Macroplastics North Sea (finished)

Duration: 2016 - 2020
Funded by: MWK - Lower Saxony

Prof. Dr. Jörg-Olaf Wolff Florian Hahner Dr. Karsten Lettmann

Internet: Project page Project page ICBM

Macroplastics North Sea (finished)

Macroplastics in the Southern North Sea Sources, Sinks and Avoidance Strategies

MWK Call for Proposals "Coastal and Marine Research in Lower Saxony

Project coordination: Prof. Dr. J.-O. Wolff (ICBM)
Co-responsible: Florian Hahner, Dr. K. Lettmann

"The steadily increasing pollution of the oceans with long-lived plastic waste is a global problem with profound impacts on marine ecosystems, especially also on Lower Saxony's coasts and island beaches. This project will investigate dispersal pathways and pollution areas of drifting macroplastics ("visible plastic parts") with computer simulations and determine the main regional sources of pollution. Monitoring, analysis and coastal observing systems, with the active involvement of citizens, will identify possible ways to plan abatement strategies."

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Macroplastics project

Project Macroplastics North Sea


Video about the project

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