FSB Fachstudienberatung WiRe


Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics)  (» Postal address)

A5 2-268 (» Adress and map)

Sprechstundentermine nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail, keine offene Sprechstunde. / Consultation hours only by appointment via e-mail, no open consultation hours.

+49 441 798-4280  (F&P

Contact persons

Information and counselling services for students and prospective students

At the University of Oldenburg, there are central counselling offices, such as the Academic Examinations Office (Prüfungsamt), the Admissions Office (Immatrikulationsamt) or also the Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB). In addition, you can benefit from special services and advice at our Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (WiRe). There you will receive support with subject-specific concerns. Each degree programme has counselling centres for, among other things

  • study planning
  • International studies
  • internship

and student interest groups (Fachschaften).

An important point of contact for planning the content and implementation of your degree programme is the departmental academic counselling service. Here you can discuss, for example, concerns regarding the choice of module and focus, orientation for your final thesis or questions about the content of your studies.

You can find the contact persons responsible for your degree programme on this website and on the leaflets of the Academic Counselling Sercive (FSB WiRe).

You can find most of the information about your degree programme on the above-mentioned websites of the contact persons and counselling centres. You should first get information there before you seek personal counselling.

The Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB), the InfoLine Studium and the InfoDesk at the Student Service Centre (SSC) are the first central points of contact for questions about studying.

Central advisory services

You will find the central counselling services mainly in building A12 on the Haarentor campus.

Initial information - study organisation

Study and career counselling service (ZSKB) / InfoLine Studium / Infodesk

Phone: 0441 - 798 2728
Website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/zskb

Application - Admission - Enrolment - Leave of Absence - Fees

Admissions Office 

Contact persons see website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/immatrikulationsamt

Examination matters - Credit transfer

Academic Examinations Office

Contact persons see website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/pruefungsamt

International Studies

International Office

Contact persons see website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/io

Career orientation

Career Counselling (ZSKB)

Website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/beruf-karriere 

Academic counselling at the Department for Business Administration, Economics and Law

Study contents - Module selection - Course planning


Vocational/ In-company

Servicepoint Work Placement

Teodora Bartel, M. A.
Phone: 0441 - 798 4185
Room: A5 2-260
Website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/fk2/studium/servicestelle-praktikum

Berufliche Bildung/ Wirtschaftspädagogik (Zwei-Fächer B.A., M.Ed.)

Dr. Heike Jahncke
Phone: 0441 - 798 4769
Room: A5 0-067

Long-term studies: Counselling in the ENDSPURT project

Britta Lehmann
Phone: 0441 - 798 4591
Room: A5 2-207
Website: www.uol.de/fk2/studium/endspurt-programm

International Studies in the WiRe department

Advisory Service for International Studies, Study Abroad
Kerstin Groscurth, Dipl.-Jur./LL.M.EUR.
Phone: 0441 - 798 4146
Room: A5 2-221
Website: www.uni-oldenburg.de/wire/internationales

Exchange of experience - student representation of interests

Student Council for Economics and Law

Instagram:  @fsr_wire_uol
Website:      www.fsrwire.uni-oldenburg.de

Student Council Sustainability Economics and Management

Instagram:  @fs_semwcm_oldenburg   
Website:      uol.de/sem/studium/fachschaftsrat 

Student Council Politics-Economics

E-mail:        fachschaft-powi@uol.de
Instagram:  @fs_powi_ol 
Website:      uol.de/ioeb/studienangebote/fachschaft-politik-wirtschaft 

Student Council Economic Education

Instagram:  @fs.oekonomischebildung_ol
Website:      uol.de/ioeb/studienangebote/fachschaft-oekonomische-bildung 

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p42406en
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