Personal homepage based on Stud.IP information

The contact details and profile information entered in Stud.IP are initially visible within Stud.IP and may also be used in the university's own search, where they are displayed in the "Name Register" section. In addition, they can also be embedded in a "real" university website. This makes it possible to have your own "real" personal homepage that is fed entirely from Stud.IP data.

Importance of a personal homepage

While the central contact data, focus areas, profile picture and any course information can also be accessed directly in the university search (when clicking on a name in the "Name Register" section), further profile information such as curriculum vitae, publications, etc. can only be displayed on a separate website. The person's homepage then has its own http address (e.g. according to the pattern, which can also be printed on business cards, for example.

How to create a personal homepage

A webmaster person of your institution can create the person homepage and activate the specific, Stud.IP-based content modules in it, whereby the website automatically loads your Stud.IP information and displays it within the page.

When creating the page, the http address at which the page is to be accessible is also specified. The recommended address is - in its simplicity comparable to the university email address, but in contrast to that with a minus sign between first name and and last name.

How to edit a person homepage

Once the person homepage has been configured to fetch its data from Stud.IP, it can henceforth be maintained entirely from Stud.IP. It then displays this information available in Stud.IP by default:

  • Main focus and profile picture
  • E-mail address and institution-related contact data
  • Courses (automatic listing, if applicable)
  • Publications
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Categories (additional, self-created categories consisting of term and description text)

Note: The terms in bold in the list mean the fields in Stud.IP that you have to fill in yourself.

Please note: When editing the above data in Stud.IP, it usually takes overnight until the update is visible on the person homepage.

You can use the cateories to create any topics with descriptive text yourself (e.g. memberships, conference fees, etc.).

Tip: (Small) pictures and download documents can also be uploaded to Stud.IP and then appear visibly or clickable in the text.

Further processing required?

If there is a need to create special content (e.g. picture galleries) on the site, the possibilities within Stud.IP may no longer be sufficient. In this case, you can apply for your own access to the university content management system TYPO3, which will then give you editing rights for your personal website.

See TYPO3 documentation

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