Southern Ocean Sector Model, in BMRC Research Report No. 42 on two workshops on Modelling and observing sea-ice in a coupled environment and Physical Oceanography, S. Power (Ed.), Melbourne, March 1994, Bureau of Meteorology, Dept. of the Environment, Sport and Territories, 29-30

Wolff, J.-O., (1994), Southern Ocean Sector Model, The Oceanographic Society's 1994 Pacific Basin Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 19 - 22, 1994, abstract, p. 73

Wolff, J.-O., (1994), Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes, Australian National University Supercomputer Facility, Annual Report 1993, 188-189

Wolff, J.-O. and N. L. Bindoff, (1994), Southern Ocean and Atmosphere Process Model, Australian National University Supercomputer Facility, Annual Report 1993, 185-187

Wolff, J.-O., Olbers, D.J., V. O. Ivchenko (1994). Parameterization of Potential Vorticity Fluxes in Circumpolar Currents. 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, AGU, Brisbane, Australia, 23-27 July, Suppl. to EOS, Transactions, EOS, 77(22), W50.


Latif, M., T. N. Stockdale, J.-O. Wolff, G. Burgers, E. Maier-Reimer, M. M. Junge, K. Arpe and L. Bengtsson, (1993), Climatology and Variability in the ECHO Coupled GCM, Report No. 114, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 37pp.

Wolff, J.-O., A. V. Klepikov and D. J. Olbers, (1993), On the eddy-enstrophy balance in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic channel model, Ocean Modelling, 101, December 1993, 12 pp.

Wolff, J.-O., T. N. Stockdale, M. Latif, M. M. Junge and E. Maier-Reimer, (1993), Tropical climate variability studied with a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM for ``Research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling, G. J. Boer (Ed.), WMO Report No. 18.


Olbers, D. J., C. Wübber and J.-O. Wolff, (1992), The dynamical balance of wind and buoyancy driven Circumpolar Currents, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Physik, Report No. 32, 47 pp.

Wolff, J.-O. and E. Maier-Reimer, (1992), Southern Ocean Primitive Equation Modelling, in Research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling, G. J. Boer (Ed.), WMO Report No. 17 1992

Wolff, J.-O., M. Latif, E. Maier-Reimer and M. Junge, (1992), Simulation and prediction of tropical climate anomalies with a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM, Abstracts, Sec. Int. Conf. on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, 7-11 Sept. 1992, Hamburg


Wolff, J.-O., E. Maier-Reimer and D. J. Olbers, (1991), Wind-driven flow over topography in a zonal (beta-plane channel: A quasigeostrophic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol. 21, 236-264 >>Download<<


Wolff, J.-O., (1990), On the dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Dissertation at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Hamburg, Examination Paper No. 2, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 142 pp., (Ph.D. Thesis)

Wolff, J.-O., V. O. Ivchenko, A. V. Klepikov and D. J. Olbers, (1990), On the dynamics of zonal flow in the ocean, Dokladi Akademii Nauk USSR, Vol. 313(3), 705-710.

Wolff, J.-O., V. O. Ivchenko, A. V. Klepikov and D. J. Olbers, (1990), On the influence of bottom topography on the dynamics of zonal flow in the ocean, Dokladi Akademii Nauk, USSR, Vol. 313(4), 970-974.

Wolff, J.-O., E. Maier-Reimer and D. J. Olbers, (1990), Wind-driven flow over topography in a zonal beta-plane channel: A quasigeostrophic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Report No. 51, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 65 pp.


Wolff, J.-O., (1989), Literature review on Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, by C. A. J. Fletcher, 915 pages, 1988, Springer, in Mitteilungen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, 3/1989, 28-33

Wolff, J.-O. and D. J. Olbers, (1989), The dynamical balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current studied with an eddy resolving quasigeostrophic model, in Mesoscale/Synoptic Coherent Structures in Geophysical Turbulence, ed. J.C.J. Nihoul and B.M. Jamart , Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 435-458


Wolff, J.-O. and D. J. Olbers, (1988), On the role of topography and bottom friction in the zonal transport and momentum balance of a quasigeostrophic, two-layer eddy-resolving circumpolar current, in 20th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: Mesoscale/Synoptic Coherent Structures in Geophysical Turbulence, Abstracts, 38.


