Extension modules

Extension modules

Extension modules are freely selectable and combinable by the students. They target the conveyance of specific application-oriented knowledge with high relevance to the professional fields. Students can choose six out of 47 extension modules. Normally two of them should be taken in summer, four in the winter semester.

One extension module on master level is selectable out of the teaching offer from economic, law, natural sciences or humanities based on the respective legal bases..

The modules have a workload of each 56 hours (contact hours) + 124 hours (self-study). Each counts 6 credit points.

The following list shows a selection of extension modules:

lök210 Naturschutz in der Praxis/ Practice of Nature Conservation

For this module, students can choose from a variety of courses offered.

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours per week
Teaching language: German, English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 98 hours


  • Seminar "Protected areas and regional development": overview of the most important types of large protected areas in Europe as well as current concepts for the integration of the protection purposes with the tasks of regional development, in particular in peripheral rural areas.
  • Seminar "Fundamentals of Nature Conservation Law": In this course, the current nature conservation law of the federal government and the federal state of Lower Saxony is presented and discussed using case studies. - this course takes place in the winter semester.
  • Practical course "Biotopverbund" ("Habitat connectivity"): Theory of biotope connectivity and habitat connectivity, incl. causes and effects of fragmentation and isolation of semi-natural habitats; investigation of migration and dispersal behavior of selected dragonfly species in ditch systems.
  • Excursion "Area protection": Presentation of a German or European large protected area with special consideration of geographical, floristic, faunistic, nature conservation, historical and agricultural as well as landscape and economic aspects.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Ingo Mose und Prof. Dr. Rainer Buchwald

For further information please see the schedule of events

lök320 Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung in Europa/ Sustainable Spatial Development in Europe (Engl.)

For this module, students can choose from a variety of courses offered.

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually
Learning/teaching method: 10 hours per week
Teaching language: English, German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 140 hours


  • Space and society (3 ECTS) 

Thematization of selected conceptualizations of space and landscape, different spatial use claims of various social actors as well as resulting control requirements in the sense of sustainable spatial development.

  • Current topics in agriculture and agricultural policy (1.5 ECTS).

Overview of current issues and problems in agriculture as well as agricultural policy and its strategic-instrumental implementation based on selected examples.

  • Sustainable tourism (3 ECTS)

Presentation of different concepts and strategies of sustainable tourism and its practical implementation from the supply and demand perspective. Illustration with selected examples from the European context.

  • Renewable energy planning (3 ECTS)

Overview of the different forms of renewable energy and the associated requirements for spatial development in a primarily planning and stakeholder-oriented perspective. Illustration by means of selected examples from the European context.

  • Colloquium on sustainable spatial development (1.5 ECTS)

Overview of current theoretical approaches, concepts, instruments and practical fields of action of sustainable spatial development in the national and European context. Up to three one-day excursions with a changing thematic focus in northwestern Germany are offered as an integrated part of the module's seminar courses.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Ingo Mose

For further information please see the schedule of events

lök998 Umweltplanung / Environmental Planning

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: -
Learning/teaching method: -
Teaching language: -
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours


Module responsible:

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir821 International Trade, Production and Change (Engl.)

The module is composed of the following courses:

  • International Trade and Transnational Production (Summer semester)
  • Economic Transformation and Integration (Summer semester)

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, Summer semester
Learning/teaching mode: Seminar (2 h/week) each
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 3.00 each
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The lectures and seminar papers address issues in the following subfields:

  • international trade
  • international trade policies and regimes
  • geographical economics
  • foreign direct investment
  • labor migration
  • fragmentation of production
  • regulations of international trade and factor movements
  • development strategies
  • regional integration

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir826 Sectoral, Functional und Institutional Approaches in Marketing

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually
Learning/teaching method: 4h per week
Teaching language: German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

Marketing, originally a strongly manufacturer-oriented concept, has developed in recent decades into a universal approach to the targeted influencing of market transactions. Against this background, special fields of application from an institutional, functional and sectoral point of view have been taken up in the formulation of independent marketing approaches, such as marketing for non-profit organizations, strategic marketing or service marketing. The course will highlight the specifics of the respective fields of application and their consequences for marketing planning. In particular, the current inflation of "hyphen" marketing concepts raises the question of the identity core of marketing, which will be subject to a reasoned assessment. To this end, transfer and integration perspectives between the approaches are to be developed, which actually take into account both current theoretical and practical demands on marketing as a universal approach to market-oriented corporate management. The course is divided into a preparatory seminar and a block seminar towards the end of the semester. The latter allows to acquire interdisciplinary social competences within the framework of case study and role play work as well as work presentations.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Raabe

