Core Facility Fluorescence Microscopy

Core Facility Fluorescence Microscopy

Core Facility Fluorescence Microscopy

Welcome to the Fluorescence Microscopy Core Facility at the University of Oldenburg.

We facilitate an access to the to state-of-the-art microscopy equipment, training and assistance required for the broad range of light microscopy for imaging specimens ranging from single molecules to cells and tissue. The center also provide access to image analysis software and we support users in image data analysis and microscopy education.

PhD students, postdoctoral researcher, scientific staff and external academic and industry affiliated users may access our microscopes after a training by the center superusers.

The center of operation being traditionally shared between the faculties V. School of Mathematics and Science and VI. School of Medicine and Health Sciences, the facility has been fully integrated under the administrative umbrella of faculty VI. The regulations of the core facility were adopted by the University presidium in Octobre 2018. Regulations (in German).

For electron microscopy please visit the electron and light microscopy service unit of the School of Mathematics and Sciences.

Levent Gütay (Stand: 22.10.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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