

Universität Oldenburg
Institute of Physics & ForWind
Küpkersweg 70,
26129 Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke
Room, W33 3-302

Fax. +49-(0)441-798-5099
Tel. +49-(0)441-798-5050
Sektr. +49-(0)441-798-5090




Peer-reviewed Articles

Lengyel, J.; Alvanides, S.; Friedrich, J..:
Modelling the interdependence of spatial scales in urban systems
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50(1), 182-197

Lübke, J.; Friedrich, J.; Grauer, R.:
Stochastic interpolation of sparsely sampled time series by a superstatistical random process and its synthesis in Fourier and wavelet space
 J. Phys. Complex. 4, 015005

Lin, P.P.; Wächter, M.; Tabar, M.R.R.; Peinke, J.:
Discontinuous Jump Behavior of the Energy Conversion in Wind Energy Systems
PRX Energy 2, 033009
doi: 10.1103/PRXEnergy.2.033009

von Brandis, A.; Centurelli, G.; Schmidt, J.; Vollmer, L.; Djath, B.; and Dörenkämper, M.:
An investigation of spatial wind direction variability and its consideration in engineering models 
Wind Energ. Sci., 8, 589–606,

 Biehl, J.; Missbach, L.; Riedel, F.; Stemmle, R.; Jüchter, J.; Weber, J.; Kucknat, J.; Odenweller, A; Nauck, C.; Lukassen, L.; Zech, M. and Grimm, M.:
Wicked facets of the German energy transition – examples from the electricity, heating, transport, and industry sectors
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 42:1, 1128-1181


Peer-reviewed Articles

J. Friedrich, B. Viggiano, M. Bourgoin, R.B. Cal, L. Chevillard:
Single inertial particle statistics in turbulent flows from Lagrangian velocity models
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7 (1), 014303

S. Raubitzek, T. Neubauer, J. Friedrich, A. Rauber,:
Interpolating Strange Attractors via Fractional Brownian Bridges
Entropy, 24(5), 71

L. Neuhaus,M. Hölling, W. J. T. Bos, J. Peinke:
Generation of Atmospheric Turbulence with Unprecedentedly Large Reynolds Number in a Wind Tunnel,
Physical Review Letters, 125(15), 154503 (2020)

J. Lengyel, S. Alvanides, J. Friedrich:
Modelling the interdependence of spatial scales in urban systems.
Environ. Plan. B, 23998083221091569
A. Fuchs, C. Herbert, J. Rolland, M. Wächter, F. Bouchet, J. Peinke:
Instantons and the Path to Intermittency in Turbulent Flows.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
A. Fuchs, M. Obligado, M. Bourgoin, M. Gibert, P.D. Mininni, and J. Peinke:
Markov property of Lagrangian turbulence 
EPL 137, 53001

A. Fuchs, S. Kharche, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke:
An open source package to perform basic and advanced statistical analysis of turbulence data and other complex systems,
Physics of Fluids 34 (10), 101801

I. Neunaber, J. Peinke, and M. Obligado: 
Application of the Townsend–George theory for free shear flows to single and double wind turbine wakes – a wind tunnel study
Wind Energ. Sci., 7, 1–18

T. T. B. Wester, J. Krauss, L. Neuhaus, A. Hölling, G. Gülker, M. Hölling and J. Peinke :
How to Design a 2D Active Grid for Dynamic Inflow Modulation
Flow Turbulence Combust 108, 955–972

M. F. van Dooren, A. P. Kidambi Sekar, L. Neuhaus, T. Mikkelsen, M. Hölling, and M. Kühn :
Modelling the spectral shape of continuous-wave lidar measurements in a turbulent wind tunnel
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(5), 1355-1372

F. Pöschke, V. Petrović, F. Berger, L. Neuhaus, M. Hölling, M. Kühn, and H. Schulte :
Model-based wind turbine control design with power tracking capability: A wind-tunnel validation
Control Engineering Practice, 120, 105014

F. Berger, L. Neuhaus, D. Onnen, M. Hölling, G. Schepers, and M. Kühn:
Experimental analysis of the dynamic inflow effect due to coherent gusts
Wind Energ. Sci., 7, 1827–1846

P. Hulsman, M. Wosnik, V. Petrovic, M. Hölling, M. Kühn:
Development of a curled wake of a yawed wind turbine under turbulent and sheared inflow
Wind Energ. Sci. 7, 237-257

J. Peinke, M. W\"achter and B. R. Cal:
Introduction to Turbulence
Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics. Springer, Cham. (2022) p. 805 41-1

K. Yassin, H. Kassem, B. Stoevesandt, Th. Klemme, and J. Peinke:
Numerical Simulation of Roughness Effects of Ice Accretion on Wind Turbine Airfoils
Energies 15 ,8145

P. Lin, I. Peinke, P. Hagenmuller, M. Wächter, M. R. Rahimi Tabar, J. Peinke:
Stochastic analysis of cone penetration tests in snow
The Cryosphere, 16, 4811–4822

J. Friedrich, D. Moreno, M. Sinhuber, M. Wächter and J. Peinke:
Superstatistical wind fields from point-wise atmospheric turbulence measurements 
PRX ENERGY 1, 023006

S. Nietiedt, T. T. B. Wester, A. Langidis, L. Kröger, R. Rofallski, M. Göring, M. Kühn, G. Gülker, T. Luhmann:
A Wind Tunnel Setup for Fluid-Structure Interaction Measurements Using Optical Methods
Sensors, 22, 5014





Peer-reviewed Articles

M. Sinner, V. Petrovic, A. Langidis, L. Neuhaus, M. Hölling, M. Kühn, L. Y. Pao:
Experimental testing of a preview-enabled model predictive controller for blade pitch control of wind turbines,
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
L. Neuhaus, F. Berger, J. Peinke, M Hölling:
Exploring the capabilities of active grids,
Experiments in Fluids, 62(6), 1-12.

G. Centurelli, L. Vollmer, J. Schmidt, M. Dorenkamper, M. Schroder, L. J. Lukassen
and J. Peinke:
Evaluating Global Blockage engineering parametrizations with LES, 
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1934, 012021

I. Neunaber, M. Obligado, J. Peinke and S. Aubrun :
Application of the Townsend-George wake theory to field measurements of wind turbine wakes
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1934, 012004

S. Heinz, J. Peinke, and B. Stoevesandt :
Cutting-Edge Turbulence Simulation Methods for Wind Energy and Aerospace Problems
Fluids 6, 288

P.  Singh, L. Neuhaus, O. Huxdorf, J. Riemenschneider, J. Wild, J. Peinke, M. H\"olling:
Experimental investigation of an active slat for airfoil load alleviation,
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 13(4), 043304

J. Friedrich; J. Peinke; A. Pumir; and R. Grauer :
Explicit construction of joint multipoint statistics in complex systems
J. Phys. Complex 2, 045006

M. Sinhuber, J. Friedrich, R. Grauer, and M. Wilczek:
Multi-level stochastic refinement for complex time series and fields: a data-driven approach
New J. Phys., 23(6):063063

I. Neunaber, M. Hölling, J. Whale, and Joachim Peinke :
Comparison of the turbulence in the wakes of an actuator disc and a model wind turbine by higher order statistics: a wind tunnel study
Renewable energy {\bf 179}, ,1650-1662

Anup KC, J. Whale, J. Peinke :
An investigation of the impact of turbulence intermittency on the rotor loads of a small  wind turbine
Renewable Energy 169, 582-597

S. Bartholomay, T. T. B. Wester, S. Perez-Becker, S. Konze, C. Menzel, M. Hölling, A. Spickenheuer, J. Peinke, C. N. Nayeri, C. O. Paschereit, K. Oberleithner :
Pressure-based lift estimation and its application to feedforward load control employing trailing-edge flaps
Wind Energ. Sci., 6 , 221–245