Wolff, J.-O. and D. J. Olbers, (1987), The role of topography in the balance of a quasigeostrophic two-layer eddy-resolving circumpolar current, in Research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling, G. J. Boer (Ed.), WMO Report 1987


Wolff, J.-O., (1985), Turbulence characteristics in a quasigeostrophic model, Diploma thesis at the Department of Geosciences, University of Hamburg, 122 pp, (Diploma thesis in German).


Karsten Lettmann


Kirchner JS, Lettmann KA, Schnetger B, Wolff J-O, Brumsack H-J (2021) Identifying Appropriate Locations for the Accelerated Weathering of Limestone to Reduce CO2 Emissions. Minerals, 11(11), 1261.


Kirchner JS, Lettmann KA, Schnetger B, Wolff J-O, Brumsack H-J (2020) Carbon capture via accelerated weathering of limestone: modelling local impacts on carbonate chemistry of the southern North Sea. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, doi:

Neuholz R, Schnetger B, Kleint C, Koschinsky A, Lettmanna KA, Sander S, Türke A, Walter M, Zitoung R and Brumsack HJ (2020) Near-field hydrothermal plume dynamics at Brothers Volcano (Kermadec Arc): A short-lived radium isotope study. Chemical Geology, Volume 533, doi:

Kirchner JS, Berry A, Ohnemüller F, Schnetger B, Erich E, Brumsack H-J , Lettmann KA (2020) ReducingCO2 Emissions of a Coal-Fired Power Plant via Accelerated Weathering of Limestone: Carbon Capture Efficiency and Environmental Safety. Environmental Science and Technology, (accepted for publication).


Lettmann KA, Schönung M, Fiesinger A, Wüllner T, Hahner F, Suckow J, Schöneich-Argent R, Meyerjürgens J, Tietjen B, Badewien T, Zielinski O, Aden C, Schaal P, Mose I, Stanev E, and Freund H (2019) Modelling the Riverine Transport of Surface-Floating Macroplastic within the River Weser and Investigating its Input into the German Bight and the Southern North Sea. Poster presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-14169, eISSN 1607-7962.

Schadewell Y, Hahner F, Lettmann KA, Janzen T, Collins R, Mariani S, Genner M, Wolff JO and Gerlach G (2019) Evaluating spatial distribution of aquatic animals by modelling water-borne environmental DNA. Conference Poster, FSBI 2019


Schakau V, Lettmann KA, Wolff J-O, Feudel U (2018) Hydrodynamic drivers of Vibrio spp. dynamics and associated health risks in the German Bight, Southern North Sea. Pico presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, eISSN 1607-7962.

Hahner, F., Lettmann, K., Wüllner, T., Heinrich, P., Wolff, J.-O., (2018) A nested structured grid application for barrier islands of the Southern German North-Sea with Lagrangian particle tracking, Conference Poster, IMUM Hamburg 2018.


Bye,J.A.T., -Wolff,J.-O., - Lettmann, K.A. (2017) A note on ocean surface drift with application to surface velocities measured with HF Radar. J Oceanogr, Vol 73, Pages 491 - 502

Lim CH, Lettmann KA, Wolff J-O, Samah AS (2017) Wave dynamics and hydrodynamics in Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Oral presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, eISSN 1607-7962.

Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2017) Impacts of Artificial Limestone Weathering on Carbonate Chemistry of the North Sea - A Model Study, Poster on Goldschmidt Conference, Paris 2017.

Lettmann, K, Kirchner, J., Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modeling Effects of Bicarbonate Release on Carbonate Chemistry and pH of the North Sea: A Pilot Study for Atmospheric CO2 Reduction , Poster on AGU Conference, San Francisco 2016 >>Download poster<<


Peters, B., Babbin, A., Lettmann, K., Mordy, C. , Ulloa, O. , Ward, B., Casciotti, K. (2016) Vertical modeling of the nitrogen cycle in the eastern tropical South Pacific oxygen deficient zone using high resolution concentration and isotope measurements. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol 30, Pages 1661-1681, DOI 10.1002/2016GB005415.

