Takasumi Kurahashi
![]() | Postdoc Tel.: +49-441-798-3839 Mail: takasumi.kurahashi [at] uni-oldenburg.de |
- Numerical simulations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the ocean.
The response of marine DOM, especially DOC, to the future global change is an important issue because it is one of the largest reservoirs of organic carbon on the Earth’s surface, containing a similar amount as in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, our understanding about the DOM system and about its role in the future global change is still limited. Numerical simulation is a beneficial method to make future projections and to test hypotheses, which would bring us better knowledge of the dynamics of the system. Therefore, the enhancement of the model representation of DOM-related processes and its application call for urgent attention.
keywords: DOM, DOC, DOP, Bacteria, global change, Ocean modelling, UVicESCM
12/2022-present Postdoctoral researcher, ICBM, The University of Oldenburg.
01/2010-11/2022 Researcher, MARUM, The University of Bremen.
05/2015-09/2016 Postdoctoral Fellow, Jacobs University Bremen.
06/2008-10/2009 Visiting Fellow, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol.
04/2008-12/2009 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research fellow, Center fo Climate System Research, The University of Tokyo.
04/2004-03/2008 Postdoctoral researcher, Frontier Research Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC.
04/2001-03/2004 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo.
03/2004 Ph.D. "Evolution of the Surface Environment of Mars: Numerical Studies on the Climate System", Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo.
03/2001 M.Sc. Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo.
03/1999 B.Sc. Department of Geological Science, University of Tokyo.
Numerical modeling is an informative method that helps to describe, understand, and predict the behaviors of complex systems in a quantitative way. The consistent and general motive of my research is an interest in numerical modelling of natural phenomena, and of social phenomena as well.
In natural science, my main focus is on the dynamics of the Earth system. In particular, I have been always interested in the carbon-cycle system of the Earth (and some other planets) because it has a crucial influence on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere that strongly affects the surface environment of them through the global energy balance.
In the field of social science, the dynamics of people’s opinions in a society is a major concern. Analyzing social dynamics with a simplified numerical model will offer a beneficial insight to help our general understanding of phenomena. That will also provide fundamental ideas to design more realistic models for the projection into the future.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, A. Paul, U. Merkel, and M. Schulz, "Glacial state of the global carbon cycle: time-slice simulations for the last glacial maximum with an Earth-system model", Clim. Past, 18, 1997–2019, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-18-1997-2022, 2022.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, A. Paul, G. Munhoven, U. Merkel, and M. Schulz, "Coupling of a sediment diagenesis model (MEDUSA) and an Earth system model (CESM1.2): a contribution toward enhanced marine biogeochemical modelling and long-term climate simulations", Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 825–840, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-825-2020, 2020.
Breitkreuz, C., A. Paul, T. Kurahashi‐Nakamura, M. Losch, and M. Schulz, "A dynamical reconstruction of the global monthly‐mean oxygen isotopic composition of seawater", J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014300, 2018.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, A. Paul, and M. Losch, "Dynamical reconstruction of the global ocean state during the Last Glacial Maximum", Paleoceanography, 32, doi:10.1002/2016PA003001, 2017.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, M. Losch, and A. Paul, "Can sparse proxy data constrain the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation?", Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 419-432, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-419-2014, 2014.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, A. Abe-Ouchi, and Y. Yamanaka, “Effects of physical changes in the ocean on atmospheric pCO2 during the last glacial maximum", Clim. Dyn., DOI10.1007/s00382-009-0609-5, 2010.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, A. Abe-Ouchi, Y. Yamanaka and K. Misumi, “Compound effects of Antarctic sea ice on atmospheric pCO2 change during glacial–interglacial cycle", Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L20708, doi:10.1029/2007GL030898, 2007.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, and E. Tajika, “Atmospheric collapse and transport of carbon dioxide into the subsurface on early Mars”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L18205, doi:10.1029/2006GL027170, 2006.
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, and E. Tajika, “Evolution of the Martian climate: effects of the ice sheets”, Seppyo, Journal of the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp.133-145, 2005 (in Japanese).
Nakamura, Takasumi, and E. Tajika, “Climate change of Mars-like planets due to obliquity variations: implications for Mars”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, No. 13, 1685, doi:10.1029/2002GL016725, 2003.
Nakamura, Takasumi, and E. Tajika, “Stability of the Martian climate system under the seasonal change condition of solar radiation”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.107, no.E11, 5094, doi:10.1029/2001JE001561, 2002.
Nakamura, Takasumi, and E. Tajika, “The Martian Climate System : Its Stability and Evolution”, Planetary People, Journal of the Japanese Society for Planetary Science, vol.10, no.4, pp.192-201, 2001 (in Japanese).
Nakamura, Takasumi, and E. Tajika, “Stability and evolution of the climate system of Mars”, Earth, Planets, and Space, vol.53, pp.851-859, 2001.
Lorenz, Jan, T. Kurahashi-Nakamura, and S. Shikano, "Cycles of public policy mood through opinion dynamics under heterogeneous bounds of confidence" (in prep.).
Kurahashi-Nakamura, Takasumi, M. Mäs, and J. Lorenz, "Robust clustering in generalized bounded confidence models", Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19, (4), 7, DOI:10.18564/jasss.3220, 2016.