H. Kadum, S. Rockel, B. Viggiano, T. Dib, M. Hölling, L. Chevillard, R.B. Cal:
Assessing intermittency characteristics via cumulant analysis of floating wind turbines wakes,
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 13 (1), 013302

P. Hulsman, M. Wosnik, V. Petrovic, M. Hölling, M. Kühn:
Development of a Curled Wake of a Yawed Wind Turbine under Turbulent and Sheared Inflow
Wind Energy Science Discussions, 1-30


Peer-reviewed Articles

A. Fuchs, S. M. Duarte Queir´os, P. G. Lind, A. Girard, F. Bouchet, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke :
Small scale structures of turbulence in terms of entropy and fluctuation theorems
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 034602 (2020)

B. Dose, H. Rahimi, B. Stoevesandt and J. Peinke :
Fluid-structure coupled investigations of the NREL 5 MW wind turbine for two downwind configurations
Renewable Energy 146, 1113-1123 (2020)

L. Neuhaus,M. Hölling, W. J. T. Bos, J. Peinke:
Generation of Atmospheric Turbulence with Unprecedentedly Large Reynolds Number in a Wind Tunnel,
Physical Review Letters, 125(15), 154503 (2020)

C. Behnken, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke:
Multipoint reconstruction of wind speeds.
Wind Energy Science 5.3 (2020): 1211-1223.
R. Scott, B. Viggiano, T. Dib, Naseem Ali, M. Holling, J. Peinke, and R. B. Cal :
Wind Turbine Partial Wake Merging Description and Quantification
Wind Energy WE-19-0178.R2  (2020)
K. Yassin, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke:
Numerical Estimation of Anti-icing Heating Power for NREL 5MW Wind Turbine Blades in Cold Climate. 
InJournal of Physics: Conference Series 2020 Sep 1 (Vol. 1618, No. 5, p. 052075). IOP Publishing.

G. Kampers, M. Wächter, M. Hölling, P. G. Lind, S. M. D. Queir{\'o}s and J. Peinke:
Disentangling stochastic signals superposed on short localized oscillations,
Physics Letters A, 384, 126307 (2020)

T. Braun,  M. Wächter, J. Peinke and Th. Guhr: 
Correlated Power Time Series of Individual Wind Turbines: a Data Driven Model Approach
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 12(2), 023301 (2020)

S. Bartholomay, T. T.B. Wester, S. Perez-Becker  S. Konze , C. Menzel, M. Hölling , A. Spickenheuer , J. Peinke , C. N. Nayeri , O. P. Paschereit , and K. Oberleithner:
Pressure based lift estimation and its application to feedforward load control employing trailing edge flaps.
Wind Energy Science Discussions (2020): 1-39.

I. Neunaber, M. Hölling, R. J. A. M. Stevens, G. Schepers and J. Peinke :
Distinct turbulent regions in the wake of a wind turbine and their inflow-dependent locations: the creation of a wake map
Energies 13.20, 5392(2020)



Conference Proceedings

K. Yassin, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke.
Numerical Estimation of Anti-icing Heating Power for NREL 5MW Wind Turbine Blades in Cold Climate.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1618(5), (2020)
L. Kröger, T. T. B. Wester, A. Langidis, S. Nietiedt, M. Göring, T. Luhmann, J. Peinke, M. Hölling and G. Gülker:
Experimental study of fluid-structure interaction at a model wind turbine blade using optical measurement techniques    
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1618(3), 032025 (2020) p1-6
N. Himker, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, A. Mertens: 
Dynamic Behaviour and Modelling of Variable-Speed Wind Turbines.
2020 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) (pp. 441-446). IEEE.


Peer-reviewed Articles

A. Naseem, A. Fuchs, I. Neunaber, J. Peinke and R. B. Cal:
Multi-scale/fractal processes in the wake of a wind turbine array boundary layer,
Journal of Turbulence, 20(2), 1590584 (2019).

S. Kharche, J. P. Moro, C. Baudet, B. Rousset, A. Fuchs, J. Peinke and A. Girard:
Turbulent velocity measurements in high Reynolds cryogenic helium facilities at
Service des Basses Temperatures (SBT)
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 502, 012201 (2019).

Wolff, Matthias F., Katrin Schmietendorf, Pedro G. Lind, Oliver Kamps, Joachim Peinke, und Philipp Maass.
Heterogeneities in electricity grids strongly enhance non-Gaussian features of frequency uctuations under stochastic power input.
Chaos 29, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2019): 103149.

Kadum, Hawwa, Stanislav Rockel, Michael Hoelling, Joachim Peinke, und Raul Bayoan Cal.
Wind turbine wake intermittency dependence on turbulence intensity and pitch motion
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11, Nr. 5 (September 2019): 053302.

K. Schmietendorf, O. Kamps, M. Wolff, P. G. Lind, P. Maass, und J. Peinke 
Bridging between load-flow and Kuramoto-like power grid models: A flexible approach to integrating electrical storage units 
Chaos 29, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2019): 103151.

B. Wahl, U. Feudel, J. Hlinka, M. Waechter, J. Peinke, und J. A. Freund
Residual Predictive Information Flow in the Tight Coupling Limit: Analytic Insights from a Minimalistic Model 
Entropy 21, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2019): 1010.

N. J. Wei, J. Kissing, T. T. B. Wester, S. Wegt, K. Schiffmann, S. Jakirlic, M. Hoelling, J. Peinke, und C. Tropea
Insights into the periodic gust response of airfoils
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876 (10. Oktober 2019): 237–63.

M. Bahadorian, H. Alimohammadi, T. Mozaffari, M.R.R. Tabar, J. Peinke, K. Lehnertz:
A topology-dynamics-based control strategy for multi-dimensional complex networked dynamical

Scientific Reports 9, 19831 (2019)

C. M. Schwarz, S. Ehrich, J. Peinke:
Wind turbine load dynamics in the context of turbulence intermittency
Wind Energ. Sci., 4, 581–594, 2019

H. Haehne, K. Schmietendorf, S. Tamrakar, J. Peinke, S. Kettemann:
Propagation of wind-power-induced fluctuations in power grids
Phys. Rev. E 99, 050301(R) (2019)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.050301

P. Veers, K. Dykes, E. Lantz, S. Barth, C. L. Bottasso, O. Carlson, A. Clifton, J. Green, P. Green, H. Holttinen, D. Laird, V. Lehtomäki, J. K. Lundquist, J. Manwell, M. Marquis, C. Meneveau, P. Moriarty, X. Munduate, M. Muskulus, J. Naughton, L. Pao, J. Paquette, J. Peinke, A. Robertson, J. Sanz Rodrigo, A. M. Sempreviva, J. C. Smith, A. Tuohy, R. Wiser:
Grand challenges in the science of wind energy
Science  25 Oct 2019: Vol. 366, Issue 6464, eaau2027
DOI: 10.1126/science.aau2027

H. Haehne, J. Casadiego, J. Peinke, M. Timme:
Detecting Hidden Units and Network Size from Perceptible Dynamics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 158301

J. Peinke, M.R.R. Tabar, M. Wächter:
The Fokker-Planck Approach to Complex Spatiotemporal Disordered Systems
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 2019 10:1

X. Tang, S. Zhao, B. Fan, J. Peinke, B. Stoevesandt:
Micro-scale wind resource assessment in complex terrain based on CFD coupled measurement from multiple masts
Applied Energy, Volume 238, 2019, Pages 806-815, ISSN 0306-2619


Conference Proceedings

G. Ahmadi, H. Kassem, J. Peinke, S. Heinz
Dynamic large eddy simulation: Benefits of honoring realizability
International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11) Proceedings

S. Nietied, M. Goering, T. Willemsen, T. T. B. Wester, L. Kröger, G. Gülker, T. Luhmann: 
Measurement of fluid-structure interaction of wind turbines in wind tunnel experiments concepts and results 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 42.2/W18 (2019).

