Tobias Lunte


Tobias Lunte

Department of Computing Science  (» Postal address)

OFFIS E120 (» Adress and map)

Nach Absprache / by appointment

Tobias Lunte

Tobias is a PhD student and research assistant in the Department of Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems at the University of Oldenburg. He obtained his M.Sc. in Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems here in 2020. His master's thesis was selected as best thesis in the field of Computer Science by the OLDIES e.V.

In his free time, Tobias enjoys hosting board game nights, taking on small DIY projects and biking in and around Oldenburg (at least in summer).


In the area of Assisted Reading, Tobias is researching new ways to support children individually in their reading learning process. For this purpose, the child's gaze behaviour is recorded in real time in order to gain insight into the reading process. The development of these heuristics, necessary for the reliable interpretation of the reading process from the gaze behaviour, forms the first pillar of his research.

Based on these insight into the reading process, various possibilities are investigated to directly recognise emerging reading difficulties and to support the child in overcoming them. The development of appropriate and targeted support, in cooperation with parents, speech therapists and affected children, represents the second research focus.


In teaching, Tobias organises and teaches both practical and theoretical modules for Bachelor and Master students. In the course of the digital summer semester 2020, he helped to develop a concept for the distributed implementation of a practical hardware-related HCI course, the Maker's Lab, which was nominated for best course of 2019/20. In addition, he has restructured the courses Interactive Systems (BSc) and Human-Computer Interaction (MSc) and embedded them into a comprehensive framework for teaching the basics of HCI.

In teaching, he focuses on ethnographic methods of requirements elicitation, application of Gestalt principles in design and the use of quantitative methods in evaluation. In practical courses, Tobias supervises projects in the areas of Gaze Tracking, Physical Computing and Augmented Reality.



  • Susanne Boll, Tjado Ihmels, Tobias Lunte, Heiko Müller, Andrew L. Kun:
    Making, Together, Alone: Experiences from Teaching a Hardware-Oriented Course Remotely. IEEE Pervasive Comput. 19(4): 35-41 (2020)
  • Tobias Lunte, Susanne Boll:
    Towards a gaze-contingent reading assistance for children with difficulties in reading. ASSETS 2020: 83:1-83:4
  • Tobias Lunte, Vanessa Cobus, Rina Ferdinand, Wilko Heuten:
    Targeted Conveyance of Clinical Alarms through Bone-Conductive Sound. ICHI 2020: 1-7



  • Interactive Systems: Fundamentals of Human Centered Design. Winter term, 2020-ongoing


  • Human-Computer Interaction: In-depth insights into Human Centered Design and Human Centered Research. Summer term, 2020-ongoing
  • Maker's Lab: Practical course in physical computing, prototyping and user-oriented hardware development. Summer term, 2020-2021
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality Lecture: Theoretical Foundations of Mixed Reality. Winter term, 2020-2021
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab: Practical course Mixed Reality Research Project. Winter term, 2020-ongoing

Supervised theses and projects


  • Online reading book with interactive reading assistance for primary school pupils: Interactive reading book in which various reading hints for a word can be called up by clicking on it. Bachelor's thesis Jonathan Kutter
  • Gaze for Paper: Reader for scientific articles. Based on the user's gaze behaviour, relevant sources are automatically called up and made available in a sidebar. Human-Computer Interaction; Tobias Bossert and Christopher Heyn
  • Sensor Pet: Zoomorphic reminder system that provides tips for healthy work behaviour. Maker's Lab; Nils Neukirch, Vannessa Pasquel and Thomas Cwil




  • Puzzle Box: design and prototype of a laser-cut box that can only be opened by solving several sensor-based puzzles. Maker's Lab; all participants of the course in 4 groups.
  • Sherlock: AR assistance system for the board game "Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective". Overlays the map of the board game with information about progress within the game and the possibility to take notes attached to locations. ARVR Miniproject; Christian Mittler, Keno Nanninga and Tomas Verardo


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