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir829 Lines of Development in Marketing Research

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: yearly, winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 4h/per week
Teaching language: German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

Students should be able to systematically implement knowledge interests in marketing by means of research strategy competence. To constructively and critically question research strategies in marketing. To assess the significance, application conditions and limitations of marketing research contributions on the basis of scientific theory. To formulate interdisciplinary research strategies by linking empirical-methodical and theoretical competences. The question of knowledge generation in marketing currently raises central paradigmatic challenges. Based on a historical analysis of the development of the marketing concept, the course aims to elaborate different basic positions in theoretical and empirical orientation of marketing-oriented research and to critically evaluate them in the light of current developments. The subject of the course is an intensive examination of the prevailing paradigms of consumer research as well as the basic scientific theoretical orientations in marketing research and the reflection of alternative lines of development (e.g. through a cultural studies paradigm). The course is divided into a preparatory seminar and a block seminar towards the end of the semester. The latter allows to acquire interdisciplinary social competences within the framework of case study and role play work as well as work presentations.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Raabe

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir832 Innovation Management (Engl.)

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4h per week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

In today's highly dynamic business environment, innovation is the key to the success of most firms. Moreover, technological and organizational innovations represent valuable instruments for achieving progress toward sustainable development. Against this background, this module familiarizes students with the tools and processes for managing innovation and for developing overall more innovative firms. The module comprises a lecture and a seminar. In the lecture, students become acquainted with the drivers to and role of innovation; they learn about designing innovative firms and developing innovation strategies; they get to know the different sources of innovation; they familiarize themselves with the methods for choosing between alternative planned innovations; they learn how innovation is implemented; and they understand how innovation benefits are exploited. The accompanying seminar is supposed to familiarize the students with select advanced topics surrounding the management of innovation. Moreover, the students train their skills in working in teams, in working with scientific literature, in academic writing, and in presenting in front of a large audience.

Organizational change, creative destruction, ambidexterity, exploration, exploitation, absorptive capacity, sustainability transitions, innovation models, innovation networks, innovation strategy, innovation ecosystems, diffusion of innovations, organizational routines, entrepreneurship, new ventures, etc.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christian Busse

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir850 Gründungsberatung

Framework conditions:
Duration: 2 semesters
Frequency: annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4h per week
Teaching language: German/English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The aim of the module is to introduce students to interdisciplinary perspectives on consulting (topics, people, qualifications) with a special focus on the support of start-up projects. The module "Start-up Counseling" offers students the opportunity to deal with the specifics and (future) professionalization challenges of counseling founders in a scientific as well as application-oriented way. At the same time, you will gain insights into the start-up scene.
Through the involvement of a start-up team as a case study provider, students have the opportunity to develop, test and evaluate their consulting concepts under real conditions.

Module responsible:
apl. Prof. Dr. Stephanie Birkner

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir863/866 Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache: Chinesisch I/II

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually
Learning/teaching method: 4h per week
Teaching language: English, Chinese
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

- communicate in everyday and professional life.
- recognize and understand 200 characters and words.
- understand expressions that are encountered very often in everyday life.
- understand simple sentences in familiar topics, clear instructions, simple questions and information,
when someone speaks slowly and clearly.
- ask simple questions orally on familiar topics.
- answer simple questions orally on familiar topics.
- give simple personal information in writing.
- enter e.g. name, age, address and origin in appropriate forms.
- write about themselves in simple sentences

Thematic vocabulary in the following areas: Personal information, food, shopping, changing money at the bank, etc.
Reading: simple dialogues and texts from everyday life.
Listening: short and simple dialogues from everyday life, sound recordings.
Speaking: Short dialogues, everyday conversations (friends, shopping, living, post office, canteen, etc.)
Writing: Short texts about oneself and filling out forms with personal information.
Self-learning: work with the portfolio, further individual work and exam preparation.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir873 Applied Economics

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4h per week
Teaching language: German/English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours


Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir878 Public Economics and Market Design

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester
Learning/teaching method: lecture and seminar
Teaching language: German and English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The course covers key concepts of public economics, which studies how government taxing and spending activities affect the economy – economic efficiency and the distribution of income and wealth.
Lecture: After introducing the theory and methodology of public economics, we discuss a historical and
theoretical overview of the public sector. We then focus on departures from efficiency (especially asymmetric
information), taxation issues (including tax evasion, fiscal federalism and tax competition among independent jurisdictions), and the intertemporal issue of social security (especially pension system).
Seminar: covers current issues in public economics, e.g. reform of health care or pension system.