CA García, PG Lind, M. Wächter, A. Otero, J. Peinke:
On the existence and characterization of extreme events in wind data.
Eur. Conf. Ren. Energy Sys.,
10--12 June 2019, Madrid, Spain

G. Ahmadi, H. Kassem, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke, S. Heinz
Wall bounded turbulent flows up to high Reynolds numbers: LES resolution assessment
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2019-1887)

G. Ahmadi, H. Kassem, R. Mokhtarpoor, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke, S. Heinz
Realizable Dynamic LES of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Wall Bounded Flows
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2019-2140)


K. Dykes, P. Veers, E. Lantz, H. Holttinen, O. Carlson, A. Tuohy, A. M. Sempreviva, A. Clifton, J. Sanz Rodrigo, D. Berry, D. Laird, S. Carron, P. Moriarty, M. Marquis, C. Meneveau, J. Peinke, J. Paquette, N. Johnson, L. Pao, P. Fleming, C. Bottasso, V. Lehtomaki, A. Robertson, M. Muskulus, J. Manwell, J. O. Tande, L. Sethuraman, O. Roberts, J. Fields:
Results of IEA Wind TCP Workshop on a Grand Vision for Wind Energy Technology
Technical Report prepared for the International Energy Agency Wind Implementing Agreement, April 2019


Peer-reviewed Articles

S. Ehrich, C. M. Schwarz, H. Rahimi, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke:
Comparison of the Blade Element Momentum Theory with Computational Fluid Dynamics for Wind Turbine Simulations in Turbulent Inflow
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 2513

F. Mühle, J. Schottler, J. Bartl, R. Futrzynski, S. Evans, L. Bernini, P. Schito, M. Draper, A. Guggeri, E. Kleusberg, D. S. Henningson, M. Hölling, J. Peinke, M. S. Adaramola, and L. Sætran:
Blind test comparison on the wake behind a yawed wind turbine
Wind Energ. Sci., 3, 883-903

D. Traphan, I. Herráez, P. Meinlschmidt, F. Schlüter, J. Peinke, G. Gülker:
Remote surface damage detection on rotor blades of operating wind turbines by means of infrared

Wind Energ. Sci., 3, 639-650

J. Frederik, L. Kröger, G. Gülker, J. W. van Wingerden:
Data-driven repetitive control: Wind tunnel experiments under turbulent conditions. 
Control Engineering Practice80, 105-115 (2018)

J. Bartl, F. Mühle, J. Schottler, L. Sætran, J. Peinke, M. Adaramola, M. Hölling:
Wind tunnel experiments on wind turbine wakes in yaw: Effects of inflow turbulence and shear
Wind Energy Science, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 329–343 (2018)

D. Bastine, L. Vollmer, M. Wächter, J. Peinke:
Stochastic Wake Modelling Based on POD Analysis
Energies, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 612 (2018)

U. Cordes, B. Lambie, K. Hufnagel, H. Spiegelberg, G. Kampers, C. Tropea:
The Adaptive Camber Concept – A passive approach for gust load alleviation on wind turbines
Wind Energy (2018)

B. Dose, H. Rahimi, I. Herraez, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke:
Fluid-structure coupled computations of the NREL 5MW wind turbine by means of CFD
Renewable Energy, (2018)

A. Hadjihoseini, P. G. Lind, N. Mori, N. P. Hoffmann, J. Peinke:
Rogue waves and entropy consumption
Europhysics Letters (EPL), vol. 120, no. 3, p. 30008 (2018)
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/120/30008

H. Haehne, J. Schottler, M. Waechter, J. Peinke, O. Kamps:
The footprint of atmospheric turbulence in power grid frequency measurements
Europhysics Letters (EPL), vol. 121, no. 3, p. 30001 (2018)
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/121/30001

C. Hesseling, J. Peinke, G. Gülker:
Adaptation of reference volumes for correlation-based digital holographic particle tracking
Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 4, p. 45207 (2018)

B. Lehle, J. Peinke:
Analyzing a stochastic process driven by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise
Phys. Rev. E. 97, 012113 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.012113

H. Rahimi, A. Martinez Garcia, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke, G. Schepers:
An engineering model for wind turbines under yawed conditions derived from high fidelity models
Wind Energy (2018)

H. Rahimi, J.G. Schepers, W.Z. Shen, N. Ramos García, M.S. Schneider, D. Micallef, C.J. Simao Ferreira, E. Jost, L. Klein, I. Herráez:
Evaluation of different methods for determining the angle of attack on wind turbine blades with CFD results under axial inflow conditions
Renewable Energy, vol. 125, pp. 866–876 (2018)
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.03.018

N. Reinke, A. Fuchs, D. Nickelsen, J. Peinke:
On universal features of the turbulent cascade in terms of non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 848, pp. 117–153 (2018)
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.360

J. Schottler, J. Bartl, F. Mühle, L. Sætran, J. Peinke, M. Hölling:
Wind tunnel experiments on wind turbine wakes in yaw: redefining the wake width
Wind Energy Science, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 257 (2018)

M. Schramm, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke:
Optimization of Airfoils Using the Adjoint Approach and the Influence of Adjoint Turbulent Viscosity
Computation, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 5 (2018)

D. Traphan, T. T. B. Wester, G. Gülker, J. Peinke, P. Lind:
Aerodynamics and Percolation: Unfolding Laminar Separation Bubble on Airfoils
Physical Review X, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 21015 (2018)

L. Vorspel, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke:
Optimize Rotating Wind Energy Rotor Blades Using the Adjoint Approach
Applied Sciences 8, 1112 (2018)



  • Rahimi Hamid, W. Medjroubi, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke, "Navier-Stokes-based predictions of the aerodynamic behaviour of stall regulated wind turbines using OpenFOAM" Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. 16, p. 339.
    doi: 10.1504/PCFD.2016.080054
  • M. Anvari, G. Lohmann, M. Wächter, P. Milan, E. Lorenz, D. Heinemann, R. M. Rahimi Tabar, and J. Peinke, "Short term fluctuations of wind and solar power systems" New Journal of Physics, vol. 18, p. 063027.
    doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/6/063027
  • M. Anvari, . R. Rahimi Tabar, J. Peinke, and K. Lehnertz, "Disentangling the stochastic behaviour of complex time series" Nature Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 35435.
    doi: 10.1038/srep35435
  • A. Hadjihosseini, M. Wächter, N. P. Hoffmann, and J. Peinke, "Capturing rogue waves by multi-point statistics" New Journal of Physics, vol. 18, p. 013017.
    doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/1/013017
  • P. Lencastre, F. Raischel, T. Rogers, and P. G. Lind, "From empirical data to time-inhomogeneous continuous Markov processes" Physical Review E, vol. 93, iss. 3, p. 032135.
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.032135
  • P. Manshour, M. Anvari, N. Reinke, M. Sahimi, R. M. Rahimi Tabar, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Interoccurrence time statistics in fully-developed turbulence" Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 27452.
    doi: 10.1038/srep27452
  • [article] bibtex
    H. Rahimi, E. Daniele, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke, "Development and application of a grid generation tool for aerodynamic simulations of wind turbines" Wind Engineering, vol. 40.
    doi: 10.1177/0309524X16636318
  • P. Rinn, P. Lind, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "The Langevin Approach: An R Package for Modeling Stochastic Processes" Journal of Open Research Software, vol. 4, iss. 1, p. 34.
    doi: 10.5334/jors.123
  • [inbook] bibtex
    P. Rinn, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "On the application of the Langevin Approach to balance data" , Lippens, V. and Nagel, V. Eds., Feldhausverlag, Edition Czwalina.
    doi: shop/EDITION-CZWALINA-Sportwissenschaft/Sportwissenschaft-und-Sportpraxis/Zur-Problematik-der-Gleichgewichts-Leistung-im-Handlungsbezug::3145.html
  • P. Rocha, F. Raischel, J. P. Boto, and P. G. Lind, "Uncovering the evolution of non-stationary stochastic variables: the example of asset volume-price fluctuations" Physical Review E, vol. 93, iss. 5, p. 052122.
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.052122
  • T. Scholz, F. Raischel, V. V. Lopes, B. Lehle, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, and P. G. Lind, "Parameter-free resolution of the superposition of stochastic signals" Physical Review E, p. i.

