

Former group leader

Prof. Dr. Heribert Cypionka 


Microbiological garden 


Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie


(* = Peer-reviewed)


Cypionka H, Cypionka R (2004) Gespräch auf dem Komposthaufen. In: Lehren fürs Leben, Gropengießer H, Janßen-Bartels A, Sander E (eds.), Aulis Verlag Deubner, Köln, ISBN 3-7614-2565-1, pp. 216-220

Cypionka R, Cypionka H (2004) Leben in der Erdkruste - eine Forschungsreise in die "tiefe Biosphäre". Unterricht Biologie 299:26-28

Cypionka R, Cypionka H (2004) Reise in die tiefe Biosphäre. Unterricht Biologie 299:29-32

*D'Hondt S, Jørgensen BB, Miller DJ, Batzke A, Blake R, Cragg BA, Cypionka H, Dickens GR, Ferdelman T, Hinrichs KU, Holm NG, Mitterer R, Spivack A, Wang G, Bekins B, Engelen B, Ford K, Gettemy G, Rutherford SD, Sass H, Skilbeck CG, Aiello IW, Guèrin G, House C, Inagaki F, Meister P, Naehr T, Niitsuma S, Parkes RJ, Schippers A, Smith DC, Teske A, Wiegel J, Padilla CN, Acosta JLS (2004) Distributions of microbial activities in deep subseafloor sediments. Science 306:2216-2221

*Jaspers E, Overmann J (2004) Ecological significance of microdiversity: Identical 16S rRNA gene sequences can be found in bacteria with highly divergent genomes and ecophysiologies. Appl Environ Microbiol 70:4831-4839

*Pladdies T, Babenzien H-D, Cypionka H (2004) Distribution of Nevskia ramosa and other rosette-forming neustonic bacteria. Microb Ecol 47:218-223

*Sass H, Cypionka H (2004) Isolation of sulfate-reducing bacteria from the terrestrial deep subsurface and description of Desulfovibrio cavernae sp. nov. System Appl Microbiol 27:541-548

*Sass H, Overmann J, Rütters H, Babenzien H-D, Cypionka H (2004) Desulfosporomusa polytropa gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium from sediments of an oligotrophic lake. Arch Microbiol 182:204-211

*Süß J, Engelen B, Cypionka H, Sass H (2004) Quantitative analysis of bacterial communities from Mediterranean sapropels based on cultivation-dependent methods. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 51:109-121



*Bruns A, Nübel U, Cypionka H, Overmann J (2003) Effect of signal compounds and incubation conditions on the culturability of freshwater bacterioplankton. Appl Environ Microbiol 69:1980–1989

*Bruns A, Hoffelner H, Overmann J (2003) A novel approach for high throughput cultivation assays and the isolation of planktonic bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 45:161-171

*Bruns A, Philipp H, Cypionka H, Brinkhoff T (2003) Aeromicrobium marinum, sp. nov., an abundant pelagic bacterium isolated from the German Wadden Sea. Int J Sys Evol Microbiol 53:1917-1923

Cypionka H (2003) Von der Einfalt der Wissenschaft und der Vielfalt der Mikroben. In: Biodiversität: Was kennen und verstehen wir von Artenvielfalt? 3. Stechlin-Forum. Ed.: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Stechlin-Neuglobsow, ISBN 3-00-012422-5, p. 7-12

D'Hondt SL, Jørgensen BB, Miller DJ, Aiello IW, Bekins B, Blake R, Cragg BA, Cypionka H, Dickens GR, Ferdelman T, Ford KH, Gettemy GL, Guèrin G, Hinrichs K-U, Holm N, House CH, Inagaki F, Meister P, Mitterer RM, Naehr TH, Niitsuma S, Parkes RJ, Schippers A, Skilbeck CG, Smith DC, Spivack AJ, Teske A, Wiegel J (2003) Controls on microbial communities in deeply buried sediments, eastern Equatorial Pacific and Peru margin, Sites 1225 - 1231. Proc. ODP, Init. Repts., 201 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web: www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/201_IR/201ir.htm, ISSN 1096-2158