The students are able
• to understand sources of market failures and government failures and to analyze their implications for the
design of public policies
• understand taxing and spending activities of governments and to analyze their implications for the economy
• understand the distinction between normative and positive perspectives in the evaluation of government
policy and to engage in an economic discourse about government policies
• to apply economic methods to current issues in public economics
• present their research result in the form of written papers and oral presentations

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Carsten Helm

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir880 Marine and Maritime Law

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semiannual, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: seminar
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload:  180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The module "Marine & Maritime law in Europe" contains two courses with 28 SWS each. The course "Marine Law" deals with public maritime law, which regulates the allocation and use of maritime resources (fish use of marine resources (fish, sea lanes, energy [wind, oil, gas], dumping, Protected Areas, deep sea mining and bioprospecting, coastal protection). Maritime Law covers international maritime transport. Topics include the carriage of goods by sea (including the Hague-Visby Rules), liability for loss of goods, accidents, collisions, salvage and remediation, and port law and shipbuilding.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christine Godt

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir881 Energy Law

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: -
Teaching language: German and English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The module provides an overview of the energy framework law of the international, the European and the national (mainly German) level. The focus is on public law; energy contract and competition law are also covered. The acquisition of basic knowledge in energy law, energy environmental law and European energy law is the main focus. Economic issues will be addressed and current developments and decisions in energy law will be taken up.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christine Godt

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir883 Transnational Biodiversity & Genetic Resources Law

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: seminar
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The module is designed for students who already have a background in science. Students will be introduced to the new law of research and use of plants, which they will need both as budding scientists and as employees in industry or administration. In principle, the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) had already abolished the principle of free access to biological and genetic resources under international law. However, due to the implementation in Europe (2014) and the resource states, these rules have now become binding. This has far-reaching consequences for everyday research and product development. Students will be introduced to these novel rules, in which international cooperation has become mandatory from the very beginning of academic and commercial research. In terms of content, the following topics are relevant to the courses:

  • International framework for access to genetic resources and benefit sharing.
  • EU law and filling in member state rules on biological research on and use of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and technology transfer
  • National resource state rules for genetic resource prospecting in scientific field studies and commercial bioprospecting (e.g., permit requirements; Prior Informed Consent; Mutually Agreed Terms; due diligence)
  • Law of the various commercial, legal and academic ex situ collections of genetic resources (Practices of databases / Principles and practices of databases)
  • Code of Conduct of German research institutions (especially DFG)
  • Genetic resources and intellectual property
  • Good practices (selected ex situ collections)
  • ABS agreements ("Mutual Agreed Terms")/ Contracts
  • Legislative options

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christine Godt

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir886 Digital Transformation: Strategies and Sustainability

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The module "Digital Strategy and Sustainability" offers an insight into the diverse and rapidly developing areas of application of digitalization in companies and the accompanying social discourse. The digital transformation is giving rise to new business models, markets and forms of interaction. At the corporate level, this requires comprehensive changes in strategic orientation as well as in corporate processes and structures. In addition, new regulations and standards are required at the societal level to address the ethical, environmental and social challenges posed by digitalization.

In the first part of the seminar, students will be familiarized with the fundamentals and application areas of digitalization as well as the entrepreneurial, social and ecological implications. To this end, important questions in the context of digital transformation will be raised in each case on the basis of corporate case studies and discussed in plenary sessions. Exemplary questions that will be addressed in this context are:

  • What are the technological drivers of digitalization and what trends can be observed?
  • What is the impact of digital transformation on industries and companies?
  • How can companies design strategies, business models, processes and structures to counter the digital transformation?
  • What are the social and legal consequences of digitalization?
  • What is the impact of digital transformation at the ecological level?
  • How can social, ethical and ecological aspects be integrated into digital products, services and business models?

In the second part of the course, students develop digital business models in teams under the guidance of experienced coaches from the field, taking into account economic, ecological and social/ethical criteria. The results are presented to the other students and company representatives and summarized in the form of a term paper. An important component of the term paper is the critical reflection of common methods for the development of digital business models with regard to sustainability criteria.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Jörn Hoppmann

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir890 Climate Economics

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours


Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir892 Computational Economics

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester or winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours


Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir893 Development Economics

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester or winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: German/English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours


Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bitzer

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir911 Advanced Topics of Sustainability Economics

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi annually
Learning/teaching method: lecture and exercise
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

This course aims at giving students an understanding of reasons, goals and instruments for climate policy, as well as implied complications due to the long term characteristics and the international dimension of climate change. Students first learn basics about the natural science of climate change and the main statements of climate research about the anthropogenic contribution to it. The economic interpretation of too high pollution as symptom of a market failure then leads to the treatment of policy instruments, and the understanding of economic efficiency as a prerequisite for effective climate policy. Game theoretic analysis of international negotiations and agreements provides key insights about the “international” dimension of the problem. By means of practical examples students then see in detail the functionality and pitfalls of selected implemented (or currently discussed) policies, e.g. the EU-ETS. With successful completion of the course, students shall be able to judge climate policy issues on an informed scientific basis (natural science and economics).