Conference Proceedings

A. Fuchs, N. Reinke, D. Nickelsen, S. Karche, A. Girard, m. Wächter, J. Peinke, P. Diribarne, J. Moropage:
On the fine structure of turbulence determined by the rigorous integral fluctuation theorem
iTi Conference on Turbulence VIII, 04. - 07.09.2018,  Bertinoro, Italy

D. Traphan, B. Espenhahn, T. T. B. Wester, P. G. Lind, J. Peinke, G. Gülker:
Uncovering Aerodynamics by means of Percolation: Transition and Flow Seperation on Airfoils
iTi Conference on Turbulence VIII, 04. - 07.09.2018,  Bertinoro, Italy

L. Kröger, L. Neuhaus, J. Peinke, G. Gülker, M. Hölling:
Turbulence generation by active grids
iTi Conference on Turbulence VIII, 04. - 07.09.2018,  Bertinoro, Italy

I. Neunaber, D. Bastine and J. Peinke:
Turbulent features of wakes behind a turbine
iTi Conference on Turbulence VIII, 04. - 07.09.2018,  Bertinoro, Italy

S. Kharche, M. Bon-Mardion, J.P. Moro, J. Peinke, B. Rousset, A. Girard:
Scaling laws and intermittency in cryogenic turbulence using SHREK experiment
iTi Conference on Turbulence VIII, 04. - 07.09.2018,  Bertinoro, Italy

B. Dose, H. Rahimi, B. Stoevesandt, J. Peinke, J. Schepers:
On the effect of blade deformations on the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine rotors subjected to yawed inflow
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, vol. 1037, no. 2, p. 22030 (2018)

J. Frederik, L. Kröger, J. Peinke, M. Hölling, J.-W. van Wingerden
Validating subspace predictive repetitive control under turbulent wind conditions with wind tunnel experiment
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1037, no. 3, p. 32008 (2018)

A. KC, J. Whale, T. Urmee, J. Peinke, M. Wächter:
A comparative analysis of built environment and open terrain wind data by higher order statistics and performance evaluation of 5 kW HAWT using FAST
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1037, no. 7, p. 72022 (2018)

L. Kröger, J. Frederik, J.-W. van Wingerden, J. Peinke, M. Hölling:
Generation of user defined turbulent inflow conditions by an active grid for validation experiments
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, vol. 1037, no. 5, p. 52002 (2018)

L. Neuhaus, P. Singh, T. Homeyer, O. Huxdorf, J. Riemenschneider, J. Wild, J. Peinke, M. Hölling:
Mitigating loads by means of an active slat
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, vol. 1037, no. 2, p. 22032 (2018)

V. Petrović, J. Schottler, I. Neunaber, M. Hölling, M. Kühn:
Wind tunnel validation of a closed loop active power control for wind farms
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1037, no. 3, p. 32020 (2018)

A. P. Schaffarczyk, R. Boisard, K. Boorsma, B. Dose, C. Lienard, T. Lutz, H. Madsen, H. Rahimi and others:
Comparison of 3D transitional CFD simulations for rotating wind turbine wings with measurements
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1037, no. 2, p. 22012 (2018)

J.G. Schepers, K. Boorsma, N. Sorensen, G. Sieros, H. Rahimi and others:
Final results from the EU project AVATAR: Aerodynamic modelling of 10 MW wind turbines
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 022013 (2018)

C. Schwarz, S. Ehrich, R. Mart, J. Peinke:
Fatigue load estimations of intermittent wind dynamics based on a Blade Element Momentum method
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, vol. 1037, no. 7, p. 72040 (2018)

D. Traphan, T. T. B. Wester, J. Peinke, G. Gülker:
On the aerodynamic behavior of an airfoil under tailored turbulent inflow conditions
International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics (ICEFM)

K. Vimalakanthan, J.G Schepers, W.Z Shen, H. Rahimi, D. Micallef, C.J. Simao Ferreira, E. Jost, L. Klein:
Evaluation of different methods of determining the angle of attack on wind turbine blades under yawed inflow conditions
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 022028 (2018)

T. T. B. Wester, S. Batholomay, D. Traphan, M. Hölling, J. Peinke. G. Gülker:
Using high speed PIV measurements and POD to solve the mystery of dynamic stall
19th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics

T. T. B. Wester, G. Kampers, G. Gülker, J. Peinke, U. Cordes, C. Tropea, M. Hölling:
High speed PIV measurements of an adaptive camber airfoil under highly gusty inflow conditions
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1037, pp. 072007 (2018)



Artikel in peer-reviewed Zeitschriften

M. Anvari, B. Werther, G. Lohmann, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, H.-P. Beck:
Suppressing power output fluctuations of photovoltaic power plants
Solar Energy, vol. 157, pp. 735–743, 2017

U. Cordes, G. Kampers, T. Meißner, C. Tropea, J. Peinke, M. Hölling:
Note on the limitations of the Theodorsen and Sears functions
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 811, 2017

P. G. Lind, L. Vera-Tudela, M. Wächter, M. Kühn, J. Peinke:
Normal Behaviour Models for Wind Turbine Vibrations: Comparison of Neural Networks and a Stochastic Approach
Energies. 2017; 10(12):1944

S. Rockel, J. Peinke, M. Hölling, R. Bayoán Cal:
Dynamic wake development of a floating wind turbine in free pitch motion subjected to turbulent inflow generated with an active grid
Renewable Energy, vol. 112, pp. 1–16, 2017

K. Schmietendorf, J. Peinke, O. Kamps:
The impact of turbulent renewable energy production on power grid stability and quality
The European Physical Journal B, vol. 90, no. 11, p. 222, 2017

T. Scholz, F. Raischel, V. V. Lopes, B. Lehle, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, P. G. Lind:
Parameter-free resolution of the superposition of stochastic signals
Physics Letters A, vol. 381, no. 4, pp. 194–206, 2017

J. Schottler, A. Hölling, J. Peinke, M. Hölling:
Brief communication: On the influence of vertical wind shear on the combined power output of two model wind turbines in yaw
Wind Energy Science, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 439–442, 2017

J. Schottler, N. Reinke, A. Hölling, J. Whale, J. Peinke, M. Hölling:
On the impact of non-Gaussian wind statistics on wind turbines-an experimental approach
Wind Energy Science, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 1, 2017

M. Schramm, H. Rahimi, B. Stoevesandt, K. Tangager:
The Influence of Eroded Blades on Wind Turbine Performance Using Numerical Simulations
Energies, vol. 10, no. 9, p. 1420, 2017

A. B. Tabrizi, J. Whale, T. Lyons, T. Urmee, and J. Peinke:
Modelling the structural loading of a small wind turbine at a highly turbulent site via modifications to the Kaimal turbulence spectra
Renewable Energy, vol. 105, pp. 288–300, 2017

