Course contents


Basic modules
Basic modules convey basic theoretical and application-oriented approaches of business and economics approaches to sustainability management and sustainability economics as well as interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in environmental, natural and social sciences.
The five basic modules are compulsory for all students and are recommended for the first semester.

Accent modules
Accent modules provide further theoretical and application-oriented knowledge in the core subjects of economics. The four compulsory accent modules should be taken in the second and third semester.

Supplementary modules
Supplementary modules can be chosen by the students and combined freely. They aim at imparting specific application-oriented knowledge with high relevance to the professional field. In total, students can choose six supplementary modules. As a rule, two of these should be taken in the summer semester and four in the winter semester.

Master thesis + colloquium
The Master's thesis should show that the student is able to independently work on a scientific problem according to scientific methods and application-oriented. The topic of the Master's thesis should be chosen in such a way that the student can demonstrate his or her in-depth knowledge of the economic analysis of sustainability problems and the ability to independently conduct interdisciplinary scientific and practical work, including mastery of scientific methods.
The research colloquium for the Master's thesis serves to deepen the student's scientific methodological competence.

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