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer und Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir919/939 Topics in Sustainability Economics and Management I/II

In this module, you can choose from different courses offered.

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week (2 hours each event)
Teaching language: German/English
ECTS credit points: 6.00 (3 ECTS each event)
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

This module consists of two seminars (2 weekly contact hours per seminar) dealing with selected topics from the broad field of sustainability, economics and management during term. Out of a variety of several seminars the student can chose two most suitable seminars depending on individual choices. The seminars and the seminar contents vary each semester to provide topics relevant for current discussions within the broad field of sustainability, economics and management.
Intentionally seminars from several research fields and faculties are offered to also combine different point of views and to bring students from different scientific backgrounds together. The seminars provide the possibilities for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange and discussions.

Certain courses of the "Virtuellen Akademie Nachhaltigkeit" can be recognized as equivalent, externally completed course work to the extent of 3 ECTS for this supplementary module if an examination credit is created.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir915 Erneuerbare Energiesysteme

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually
Learning/teaching method: -
Teaching language: German, English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours

Students learn in-depth details about a wide range of renewable energy sources and renewable energy technology as well as main technical factors and governing principles influencing their implementation. Insight into non-technology related impacts and factors is also given.
Depending on the course chosen different focus from the following contents will be dealt with: Energy basics, energy resources, global energy overview, energy scenarios, techno-economic aspects of energy use (external costs, life cycle analysis, ..), environmental effects of energy use (greenhouse gas emissions, ozone, ..), conventional and advanced power plant technologies, power distribution, advanced storage technologies, solar thermal power plants, geothermal and ocean energies, methods for assessing the sustainable implementation of renewable energy systems.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhuener
Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke
Dr. Michael Hölling

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir923 Advanced Research Topics in Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: irregularly
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

This masters-level module focuses on selected topics pertaining to the relationship perspective of sustainable supply chain management, comprising topics such as Stakeholder Management; Legitimacy, Decoupling & Greenwashing; Supply Chain Sustainability Risks; Sustainable Supplier Management; and Supply Chain Sustainability Dilemmas.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christian Busse

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir924 Ecological Economics

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

Ecological Economics is concerned with integrating the study and management of "nature's household" (ecology) and "humankind's household" (economics). This integration is central to many of humanity’s current problems and to governing economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability, and justice. The aim of this module is to introduce students to core concepts and policy implications from the field of Ecological Economics.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Sievers-Glotzbach und Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir925 Innovations for Sustainable Operations

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: irregularly
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The module helps students to specialize on the intersection of operations and supply chain management, sustainability management, and innovation management. The specific topics align closely with the most up-to-date applied research topics.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christian Busse

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir930 Open Module

This module can be selected from the range of courses offered in business, law, natural sciences or humanities at the master's level in Germany or abroad in accordance with the relevant legal basis.

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: -
Teaching language: -
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: -

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir932 International Regulatory and Competition Policy

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 6 hours/week
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 84 hours

The aim of the course is to acquire an understanding of key issues of competition theory and competition policy. This comprises the fundamentals of industrial economics, the tradeoff between market power and efficiency, and the practice of competition policy in Europe.
The module consists of two courses. Course A deals with the theory of monopoly, the theory of oligopoly, cartels and market entry and the welfare analysis of market structure. Course B deals with topics in international regulatory and competition policy, especially monopoly regulation, economies of scale vs. market power in transnational markets, aims and instruments of European regulatory and competition policy.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir933/943 Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache: Englisch I/II

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours


  • Language competence expansion in the area of business English with the aim of being able to communicate and express oneself well in the foreign language later in professional life, during a semester abroad or an internship abroad in subject-specific situations.
  • Teaching reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in English in the context of business and the environment.
  • English for Business - Business English is one of the core competencies in our globalized professional world.

Building on the knowledge acquired at school, the focus here is on communication in typical professional situations, e.g. presenting in English, writing reports, telephoning, e-mailing.

Module responsible:
Dr. Maike Engelhardt

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir934/944 Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache: Französisch I/II

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually
Learning/teaching method: -
Teaching language: -
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours


Module responsible:

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir935/945 Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache: Spanisch I/II

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: semi-annually, winter semester and summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: Spanish
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

Language competence enhancement in business Spanish in preparation for study visits or internships in Spanish-speaking foreign countries.
Teaching reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in Spanish in the context of business and the environment.