L. Vorspel, M. Schramm, B. Stoevesandt, L. Brunold, M. Bünner:
A benchmark study on the efficiency of unconstrained optimization algorithms in 2D-aerodynamic shape design
Cogent Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1354509, 2017

B. Wahl, U. Feudel, J. Hlinka, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, J. A. Freund:
Conditional Granger causality of diffusion processes
The European Physical Journal B, vol. 90, no. 10, p. 197, 2017



  • D. Bastine, M. Wächter, J. Peinke, D. Trabucchi, and M. Kühn, "Characterizing Wake Turbulence with Staring Lidar Measurements" Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 625, iss. 1, p. 012006.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/625/1/012006
  • D. Bastine, B. Witha, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Towards a Simplified DynamicWake Model Using POD Analysis" Energies, vol. 8, iss. 2.
    doi: 10.3390/en8020895
  • J. P. da Cruz, N. M. A. Araújo, F. Raischel, and P. G. Lind, "A thermostatistical approach to scale-free networks" International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 26, p. 11550070.
    doi: 10.1142/S0129183115500709
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    I. Herráez, W. Medjroubi, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke, "Numerical Study of Rotational Effects on Wind Turbines" in Proc. Proceedings DEWEK 2015, Bremen, 2015.
  • [article] bibtex
    C. J. Keylock, R. Stresing, and J. Peinke, "Gradual wavelet reconstruction of the velocity increments for turbulent wakes" Physics of Fluids (1994-present), vol. 27, iss. 2.
    doi: 10.1063/1.4907740
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Langner and J. Peinke, "Stochastic modeling of driver behavior by Langevin equations" The European Physical Journal B, vol. 88, iss. 6, p. 012006.
    doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2015-60239-6
  • P. Lencastre, F. Raischel, and P. G. Lind, "The effect of the number of states on the validity of credit ratings" Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. vol. 574, p. 012151.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/574/1/012151
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    P. Lencastre, F. Raischel, P. G. Lind, and T. Rogers, "Are credit ratings time-homogeneous and Markov?" in Proc. Conference Proceedings SMDTA 2014, 2015.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    P. G. Lind, I. Herráez, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Stochastic model for indirect estimation of instantaneous and cumulative loads in wind turbines: a systematic approach for off-shore wind farms" in Proc. Proceedings DEWEK 2015, 2015.
  • P. G. Lind and A. Moreira, "Human mobility patterns at the smallest scales" Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 18.
    doi: 10.4208/cicp.120614.190115a
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    N. Reinke, A. Fuchs, W. Medjroubi, P. G. Lind, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "The Langevin approach for data analysis: a mathematical overview" in Proc. Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems: Theoretical and Computational Topics, 2015.
  • P. Rinn, Y. Stepanov, J. Peinke, T. Guhr, and R. Schäfer, "Dynamics of quasi-stationary systems: Finance as an example" EPL (Europhysics Letters), vol. 110, iss. 6, p. 68003.
    doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/110/68003
  • P. Rocha, F. Raischel, J. P. Boto, and P. G. Lind, "Optimal models of extreme volume-prices are time-dependent" Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. vol. 574, p. 012148.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/574/1/012148
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    P. Rocha, F. Raischel, J. P. da Cruz, and P. G. Lind, "The stochastic evolution of New York stock market distributions" in Proc. Conference Proceedings SMDTA 2014, 2015.
  • [article] bibtex
    S. M. Rubio-Largo, P. G. Lind, D. Maza, and R. C. Hidalgo, "Molecular Dynamics Algorithm for Ellipsoidal Packings: Implementation on GPU Architecture" Journal of Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 2.
    doi: article/10.1007\%2Fs40571-015-0042-y
  • A. Russo, P. G. Lind, F. Raischel, R. Trigo, and M. Mendes, "Daily pollution forecast using synoptic and local scale meteorological data" Atmospheric Pollution Research, vol. 6.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    T. Scholz, V. V. Lopes, P. G. Lind, and F. Raischel, "Modeling and analysis of cyclic inhomogenouos Markov processes: a wind turbine case study" in Proc. Conference Proceedings SMDTA 2014, 2015.
  • Y. Stepanov, P. Rinn, T. Guhr, J. Peinke, and R. Schäfer, "Stability and hierarchy of quasi-stationary states: financial markets as an example" Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 2015, iss. 8, p. 08011.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2015/08/P08011
  • D. Trabucchi, G. Steinfeld, D. Bastine, J. Trujillo, J. Schneemann, and M. Kühn, "Study of wake meandering by means of fixed point lidar measurements: Spectral analysis of line-of-sight wind component" Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 625, iss. 1, p. 012016.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/625/1/012006


  • D. Bastine, B. Witha, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "POD Analysis of a Wind Turbine Wake in a Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer" Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 524.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012153
  • A. Hadjihosseini, J. Peinke, and N. P. Hoffmann, "Stochastic analysis of ocean wave states with and without rogue waves" New Journal of Physics, vol. 16, iss. 5, p. 053037.
    doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/5/053037
  • I. Herráez, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke, "Insight into Rotational Effects on a Wind Turbine Blade Using Navier--Stokes Computations" Energies, vol. 7, iss. 10.
    doi: 10.3390/en7106798
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    H. Rahimi, W. Medjroubi, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke, "2D Numerical Investigation of the Laminar and Turbulent Flow Over Different Airfoils Using OpenFOAM" in Proc. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, p. 012070.
  • I. Herráez, W. Medjroubi, B. Stoevesandt, and J. Peinke, "Aerodynamic Simulation of the MEXICO Rotor" Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 555, iss. 1, p. 012051.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/555/1/012051
  • [article] bibtex
    T. Homeyer, N. Kirrkamm, J. Peinke, M. Schultz-von Glahn, V. Mellert, and G. Gülker, "The aeroacoustic behavior of a cylindrical surface with a small cavity" Experiments in Fluids, vol. 55, iss. 4.
    doi: 10.1007/s00348-014-1714-8
  • P. G. Lind, I. Herráez, M. Wächter, and P. J. "Fatigue Loads Estimation Through a Simple Stochastic Model" Energies, vol. 7.
    doi: 10.3390/en7128279
  • P. G. Lind, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Reconstructing the intermittent dynamics of the torque in wind turbines" Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. vol. 524, p. 012179.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012179
  • V. V. Lopes, T. Scholz, F. Raischel, and P. G. Lind, "Principal wind turbines for a conditional portfolio approach to wind farms" Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. vol. 524, p. 012183.
    doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012183
  • M. R. Luhur, J. Peinke, J. Schneemann, and M. Wächter, "Stochastic modeling of lift and drag dynamics under turbulent wind inflow conditions" Wind Energy.
    doi: 10.1002/we.1699
  • [article] bibtex
    T. A. Mücke, M. Wächter, P. Milan, and J. Peinke, "Langevin power curve analysis for numerical wind energy converter models with new insights on high frequency power performance" Wind Energy.
    doi: 10.1002/we.1799
  • [article] bibtex
    P. Milan, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Stochastic modeling and performance monitoring of wind farm power production" Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 6, iss. 3.
    doi: 10.1063/1.4880235
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Pires, F. Raischel, S. Vaz, A. Cruz-Silva, A. Sebasti ao, and P. G. Lind, "Modeling the functional network of primary intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation in astrocytes and its application to study drug effects" Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 356.
    doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.04.024
  • F. Raischel, A. Moreira, and P. G. Lind, "From human mobility to renewable energies: Big data analysis to approach worldwide multiscale phenomena" European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 223.
    doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2014-02252-5
  • S. Rockel, E. Camp, J. Schmidt, J. Peinke, R. B. Cal, and M. Hölling, "Experimental Study on Influence of Pitch Motion on the Wake of a Floating Wind Turbine Model" Energies, vol. 7, iss. 4.
    doi: 10.3390/en7041954
  • [article] bibtex
    G. A. M. van Kuik, D. Micallef, I. Herráez, A. H. van Zuijlen, and D. Ragni, "The role of conservative forces in rotor aerodynamics" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 750.
    doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.256


