Susanne Boll


University of Oldenburg

Department of Computing Science
Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems

Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

Mail: Susanne.Boll(at)
Phone: +49 (0) 441 - 97 22 213
Fax:+49 (0) 441 - 97 22 202 
Room: OFFIS O 47

Susanne Boll

Researcher passionate for designing interaction technology for humans

Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll is Professor of Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Oldenburg, in Germany. She serves on the board of the OFFIS–Institute for Information Technology, in Oldenburg. Prof. Dr. Boll earned a doctorate with distinction from the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. She received her Diploma in Computer Science with distinction in from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany in 1996.

Her research field lies at the intersection of human computer interaction and interactive multimedia in which she has an excellent scientific track record. Her research passion is developing interactive technology for people, joining novel innovative technology development with user needs and social acceptance in the center of her research. She is developing novel interaction technology that is shaped toward as respectful and beneficial cooperation of human and technology in a future more and more automated world. Her scientific research projects have a strong connection to industry partners and application partners and addresses highly relevant challenges in the applications field of automation in transportation systems, in interactive health care technologies, and industry 4.0.

Her scientific results have been published in competitive peer-reviewed international conferences, such as Multimedia and CHI as well as internationally recognized journals. She has published more than 250 articles in competitive conferences, workshops, journals and books. She is a highly active member of the scientific community and served as a member on the technical program committees of many renowned conferences and workshops. More recently she professionally was responsible as program chair and general chair of several major international conferences. 

She was very successful in acquiring and coordinating large research projects. Currently she one of the speakers of the Germany Research Center for Innovation in Care , she is co-speaker of the Graduate School on Social and Cultural Embeddedness of Automated Cyber-physical systems . She is also the first researcher who coordinates a prestigious DFG Priority Program in the field of Human Computer Interaction. Under the theme Scalable Interaction Paradigms in Pervasive Computing Environments 20 HCI researchers pursue 11 scientific research projects with 23 PhD students, aiming to understand the nature of interaction with large and complex pervasive computing environments and to explore suitable interaction paradigms. .  

Among other awards, Prof. Dr. Boll and colleagues most recently received the Best Paper Award for TEI 2018 ()  an Honorable Mention Awared at CHI 2020: 

Susanne Boll is ACM Distinguished Member (2019), Fellow of the German Informatics Society (2020), Elected Member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatec), Elected member (Fachkollegiatin) of the German Science Foundation (DFG) board of reviewers in Computer Science since 2016. and spokesperson of this board since 2020.

She is a member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Multimedia Magazine (member since 2006 and an Associate Editor in Chief of IEEE Multimedia since 2014). She is a member of the editorial board of Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications since 2009. She is a member of the Steering Committees of the MobileHCI Conference since 2016 and a member of the steering committee of the AutomotiveUI Conference since 2011, SC Co-Chair sind 2019.

Over her entire academic career, she has been encompassing the importance of equal opportunities and diversity in several ways, on a personal and on a professional level.  She is an active member in Women Chapters in several professional societies. In 2019 she has been elected as the first SIGMM Director of Diversity and Outreach within the SIGMM Executive Committee. 

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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