Module responsible:
Dr. Maike Engelhardt

For further information please see the schedule of events

wir938 Sustainable Venturing

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours

The goal of the module is to build entrepreneurial skills for developing and implementing environmental innovations and sustainable business ideas. These include:

  • The ability to identify new solution needs in the context of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.
  • Knowledge and competencies for the entrepreneurial development and implementation of innovative solutions.
  • Knowledge and competencies for the systematic combination of economic (Eco-nomical) and ecological (Eco-logical) objectives as well as
  • the ability to strategically develop "green" business areas and markets.

The entrepreneurial development and implementation of environmental innovations can refer both to the founding of new companies and organizations and to the development of new solutions and business ideas within the framework of established companies and organizations (corporate venturing).

In the module "Sustainable Venturing", Master students develop concrete environmental innovation projects together with practice partners and founding teams and work out business plans for "green" future markets. The aim is to establish actual companies and develop new business areas that contribute to solving environmental and sustainability challenges.

Module responsible:
apl. Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter

For further information please see the schedule of events

inf501 Umweltinformationssysteme

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester
Learning/teaching method: lecture and seminar
Teaching language: German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

Environmental information systems provide information about the state of the environment for administrations and public institutions, companies or interested citizens. The acquisition, storage, and analysis of this information also represent interesting tasks from the point of view of computer science. In the course of the lecture we will examine the individual steps of processing environmental information, i.e.

  • consider problems of data acquisition and processing
  • get to know data structures and database concepts for an efficient access to (usually) spatial data
  • introduce methods for data analysis (especially from geostatistics and data mining)
  • introduce a method for multi-criteria decision support
  • as well as address the concept of metadata to support the provision of data.

Module responsible:
Dr. Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein

For further information please see the schedule of events

inf651 Environmental Management and Information Systems I

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, summer semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: German
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

In the course, the problems arising from the environmental conditions of the companies are addressed and it is shown which methods, procedures and techniques of information processing are suitable to support the problem solution. In particular, computer-aided methods of production-integrated environmental protection, environmental controlling and environmental reporting will be presented and discussed. In order to integrate these measures more deeply into the context of environmental protection, it is also necessary to convey problems of environmental management and environmental management systems as a basis and contextual information. Because in particular a synoptic view of production on the one hand and dismantling and recycling on the other hand gives rise to the expectation of avoiding environmental protection activities a priori, special attention is paid to this aspect. Due to the fact that Industrial Environmental Informatics has established itself as an independent discipline, it is also necessary to include general basics and basic concepts in the knowledge transfer. Students should be enabled to know and master concepts and methods (e.g. of material flow analysis or material flow management) as well as their integration into environmental management. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of standard software for conducting material flow analyses.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jorge Marx-Gómez

For further information please see the schedule of events

inf659 Environmental Management and Information Systems II

Framework conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Frequency: annually, winter semester
Learning/teaching method: 4 hours/week
Teaching language: German, English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours, thereof attendance time: 56 hours

The strongly increased social pressure forces companies to question their previous actions and to integrate various sustainability aspects into the corporate strategy and daily decisions. Corporate environmental information systems are ideal for establishing sustainable corporate strategies and sustainable corporate action. Such systems not only help to meet legal requirements (e.g. regarding waste or hazardous materials management), but also in particular to minimize emissions and waste or to optimize energy and resource consumption.
The module focuses on:

  • the treatment of current research questions from the field of operational environmental information systems and operational environmental informatics
  • the examination of established standard software and newly developed solutions
  • the practical application of the acquired knowledge to the definition of new and to the solution of established case studies

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jorge Marx-Gómez

For further information please see the schedule of events

wcm140 Cases in Coastal Zone Management

Framework conditions:
Duration: 2 semester
Frequency: semi-annually
Learning/teaching method: Seminar, field trip
Teaching language: English
ECTS credit points: 6.00
Workload: 180 hours

The students gain a differentiated understanding of the challenges of Coastal Zone Management in a national and European context; the questions implied therein, the stakeholders and substantial political and legal implications. At the same time they will get a first insight of selected national and international project examples while getting to know a part of their possible future field of action.

Coastal Zone Management
Basic demands and questions of Coastal Zone Management in a spatial planning perspective.

International Approaches to Coastal Zone Management
Field trip to a selected (inter)national place at the coast (Germany, The Netherlands) to show selected problem fields of Coastal Zone Management.

Module responsible:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhuener
Prof. Dr. Ingo Moose

For further information please see the schedule of events


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