  • [article] bibtex
    M. Anvari, C. Aghamohammadi, H. Dashti-Naserabadi, E. Salehi, E. Behjat, M. Qorbani, M. Khazaei Nezhad, M. Zirak, A. Hadjihosseini, J. Peinke, and R. R. M. Tabar, "Stochastic nature of series of waiting times" Phys. Rev. E, vol. 87, p. 062139.
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.062139
  • W. Medjroubi and J. Peinke, "Frequency Selection in Heaving Airfoil Wakes Using a High-Order Method" Review of Applied Physics, vol. 2, iss. 4.
    doi: rap/paperInfo.aspx
  • P. Milan, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Turbulent Character of Wind Energy" Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 110, p. 138701.
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.138701
  • F. Raischel, T. Scholz, V. V. Lopes, and P. G. Lind, "Uncovering wind turbine properties through two-dimensional stochastic modeling of wind dynamics" Phys. Rev. E, vol. 88, p. 042146.
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.042146
  • P. Rinn, H. Heißelmann, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke, "Stochastic method for in-situ damage analysis" The European Physical Journal B, vol. 86.
    doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2012-30472-8
  • A. Russo, F. Raischel, and P. G. Lind, "Air quality prediction using optimal neural networks with stochastic variables" Atmospheric Environment, vol. 79.
    doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.07.072


Investigations of Cavity Noise Generation on a Cylinder

T. Homeyer, G. Gülker, C. Haut, N. Kirrkamm, V. Mellert, M. Schultz-von Glahn and J. Peinke
Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 141, 119-122

Assesment of turbulence by high-order statistics. Offshore example<br/> A. Morales and J. Peinke
EWEA Proceedings, 2012

Stochastic modeling of lift and drag dynamics under turbulent conditions

M.Ramzan Luhur, M. Wächter, J. Peinke
EWEA Proceedings, 2012

The turbulent nature of the atmospheric boundary layer and its impact on the wind energy conversion process

M. Wächter, H. Heißelmann, M. Hölling, A. Morales, P. Milan, T. Mücke, J. Peinke, N. Reinke, P. Rinn
Journal of Turbulence, Volume 13, 2012 [PDF]

Wake classifcation of heaving airfoils using the spectral/hp element method

W.Medjroubi, B.Stoevesandt, J.Peinke
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236(2012) 3774-3782


A classification scheme for turbulence based on the velocity-intermittency structure with an application to near-wall flow and with implications for bedload transport

C.J. Keylock, K. Nishimura, J. Peinke
Jpournal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 117, F01037 (2012)

The Level crossing analysis of German stock market index (DAX) and daily oil price time series

F. Shayeganfar, M. Hölling, J. Peinke, R.R. Tabar
Physica A, Vol. 391, Issues 1-2, (2012) p. 209-216

A generalization of Scaling models of turbulence<br/> Ch. Renner and J. Peinke
Journal of Statistical Physics, 146, 25 (2012)<br/> doi: 10.1007/s10955-011-0345-1


Approaching complexity by stochastic methods: From biological systems to turbulence

Friedrich, R.; Peinke, J.; Sahimi, M. & Reza Rahimi Tabar, M.
Physics Reports, 2011, 506, 87–162

Untersuchungen geräuscherzeugender Kavitäten auf einem Zylinder

T. Homeyer, N. Kirrkamm, C. Haut, M. Schultz-von Glahn, G. Kampers, J. Peinke, V. Mellert and G. Gülker
Proceedings der 19. GALA-Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, 6.-8. September 2011, Technische Universität Ilmenau

High-order Numerical Simulations of the flow around a heaving Airfoil

W. Medjroubi, B. Stoevesandt, B. Carmo, J. Peinke
Computers and Fluids (December 2011), 51 (1), p. 68-84

Stochastic Modeling of Wind Power Production

P. Milan, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke
Proceedings of EWEA 2011 (2011)

Power performance of wind energy converters characterized as stochstic process: applications of the Langevin power curve

M. Wächer, P. Milan, T. Mücke, and J. Peinke
Wind Energy 14, 711-717 (2011)

Characterization of wind turbulence by higher-order statistics

A. Morales, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke
Wind Energy (2011)

Different methods to estimate the Einstein-Markov coherence length in turbulence

R. Stresing, D.Kleinhans, R. Friedrich, and J. Peinke
Phys. Rev. E 83, 046319 (2011)


Multi-scale description and prediction of financial time series

A. P. Nawroth, R. Friedrich, J. Peinke
New Journal of Physics 12, 083021 (2010)

Defining a new class of turbulent flows

R. Stresing, J. Peinke, R. E. Seoud, J. C. Vassilicos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 194501 (2010)
[pdf,565 KB]

Towards a stochastic multi-point description of turbulence

R. Stresing and J. Peinke
New Journal of Physics 12, 103046 (2010)

Atmospheric turbulence and its influence on the alternating loads on wind turbines

Tanja Mücke, David Kleinhans and Joachim Peinke
Wind Energy, DOI: 10.1002/we.422, (2010)

Drift and diffusion based models of driver behavior

M. Langner, J. Peinke, F. Flemisch, M. Baumann and D. Beckmann
European Physical Journal B, DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2010-00148-8, (2010)

Holographic PIV with low coherent light - recent progress in 3D flow measurement

G. Gülker, C. Steigerwald, and K.D. Hinsch
Progress in Turbulence III,  Proc. iTi Conference in Turbulence, Bertinoro (Italien), (2010) 53-56, Springer-Verlag


Characterization of short time fluctuations in atmospheric wind speeds by LIDAR measurements

M. Wächter, A. Rettenmeier, M. Kühn, and J. Peinke
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18, 277-280 (2009)

Importance of Fluctuations: Complexity in the View of Stochastic Processess

R. Friedrich, J. Peinke and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 00294 (Springer, Berlin 2009)

Fluid Dynamics, Turbulece

R. Friedrich and J. Peinke
Enceclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 00767 (Springer, Berlin 2009)

Characterisierung von Gleichgewichts-Leistung in Form von Drift und Diffusion

eds. V. Nagen und V. Lippens
Gleichgewichts-Leistung im Handlungsbezug, Czwalina Verlag Hamburg 2009, p. 45

Power curve estimation using LIDAR measurements

M. Wächter, J. Gottschall, A. Rettenmeier and J. Peinke
EWEC PO. 264 (2009)

Wind velocity measurement using the sphere anemometer

H. Heißelmann, M. Hölling, M. Wächter and J. Peinke
EWEC PO. 234 (2009)

Visualisation of the unsteady flow around an airfoil using spectral/hp elements approach

W. Medjroubi, J. Peinke, B Stoevesandt
EWEC PO. 228 (2009)

Changes in angle of attack on blades in the turbulent wind field

B. Stoevesandt and J. Peinke
EWEC PO.212 (2009)

Influence of small scale wind velocity fluctuations an the aerodynamic alternating loads

T. Mücke, D. Kleinhans and J. Peinke
EWEC PO.212 (2009) 

Gust description by means of increment statistics

A. Morales, M. Wächter and J. Peinke
EWEC PO.170 (2009)

Genaue Messung bleibt das A und O: Dynamische Leistungskurven unter Verwendung verschiedener Anemometer