*Sass H, Babenzien C, Babenzien H-D (2003) Sulfate reduction in the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin. Arch Hydrobiol Spec Issues Advanc Limnol 58:37-52

*Sass H, Engelen B, Cypionka H (2003) Die tiefe Biosphäre - Mikrobiologie der Erdkruste. BioSpektrum 9:589-591

Overmann J, Schubert K, Hoffelner H, Engelen B (2003) Characterization of Bacteria in Sapropels, in Overlaying Sediments and Water Layers by a Multidisciplinary Approach. In: Hemleben C, Hoernle K, Jørgensen BB, and Roether W (Eds.), 2001, Ostatlantik - Mittelmeer - Schwarzes Meer, Cruise No. 51, 12 September - 28 December 2001. METEOR-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 03-1, 225 pp. 3-32 - 3-40, ISSN 0936-8957



*Bruns A, Cypionka H, Overmann J (2002) Cyclic AMP and acyl homoserine lactones increase the cultivation efficiency of heterotrophic bacteria from the central Baltic Sea. Appl Environ Microbiol 68:3978-3987

*Coolen MJL, Cypionka H, Sass A, Sass H, Overmann J (2002) Ongoing modification of Mediterranean Pleistocene sapropels by green nonsulfur bacteria and crenarchaeota. Science 296:2407-2410

Cypionka H (2002) Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie. 2. Aufl., Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 3-540-43641-3, 305pp
[Homepage zum Buch]

*Glaeser J, Baneras L, Rütters H, Overmann J (2002) Novel bacteriochlorophyll e structures and species-specific variability of pigment composition in green sulfur bacteria. Arch Microbiol 177:475-485

*Rütters H, Sass H, Cypionka H, Rullkötter J (2002) Microbial communities in a Wadden Sea sediment core - clues from analyses of intact glyceride lipids, and released fatty acids. Org Geochem 33:803-816

*Rütters H, Sass H, Cypionka H, Rullkötter J (2002) Phospholipid analysis as a tool to study microbial communities. J Microbiol Meth 48:149-160

*Sass AM, Eschemann A, Kühl M, Thar R, Sass H, Cypionka H (2002) Growth and chemosensory behavior of sulfate-reducing bacteria in oxygen-sulfide gradients. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 40:47-54

*Sass AM, Rütters H, Cypionka H, Sass H (2002) Desulfobulbus mediterraneus sp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium growing on mono- and disaccharides. Arch Microbiol 177:468-474

*Sydow U, Wohland P, Wolke I, Cypionka H (2002) Bioenergetics of the alkaliphilic sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans. Microbiology (UK) 148:853-860


*Baumgarten A, Redenius I, Kranczoch J, Cypionka H (2001) Periplasmic oxygen reduction by Desulfovibrio species. Arch Microbiol 176:306-309

Imhoff JF, Overmann J (2001) Genus Thiorhodovibrio. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 2, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, ISBN 0-387-95040-0

*Jaspers E, Nauhaus K, Cypionka H, Overmann J (2001) Multitude and temporal variability of ecological niches as indicated by the diversity of cultivated bacterioplankton. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 36:153-164

*Permentier HP, Neerken S, Overmann J, Amesz J (2001) A bacteriochlorophyll a antenna complex from purple bacteria absorbing at 963 nm. Biochemistry 40:5573-5578

*Pickering IJ, George GN, Yu EY, Brune DC, Tuschak C, Overmann J, Beatty JT, Prince RC (2001) Analysis of sulfur biochemistry of sulfur bacteria using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Biochemistry 40:8138-8145

Overmann J (2001) Green Sulfur Bacteria. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 1, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, ISBN 0-387-98771-1

*Rütters H, Sass H, Cypionka H, Rullkötter J (2001) Monoalkylether phospholipids in the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfosarcina variabilis and Desulforhabdus amnigenus. Arch Microbiol 176:435-442

*Sass AM, Sass H, Coolen MJL, Cypionka H, Overmann J (2001) Microbial communities in the chemocline of a hypersaline deep-sea basin (Urania basin, Mediterranean Sea). Appl Environ Microbiol 67:5392-5402

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