PG Wind Park Maintenance Assistant

PG Wind Park Maintenance Assistant

WiPMA Wind Park Maintenance Assistant

The project group Wind Park Maintenance Assistant (WiPMA) supports the research project WiSA Big Data from the department Very Large Business Applications of the University of Oldenburg. This research project is responsible for the development of methods for early fault detection of wind turbines. The WiPMA team consists of 12 master students from the study programs Computer Science and Business Information Systems.

Figure: Team - WiPMA | Source: Team - WiPMA

Aims of the WiPMA project group

The WiPMA project group aims to develop new perspectives in the machine learning field for early fault detection and diagnosis. With the help of the newly developed approaches, it should be possible for the maintenance staff of a wind power plant to optimize and plan maintenance. 

Core areas of the WiPMA project group

  1. Machine-Learning: Selection of machine learning methods for optimal early fault detection.
  2. Analysis: Dashboard development to visualize and analyze collected data as well as schedule maintenance.
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