J. Peinke, J. Gottschall and M. Wächter
Erneuerbare Energien, 34-36, Januar 2009 

Turbulenzen unberechenbar und rätselhaft - Windturbulenzen und deren Bedeutung für die Nutzung von Windenergie

J.Peinke and J. Gottschall
Neue Energie - BEW intern 01,7 (2009)

Turbulencelike Behavior of Seismic Time Series
P. Manshour, S. Saberi, Muhammad Sahimi, J. Peinke, Amalio F. Pacheco and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 014101 (2009)

Digital in-line Holography used for the Detection of Lagrangian Particle Trajectories

G. Gülker, T. Homeyer and J. Peinke
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, 25 – 28 August 2009, Melbourne,  Victoria, Australia

Monitoring detaching murals in the Convent of Müstair (Switzerland) by optical metrology

Klaus D. Hinsch, Konrad Zehnder, Holger Joost, and Gerd Gülker
Journal of Cultural Heritage 10 (2009) 94-105


Exploring the dynamics of balance data - movement variability in terms of drift and diffusion
Julia Gottschall, Joachim Peinke, Volker Lippens and Volker Nagel Physcal Letters A 373 (2008), pp. 811-816 

On the definition and handling of different drift and diffusion estimates
J. Gottschall et al
New J. Phys. 10 (2008) 083034

Turbulenz und Windenergie
J. Peinke und J. Gottschall 
Einblicke Forschungsmagazin der Universität Oldenburg  47, 16 (2008)

Aus bewegter Luft wird Strom: Aktuelle Forschung zur Nutzung der Windenergie
D. Heinemann und J. Peinke 
Einblicke Forschungsmagazin der Universität Oldenburg 47, 13 (2008) 

Wind velocity measurements using a pulsed LIDAR system: first results
M. Wächter, A. Rettenmeier, M. Kühn and J. Peinke
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1 (2008) 012066
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Increase of order in seismic processes around large reservoir induced by water level periodic variation
T. Matcharashvili, T. Chelidze, J. Peinke
Nonlinear Dynamics 51, 399 (2008) doi: 10.1007/s11071-007-9219-0

Power curves for wind turbines - a dynamical approach
J. Gottschall, J. Peinke
EWEC 2008 Procedings

Sphere Anemometer - A possible alternative to cup anemometry
H. Heisselmann, M. Hoelzer, M. Hoelling, B. Schulte, J. Peinke
EWEC 2008 Procedings

Turbulence: a Challanging Issue for the Wind Energy Conversion
J. Peinke, E. Anahua, St. Barth, H. Gontier, A.P. Schaffarczyk, D. Kleinhaus , R. Friedrich
EWEC 2008 Procedings

How to improve the estimation of power curves for wind turbines
J. Gottschall, J. Peinke
Environ. Res. Lett. 3,015005 (2008)

Kurzkohärenz-Speckleinterferometrie - tiefenaufgelöste Verformungsmessungen an geschichteten Objekten
G. Gülker, K. Hinsch, A. Kraft
VDI-Berichte 1996: Optische Messungen technischer Oberflächen in der Praxis, (2008) 339-348, VDE-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-18-091996-6


Improved estimation of Fokker-Planck equations through optimisation
A.P.  Nawroth, J. Peinke, D. Kleinhaus, R. Friedrich
Phys. Rev E 76,056102 (2007)

Markov analysis and Kramers-Moyal expansion of nonstationary stochastic processes with application to the fluctuations in the oil price
F. Ghasemi, M. Sahimi, J. Peinke,  R. Friedrich,  G.R. Jafari, M.R.R. Tabar
Phys. Rev E 75,060102(R) (2007)

Medium and small scale analysis of financial data 
A.P.  Nawroth and J. Peinke
Physica A 382, 193 (2007)

Markov properties in presence of measurement noise 
D. Kleinhans, R. Friedrich, M. Waechter and J. Peinke 
Phys. Rev. E 76, 041109 (2007)

Slowly mixing cylinder in a cone-shaped nozzle
J. Linke, P. Neumeyer, M. Waechter and J. Peinke 
Experinments in Fluids 42, 811 (2007)
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Quality of vector fields in holographic PIV
C. Steigerwald, K.D. Hinsch, G. Gülker
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry PIV
2007, Rome (2007)

Hydration of MgSO4  H2O and generation of stress in porous materials
M. Steiger, K. Linnow, H. Juling, G. Gülker, A. El Jarad, S. Brüggerhoff, D. Kirchner
Crystal Growth & Design, 8 (1), 336-343 (2007)

Checkup for aging artwork: optical tools to monitor mechanical behaviour
Hinsch, K. D.; Gülker, G.; Helmers, H.
Opt.Laser Eng. 45 (2007) 578-588 

Monitoring of deformations induced by crystal growth of salts in porous systems using microscopic speckle pattern interferometry
Gülker, G; El Jarad, A.; Hinsch, K. D.; Juling, H.; Linnow, K.; Steiger, S., Brüggerhoff, S.; Kirchner, K.
Proc. LACONA VI (2007), Springer-Verlag, Berlin u.a.


Small and large scale fluctuations in atmospheric wind speeds
F. Böttcher, St. Barth and J. Peinke 
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Stoch Environ Res Ris Assess
DOI 10.1007/s00477-006-0065-2 (2006)

Multiscale reconstruction of time series
A.P. Nawroth and J. Peinke
Physics Letters A 360, 234 (2006)
[Preprint PDF 468KB]

The Markov -Einstein coherence length – a new meaning fort he Taylor length in turbulence
St. Lück, Ch. Renner, J. Peinke, and R. Friedrich
Phys.  Lett. A 359, 335 (2006)
[Preprint PDF 360KB]

Reconstruction of complex dynamical systems affected by strong measrement noise
F. Böttcher, J. Peinke, D. Kleinhans, R. Friedrich, P.G. Lind and M. Haase
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 090603 (2006)
[Preprint PDF 1.1MB]

Analysis of Non-stationary Data for Heart-rate Fluctuations in Terms of Drift and Diffusion Coefficients
F. Ghasemi, Muhammed Sahimi,. J. Peinke and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
Journal of Biological Physics (2006)

Joint multi-scale statistics of longitudinal and transversal increments in small-scale wake turbulence
M. Siefert and J. Peinke
Journal of Turbulence 7, (No 50) 1-35 (2006)
[Preprint PDF 1.1MB]

Phase synchronization in seismic activity induced by water level variations in reservoir
J. Peinke, T. Matcharashivili, T. Chelidze, J. Gogiashvili, A. Nawroth, O. Lursmanashvili, Z. Javakhishvili 
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 156, 130 (2006)

J. Peinke und M. Hölling
(tech. Informationen niedersächsischer Hochschulen) 2, 8, (2206)

Small scale behavior of financial data
A. P. Nawroth and J. Peinke
Euro. Phys. Journal B 50, 147 (2006)

Performance criteria in low coherence speckle interferometry (LCSI)
Bartl, G.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Rahlves, M.
Proc. SPIE 'Speckles, from Grains to Flowers' (Speckle 06) 6341 (2006) 63410R-1-63410R-6


Analysis and characterization of surface topographies with the theory of Markov processes
M. Wächter und J. Peinke
PAMM 5, 701 (2005)

Wind gusts and small scale intermittency in atmospheric flows
St. Barth, F. Böttcher, and J. Peinke 
PAMM 5, 561 (2005)

Alternative high reolusion sensor to hot-wire and hot-film anemometer
M. Hölling, St. Barth, and J. Peinke 
PAMM 5, 503 (2005)