Meinhardt A-K, März C, Schuth S, Lettmann KA, Schnetger B, Wolff J-O, Brumsack H-J (2016) Diagenetic regimes in Arctic Ocean sediments: Implications for sediment geochemistry and core correlation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 125-146.

Singer, A. , Schückel, U., Beck, M., Bleich, O., Brumsack, H.-J., Freund, H., Geimecke, C., Lettmann, K.A. , Millat, G., Staneva, J., Vanselow, A., Westphal, H., Wolff, J.-O., Wurpts, A., Kröncke, I. (2016), Small-scale benthos distribution modelling in a North Sea tidal basin in response to climatic and environmental changes (1970s-2009). Mar Ecol Prog Ser, Vol. 551: 13-30.

Devereux,R., Lettmann, K.A.. , Lehrter, J.C., Beddick, D.L., Yates, D.F., Hoglund, M., Rogers, J.E., Jarvis, B., (2016), Estimating Production and Consumption of Solid Reactive Fe Phases in Marine Sediments from Concentration Profiles. Poster Presentation on Ocean Sciences Meeting, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), 2016, New Orleans, USA, >>Download poster <<

Anja Singer et al, Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2016), Hindcasting and forecasting macrofauna species distribution for the Jade Bay tidal basin (North Sea, Germany) in response to climatic and environmental changes. Presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, eISSN 1607-7962.

Lettmann, K.A., Hardtke-Wolenski, M., (2016), The liver microcirculation might be important in promoting autoimmune hepatitis via maintaining an inflammatory cytokine milieu - A mathematical model study, Poster Presentation on 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Association for the Study of the Liver (GASL).

Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modeling Impacts of Artificial Limestone Weathering on Marine Carbonate Chemistry, Poster on Estuarine Coastal Conference (ECSA 56), Bremen

Kirchner, J. Lettmann, K, Schnetger, B. , Wolff, J.-O., Brumsack, H.-J. (2016) Modelling Effects of Bicarbonate Release on Carbonate Chemistry of the North Sea, Poster on 4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Hobart, Tasmania


Donadi, Serena; Eriksson, Britas Klemens; Lettmann, Karsten A.; Hodapp, Dorothee; Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; Hillebrand, Helmut, (2015), The bodysize structure of macrobenthos changes predictably along gradients of hydrodynamic stress and organic enrichment, Marine Biology (162), pp. 675-68, >>Download<<

Grashorn, Sebastian; Lettmann, Karsten A.; Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; Badewien, Thomas H.; Stanev, Emil V., (2015), East Frisian Wadden Sea hydrodynamics and wave effects in an unstructured-grid model, Ocean dynamics (65), pp. 419-434, >>Download<<

Schakau,V., Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2015), Modelling the seasonal occurrence and distribution of humanpathogenic bacteria within the German Bight, southern North Sea. Oral presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, eISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Schakau,V., Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2015), Modelling the seasonal occurrence and distribution of human-pathogenic bacteria within the German Bight, southern North Sea. Poster presentation on FVCOM User Workshop in Halifax, Canada, October 2015 >>Download poster<<

Wolff, J.-O., Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K.A., Badewien, T.H.,Stanev, E.V. , (2015), Wave energies and wave-induced longshore currents in an unstructured-grid model - circulation in front of barrier islands, southern North Sea. Oral presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, eISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Lettmann, K.A., Hardtke-Wolenski, M., (2015), The liver microcirculation might be important in promoting autoimmune hepatitis via maintaining an inflammatory cytokine milieu - A mathematical model study, Conference abstract for 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Association for the Study of the Liver (GASL), German Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol. 53, Issue 12, pp. 1567-1568


Lettmann, K.A., Hardtke-Wolenski, M., (2014), The importance of liver microcirculation in promoting autoimmune hepatitis via maintaining an inflammatory cytokine milieu - A mathematical model study, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 348, pp. 33-46, >>Download<<

