Project groups



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez


Secretary Julia Franke

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 78

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 72 

A4 - 3rd floor

All Contact Details

Project groups

Project groups

The project group is a special feature within the Master's programme in computer science at the University of Oldenburg. It consists of 6 to 12 participants who work independently on a scientific project over one year.

The project group imparts soft and hard skills which are hardly explicitly teachable. No form of academic teaching course is more oriented on the professional practice than the project group. This is because the project groups teach teamwork, long-term project and time management, practical application of learned concepts and methods and finally a solution-oriented way of working.

Further information is provided via the project group website (in German) of the department of computer science.

Ongoing project groups

Finished project groups
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