
NLK organizing committee

Burçin Amet

0441 798 4772

Marina Frank

0441 798 3346

Nadine Pirsch

0441 798 1506

Call for Papers

Due to the current development of the pandemic, the NLK will no longer take place in hybrid form. Instead, it will be held as an online meeting.

22. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium
Knotenpunkte der Sprachwissenschaft, der Sprachdidaktik und des Spracherwerbs

The ‚Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (NLK)’ will hold its 22nd annual conference on 7-8 April 2022, Oldenburg University, Germany.

The German term Knotenpunkte can be translated as junction, which refers to a place where important streets come together and build something similar to a knot (German: Knoten). Using this image as an analogy, our conference is eager to highlight the areas where linguistics, didactics and language acquisition cross-cut and thus, become their own cross-cutting subject areas.

With respect to our topic, we are extremely excited to announce our three keynote speakers for this upcoming conference: Prof. Dr. Juliana Goschler (German as a Second/Foreign Language; Oldenburg University), Prof. Dr. Katrin Kleinschmidt-Schinke (Teaching German (linguistics); Oldenburg University) and Prof. Dr. Jörg Peters (Phonetics/Phonology and Low German; Oldenburg University). It is safe to say that our three keynote speakers will provide inspiring input for all participants.

On April, 7 we will host a public evening lecture with discussion. We are very pleased that we could win Prof. Dr. Anatol Stefanowitsch (language policy, language and discrimination, loan words; Free University of Berlin) for this lecture!

In addition to our three keynote speeches and the public evening lecure, we are looking forward to receiving many interesting abstracts and poster presentations. The submission of abstracts (max. 400 words) and posters in the following areas of expertise and especially in cross-cuts of these areas is particularly encouraged:

  • Linguistics
  • Second language acquisition/foreign language acquisition
  • Language teaching methodology with particular interest in linguistics.

Students working on their Master’s thesis in one of the aforementioned areas are also more than welcome to submit poster presentations.

Abstracts can be submitted in German or English. Please submit word documents (docx) only.

Proposals (abstracts or posters) should be submitted via email (). The deadline is December, 10th 2021. Decisions will be announced mid-January 2022. As we are currently planning to hold the conference in a hybrid format, we will also need to know whether you would like to be physically present or whether you would prefer to participate virtually.

Registration via email for participants without proposals is open until March, 25th 2022.

For all conference-related inquiries, please email us at . Also, check out our website for more information.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Burçin Amet, Marina Frank, Nadine Pirsch

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