Monien, P., Lettmann, K.A.. , Monien, D., Asendorf, S., Wölfl, A.-C., Lim, C.-H., Thal, J., Schnetger, B., Brumsack, H.-J., (2014), Redox conditions and trace metal cycling in coastal sediments from the maritime Antarctic, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (141), 26-44, >>Download<<

Bye,J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., Lettmann, K.A.. , (2014), On the variability of the Charnock constant and the functional dependence of the drag coefficient on wind speed: Part II observations, Ocean Dynamics, 64(7) 969-974, >>Download<<

Wölfl, A.-C., Lim, C.H., Hass, H.C., Lindhorst, S., Tosonotto, G., Lettmann, K.A., Kuhn, G., Wolff, J.-O., Abele, D., (2014), Distribution and characteristics of marine habitats in a subpolar bay based on hydroacoustics and bed shear stress estimates (Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica), Geo-Marine Letters, 34(5) 435-446, >>Download<<


Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K. , Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Numerical study on wave dynamics and wave-induced bed erosion characteristics in Potter Cove, Antarctica, Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 63, Issue 11-12 , pp. 1151-1174 >>Download<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Tuning the Modelling System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster presentation on American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Franciso, USA, >> Download<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, ISSN 1607-7962, >>Download poster<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2013), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. Poster Presentation on KLIFF Congress, Goettingen, Germany >>Download abstract<< >>Download poster<<

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., Badewien, T.H., Stanev, E.V.. (2013), Radiation stresses and wave energy in a numerical model of the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) during a storm event . Poster Presentation on KLIFF Congress, Goettingen, Germany, >>Download poster<<


Lettmann, KA., Riedinger N, Ramlau R, Knab N, Böttcher M, Khalili A, Wolff J-O, Jørgensen BB (2012) Estimation Of Biogeochemical Rates From Concentration Profiles: A Novel Inverse Method. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 100, pages 26-37, >>Download article<<

Lettmann, K.A., Wolff, J.-O., (2012), Optimization of the Model System FVCOM-SWAVE for long-term Morphodynamic Applications. 11th International Workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics, (IMUM 2012) , Delft, The Netherlands, >>Download poster<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2012), Modelling Waves and Currents in Potter Cove, Antarctica. 4th IMCOAST Workshop >>Download<<

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2012), East-Frisian Wadden Sea hydrodynamics and wave propagation in an unstructured-grid model. Coastal Dynamics 2013 >>Download<<


Lettmann, K., Bleich, O., Rettig, S., Grashorn, S., Kraft D, Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Numerical modelling of cooling water inputs into the Jade bay using the unstructured-mesh model FVCOM, abstract for EGU Conference 2011, Vienna, >>Download abstract<<

Riedel T, Lettmann K, Schnetger B, Beck M, Brumsack H-J, (2011) Rates of trace metal and nutrient diagenesis in an intertidal creek bank. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 134-147, >>Download article<<

Lam, P., M. M. Jensen, A. Kock, Lettmann, K. A. , Y. Plancherel, G. Lavik, H. W. Bange, and M. M. M. Kuypers, Origin and fate of the secondary nitrite maximum in the Arabian Sea, Biogeosciences, 8, 1565-1577, 2011,doi:10.5194/bg-8-1565-2011, >>Download article<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K. , Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Modelling Tidal Dynamics and Flow Patterns over Complex Bottom Topography in Potter Cove, Antarctica, using Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, 3rd International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO-2011) >>Download<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Multiscale Hydrodynamic Modelling of Potter Cove, Maxwell Bay, Antarctica, using an Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, 3rd IMCOAST esf-EUROPOLAR Workshop >>Download<<

Lim, C. H., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Tidal Dynamics and Flow Pattern over Complex Bottom Topography in Potter Cove, Antarctica, IMUM 2011 >>Download<<

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Modelling wave propagation and sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea. YOUMARES 2.0 2011 >>Download<<

Grashorn, S., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2011), Modelling wave propagation and wave-current interaction in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea with the unstructured-mesh modelling system FVCOM-SWAVE, abstract for EGU Conference 2011, Vienna, >>Download<<

