Basic modules

Basic modules

Basic modules convey basic theoretical and application-oriented approaches of business and economics approaches to sustainability management and sustainability economics as well as interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in environmental, natural and social sciences.
The modules each have a workload of 56 h (contact hours) + 124 h (self-study) and yield 6 credit points.

These two modules must be taken by all students (compulsory modules):

wir901 Environmental Economics

General conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: Lecture and exercise
Teaching language: English
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:
Knowing and being able to apply basic concepts and thinking figures of environmental economics; Being able to analyze and evaluate environmental problems and approaches; Being able to practice scientific methods and discussion skills; Being able to classify environmental economics in the context of interdisciplinary sustainability research.

Economic analysis of environmental pressures, property rights, external effects, market failure; approaches and instruments of environmental policy; environmental economic evaluation; international environmental problems; special aspects of environmental economics.

Person responsible for the module:
Prof. Dr. Carsten Helm

For more information, see the events directory.

wir902 Perspectives and Instruments of Corporate Sustainability

General conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: Lecture and exercise
Teaching Language: English
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:

  • Knowledge on the basic concepts and strategies of sustainability management related to corporate practice:
    • Sustainability: Basic concepts, strategies
    • Domestic and international challenges for business
    • Business case for sustainable development
    • Integrative concepts of sustainable corporations
    • Sustainable strategies
    • Management instruments
  • Discussing topics of international sustainability management with students from different scientific disciplines.
  • Ability to present and evaluate different concepts and instruments of international sustainability management.

This module consists of a one lecture and one seminar (2 weekly contact hours per lecture/seminar) dealing
with basic concepts and strategies of sustainability management within corporations. Both, lecture and seminar give an overview of current sustainability strategies for companies and present a variety of instruments to integrate and initiate sustainable development within corporations. While the lecture focuses more on theoretical approaches and introduces basic concepts of corporate sustainability management, the seminar provides a variety of case studies and business cases to demonstrate different concepts and instruments of sustainability management. The seminar provides the possibilities for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange and discussions.

Person responsible for the module:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

For more information, see events directory.

All students must take two of these three modules (compulsory elective modules):

wir812 Environmental Law

General Conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: 1 lecture and 1 seminar or 2 lectures
Teaching language: German and English
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:

Based on the previous knowledge of the assembled students, European/International Environmental Law will be deepened at Master's level. The course focuses on those fields where the distinction between sovereign intervention ("public law") and market law ("private law") has become blurred. Students acquire the competence to analyze modern regulatory techniques in the multi-level system of environmental law and to evaluate them in an interdisciplinary (economic and legal) way.

The module consists of two courses, the first of which is taught by PD Dr. Meyerholt alone, the second together with Prof. Dr. Godt.
The first course deals with selected questions of environmental law. Starting from the general structures of environmental law, the aim is to teach overall references - including basic decisions of the higher courts.
The second course focuses on intradisciplinary environmental law between public law and (private) commercial law and focuses on the European-international level.

Responsible of the module:
PD Dr. Ulrich Meyerholt

For more information, see the events directory.

wir904 Environmental and Sustainability Governance

General Conditions:
Duration: 1 Semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: Lecture and seminar
Teaching language: German and English
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:

  • Introduction to environmental politics - Politics, Political Science, Policy Analysis
  • Environment – Terms and Concepts - Historical Foundations of Environmental Politics
  • Actors, institutions and governance structures; Actors in Environmental Policy
  • Socio-ecological systems framework
  • Environmental Policy in Germany
  • Environmental Policy in the European Union
  • Steering and principles in environmental policy
  • Instruments in environmental policy
  • Policy process and environmental policy
  • Multilevel and reflexive governance - Multilevel governance
  • International environmental governance
  • Science-Policy Interface

Responsible for the module:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

For more information, see the events directory.

wir905 Environmental Sciences

General conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: Lecture and seminar
Teaching Language: English
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:
The introduction to processes and systems of the dynamic Earth constituting the foundation for sustainable
management is given to students to provide them with:
• Knowledge about processes and systems relevant for sustainable management using knowledge and
methodologies from all science disciplines in an integrated way.
• Skills in elaborating on complex tasks of environmental management using an interdisciplinary science based
approach and to present related findings to non-expert audiences.
• Lecture room presentations and discussions based on slides and black/white board usage.
Short films and serious gaming approaches will be used to endorse the intended achievements

The module ´Bioplanet Earth´ covers two parts. One part is a series of lectures on approaches of science disciplines to the structure and physiology of the Earth. The other part is a seminar designed for having a dialogue based on student´s presentations on actual problems in using resources and protecting ecosystems
and climate in a sustainable way.
Lecture: Understanding Bioplanet Earth (2 contact hours/week)
Solar systems and formation of the Earth, Earth´s interior, Earth´s dynamics: rock, water and element cycles, evolution of life on Earth, organisms and biodiversity, climate system, marine and terrestrial systems, fossil and renewable resources plus various insights into ecosystems under different climate conditions and human intervention.
Seminar: Cases in Understanding the Bioplanet Earth (2 contact hours/week)
Introduction to key processes and to systems dynamics of the Earth representing a planet being alive driven by external and internal forces interacting with biological activities. Topics of the lecture comprise introductions to the evolution of the universe and solar systems, the differentiation and sub-systems of the Earth´s interior, minerals and rock cycle, soils, ocean and climate, evolution and biodiversity, organisms and physiology, water and element cycling plus insights into ecosystems under different climate conditions. The cases are selected in order to (i) highlight certain principles and theories in geo- and biosciences and (ii) exemplify critical objects and phenomena in modern practice of resource and environmental management.

Person reponsible for the module:
Dr. Thomas Klenke

For more information, see events directory.

All students must take one of these three modules (compulsory elective modules):

wir808 Multivariate Statistik

General conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: Lecture and exercise
Teaching Language: German
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:

Person responsible for the module:

For more information, see events directory.

wir809 Ökonometrie

General conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: Lecture and exercise
Teaching Language: German
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:

Person responsible for the module:

For more information, see events directory.

wir894 Econometrics of Policy Evaluation

General conditions:
Duration: 1 semester
Rotation: yearly, winter term
Learning and teaching form: 2 lectures
Teaching Language: English
ECTS-Credit-Points: 6.00 CP
Workload: 180 hours, of which attendance time 56 hours

Content of the module:

Person responsible for the module:

For more information, see events directory.

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