Wolff J-O, Lettmann K, Grashorn S (2011) Will the East Frisian Islands still exist in the year 2100? Effects of projected climate change on sediment and hydrodynamics in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Norddeutscher Verbund zur Förderung des Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnens - Research in the HLRN Network 2011, ISBN 978-3-00-034131-1, >>download<<


Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Liebezeit, G., Meier, G., Investigation of the spreading and dilution of domestic waste water inputs into a tidal bay using the finite-volume model FVCOM, abstract for EGU Conference 2010, Vienna, ISSN 1607 - 7962, >>Download abstract<<

Lettmann, K., Riedinger, N., Ramlau, R., Böttcher, M.E., Wolff, J.-O. A new mathematical approach for modelling biogeochemical consumption and production rates from measured vertical concentration profiles in aquatic systems, abstract for EGU Conference 2010, Vienna, ISSN 1607 - 7962 , >>Download abstract<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Liebezeit, G., Meier, G., Investigation of the spreading and dilution of domestic waste water inputs into a tidal bay using the finite-volume model FVCOM, abstract for JONSMOD Conference 2010, Delft, >>Download abstract<<

Riedel, T., Lettmann, K., Beck, M., Brumsack, H.J., (2010), Tidal variations in groundwater storage and associated discharge from an intertidal coastal aquifer , Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans) >>Download<<

Riedel, T., Lettmann, K., Brumsack, H.-J., 2010. Impact of eustatic sea level changes on the salt-water fresh-water interface in coastal ground waters. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, ISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Riedel, T., Lettmann, K., Beck, M., Schnetger, B., Brumsack, H.-J., 2010. Advective flow as an early diagenetic agent in coastal marine sediments. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, ISSN 1607-7962, >>Download abstract<<

Wolff J-O, Lettmann K (2010) High resolution modelling of hydro- and sedimentdynamics with structured and unstructured grids. Leidl R, Hartmann AK (Eds), Modern Computational Science, BIS Verlag, Oldenburg, Summerschool lecture notes, ISBN 978-3-8142-2114-1 >>Download<<


Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea), abstract and poster EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, ISSN 1607 - 7962, >>Download abstract<<, >> Download poster<<

Lettmann, K., Jørgensen, B.B., Khalili, A., A mathematical model for estimating the reactivity of marine organic matter via measured oxidant consumption rates, abstract and poster EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, ISSN 1607 - 7962, >>Download abstract << , >>Download poster<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Badewien, T., (2009), Modelling the impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). Ocean Dynamics Special Issue BioGeoChemistry of tidal flats 59(2) doi 10.1007/s10236-009-0194-5, >>Download article<<

Lettmann, K., Olbers, D. Barotropic and baroclinic processes in the transport variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, poster presentation on DPG (German Physical Society) conference 2009, Hamburg, Germany, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Liebezeit, G., Meier, G., Investigation of the spreading and dilution of domestic waste water inputs into the Jade bay using the finite-volume model FVCOM, talk on UMM2009 conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, >>Download abstract<<

Riedel, T., Lettmann, K. , Beck, M., Brumsack, H.J., (2009), Carbon mineralization in anoxic coastal sediments: The role of advective flow, oral presentation on ASLO 2009 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France, Meeting abstracts, 222,

Riedel, T., Lettmann, K. , Beck, M., Brumsack, H.J., (2009), Tidally forced asymmetric pore water flow in intertidal coastal sediments and its importance for the flux of carbon, nutrients and trace metals, abstract submitted to EGU Conference 2009, Vienna, ISSN 1607 - 7962, >>Download abstract<<


Lettmann, K., Olbers, D., Barotropic and baroclinic processes in the transport variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, talk on EGU Conference 2008, Vienna , >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2008), Investigation of the impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) using the numerical model GETM, extended abstract, PECS 2008, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Investigation of the impact of winter storms on the sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) using the numerical model GETM, abstract EGU Conference 2008, Vienna, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Investigation of the impact of winter storms on the sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) using the numerical model GETM, poster EGU Conference 2008, Vienna, >>Download<<

Knab, N.J., Dale, A.W., Lettmann K., Fossing H., Jorgensen B.B., Thermodynamic and kinetic control on anaerobic oxidation of methane in marine sediments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 72(15):3746-3757, >>Abstract<<

Riedel, T., Beck, M., Lettmann, K., Brumsack, H.J., (2008), Biogeochemistry of Advective Tidal Flat Pore Waters, poster presentation on Goldschmidt meeting 2008, Vancouver, Canada, >>Download<<


Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea, Poster on GV International Conference 2007, Bremen , >>Download<<

Lettmann, K. Wolff, J.-O., (2007), Impact of winter storms on sediment dynamics in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea, 10th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (ECM10), Newport USA, abstract >>Download<<

Olbers, D., Lettmann, K., (2007), Barotropic and baroclinic processes in the transport variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Ocean Dynamics, 57, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-007-0126-1, p.559-578, >>Download<<

Lettmann, K., Olbers, D. Barotropic and baroclinic processes in the transport variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Poster on 2nd International Conference of Earth System Modeling, Hamburg 2007, >>Download<<

Olbers, D., Lettmann, K., Timmermann, R., (2007), Six circumpolar currents - on the forcing of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current by wind and mixing, Ocean Dynamics, 57(1), 12-31, doi: 10.1007/s10236-006-0087-9, >>Download<<

Olbers, D., Lettmann, K., Wolff, J.-O., (2007), Wave-induced topographic formstress in baroclinic channel flow, Ocean Dynamics, 57(6) DOI: 10.1007/s10236-007-0109-2 >>Download<, 31 pages


Lettmann, K., (2006), Investigations on the variability in the Southern Ocean with the ocean circulation model BARBI, State and University Library Bremen

Lettmann, K., Olbers, D., (2006), Investigation of ACC transport and variability through Drake Passage using the simple ocean model BARBI. 2005, Clivar Exchanges, No. 35, pp. 30-32.

Florian Hahner




Stanev E, Badewien T, Freund H, Grayek S, Hahner F, Meyerjürgens J, Ricker M, Schöneich-Argent RI, Wolff J-O, Zielinski O (2019) Extreme westward surface drift in the North Sea: public reports of stranded drifters and Lagrangian tracking, Continental Shelf Research, 177, 24-32, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2019.03.003

Lettmann KA, Schönung M, Fiesinger A, Wüllner T, Hahner F, Suckow J, Schöneich-Argent R, Meyerjürgens J, Tietjen B, Badewien T, Zielinski O, Aden C, Schaal P, Mose I, Stanev E, and Freund H (2019) Modelling the Riverine Transport of Surface-Floating Macroplastic within the River Weser and Investigating its Input into the German Bight and the Southern North Sea. Poster presentation on European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-14169, eISSN 1607-7962.

Schadewell Y, Hahner F, Lettmann KA, Janzen T, Collins R, Mariani S, Genner M, Wolff JO and Gerlach G (2019) Evaluating spatial distribution of aquatic animals by modelling water-borne environmental DNA. Conference Poster, FSBI 2019


Hahner, F., Lettmann, K., Wüllner, T., Heinrich, P., Wolff, J.-O., (2018) A nested structured grid application for barrier islands of the Southern German North-Sea with Lagrangian particle tracking, Conference Poster, IMUM Hamburg 2018.


Schöneich-Argent, R., Ricker, M., Meyerjürgens, J., Hahner, F. &, Stephan, K. (2017) Macroplastics project in the southern North Sea - An interim report. Natur- und Umweltschutz - Zeitschrift der Naturschutz- und Forschungsgemeinschaft Der Mellumrat e.V., Vol. 16, Issue 1 - pp. 26-29.


Schöneich-Argent, R., Stephan, K., Ricker,M., Hahner, F. & J. Meyerjürgens (2016) Plastic - raw material, recyclable material, waste product and global problem. Team of scientists from Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg investigates the pathways of plastic waste in the North Sea. Natur- und Umweltschutz - Zeitschrift der Naturschutz- und Forschungsgemeinschaft Der Mellumrat e.V., Vol. 15, Issue 2 - pp. 64-67

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