Regeneration of Stochastic Processes: An Inverse Method
F. Ghasemi, J. Peinke, Muhammad Sahimi, and M. Reza Rahimi Taber 
The European Physical Journal B 47, 411 (2005) 

An iterative procedure for the estimation of drift and diffusion coefficients of Langevin processes
D. Kleinhans, R. Friedrich, A. Nawroth, J. Peinke
Phys. Lett. A. 346, 42-46, (2005).
[pdf, 170 KB]

Laser-Cantilever-Anemometer - A new high resolution sensor for air and liquid flows
St. Barth, H. Koch, A. Kittel, J. Peinke, J. Burgold and H. Wurmus
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76/7, (2005).
[pdf, 3.7 MB]

Statistische Analyse der atmosphärischen Turbulenz und allgemeiner stochastischer Prozesse
F. Böttcher, Ph.D. thesis, University of Oldenburg, 2005.
[pdf, available on BIS Server]

Stochastic analysis of single particle segregational dynamics
M. Kern, O. Buser, J. Peinke, M. Siefert, L. Vulliet
Phys. Lett. A 336, 428-433, (2005).
[pdf, 200 KB]

Small and Large Scale Fluctuations in Atmospheric wind Speeds
F. Böttcher, St. Barth & J. Peinke
Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess. (accepted), (2005).

A generalized method to distinguish between dynamical and measurement noise in complex dynamical systems
F. Böttcher, M. Siefert & J. Peinke
Physics in Image and Signal Processing (Proceedings), Toulouse, (2005).
[pdf, 308 KB]


Markov-Analysen unebener Oberflächen
M. Wächter
PhD thesis, Oldenburg (2004)
[pdf, available at BIS server]

On a multi-scale approach to analyze the joint statistics of longitudinal and transverse increments experimentally in small scale turbulence
M. Siefert & J. Peinke
J. Turbulence (submitted)
[pdf, 308 KB]

Reconstruction of the Deterministic Dynamics of Stochastic systems
M. Siefert & J. Peinke
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 14, 2005 (2004).
[pdf, 308 KB]

Different cascade speeds for longitudinal and transverse velocity increments of small-scale turbulence
M. Siefert & J. Peinke
Phys. Rev. E 70, 015302 (2004).
[pdf, 124 KB]

Turbulenz und Finanzmarkt

J. Peinke, M. Siefert, F. Böttcher & R. Friedrich
Einblicke, Universität Oldenburg, 338, 18, (2004).
[pdf, 492 KB]

Entwicklung eines hochauflösenden Geschwindigkeitssensors
St. Barth, Ph.D.-thesis, University of Oldenburg, (2004).
Physica A 338, 159-183, (2004).
[pdf, 41 MB]

Fat Tail Statistics and Beyond
J. Peinke, M. Siefert, S. Barth, C. Renner, F. Riess, M. Wächter and R. Friedrich
Advances in Solid State Physics 44, 363-374, (2004).
[pdf, 308 KB]

Turbulence,AdvancesInSolidStatePhysics2004.pdf a challenging problem for wind energy
Joachim Peinke, Stephan Barth, Frank Böttcher, Detlev Heinemann, Bernhard Lange
Physica A 338, 159-183, (2004).
[pdf, 388 KB]

Anomalous statistics in turbulence, financial markets and other complex systems
J. Peinke, F. Böttcher, and St. Barth
Annalen der Physik 13, pp. 450-460, (2004).
[pdf, 276 KB]

Increment definitions for scale dependent analysis of stachastic data
M.Waechter and A. Kouzmichev
Physical Review E 70, 055103 (2004)
Preprint arxiv:physics/0404021
[pdf, 75 KB]

Stochastic analysis of different rough surfaces

M. Waechter, F.Riess, Th.Schimmel, U.Wendt and J.Peinke
The European Physical Journal B 41, 259 (2004)
preprint arxiv:physics/0404015
[pdf, 1.1 MB]


A phenomenological model for the dynamic response of wind turbines to turbulent wind
A. Rauh and J. Peinke
J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 92/2, 159-183 (2003).

On the statistics of wind gusts
F. Boettcher, Ch. Renner, H.-P. Waldl and J. Peinke
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 108, 163-173 (2003).
[pdf, 610 KB]

On a quantitative method to analyze dynamical and measurement noise
M. Siefert, A. Kittel, R. Friedrich, J. Peinke
Europhys. Lett. 61 (4) , 466-472 (2003).
[pdf, 300 KB]

Markov analysis of the joint statistical properties of velocity and energy in turbulence (preprint)
Ch. Renner, J. Peinke, R. Friedrich, O. Chanal, and B. Chabaud
Physics of Fluids (submitted)

Reconstruction of the Deterministic Dynamics of Stochastic systems (preprint)
M. Siefert and J. Peinke
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. (in press)

Stochastic analysis of surface roughness
M. Waechter, F. Riess, H. Kantz, and J. Peinke
Europhys. Lett. 64, 579 (2003)
Preprints arxiv:physics/0203068 and arxiv:physics/0310159
[pdf, 202 KB]


Markowanalysen stochastisch fluktuierender Zeitserien
Ch. Renner, PhD-Thesis, University of Oldenburg, (2002)
[pdf, 5.3 MB]

Skalenaufgelöste Experimente und statistische Analysen von turbulenten Nachlaufströmungen
St. Lueck, PhD-Thesis, University of Oldenburg, (2002)
[pdf, 7.8 MB]

Dynamische Eigenschaften von Windböen und ihre Auswirkungen
F.Böttcher, E. Anahua und J. Peinke
Proceeding DEWEK 2002

Stochastic modelling of fat-tailed probabilities of foreign exchange-rates
M. Karth and J. Peinke
Complexity, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 34-42 (2002)
[pdf, 3.141 KB]

Experimental indications for Markov properties of small scale turbulence
Ch. Renner, J. Peinke and R. Friedrich
PAMM 1, 462 (2002)
[pdf, 120 KB]

Analysis of free jet turbulence with cross-correlation light-in-flight holography
M. Geiger, S. Herrmann, J. Peinke and K.D. Hinsch
PAMM 1, 304 (2002)
[pdf, 216 KB]

Reconstruction of dynamical equations for traffic flow
S. Kriso, R. Friedrich, J. Peinke, and P. Wagner
Phys. Lett. A 299, 287 (2002)
[pdf, 112 KB]

Turbulence and financial market data analyzed with respect to their scale dependent complexcity in Complexity from microscopic to macroscopic scales: Coherence and large deviations
J. Peinke, Ch. Renner and R. Friedirch
eds. A. T. Skjeltrop and T. Vicsek (Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht 2002) p. 151 - 169
[pdf, 3.7 MB]

Comment on : Indispensable Finite Time corrections for Fokker-Planck equations from time series data
R. Friedrich, Ch. Renner, M. Siefert, and J. Peinke : , Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 149401 (2002)
[pdf, 56 KB]

On the universality of small scale turbulence In Advances in Turbulence IX
J. Peinke, Ch. Renner, M. Karth, M. Siefert, and R. Friedrich
eds. I.P. Castro, P.E. Hancock and T.G. Thomas (CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2002) p. 319
[pdf, 376 KB]

On a high-resolving LCA ­ Laser Candilever Anemometer In Advances in Turbulence IX
S. Barth, S. Schlüter, S. Lück, and J. Peinke
eds. I.P. Castro, P.E. Hancock and T.G. Thomas (CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2002) p. 489
[pdf, 696 KB]

The Dynamical Behaviour of Wind Gusts
F.Böttcher, E. Anahua und J. Peinke
Porceeding of , Global Windpower Confrence in Paris 2002 (published by European Wind Energy Association as CD)
[pdf, 272 KB]

Reconstruction of the Deterministic Dynamics of Stochastic systems
M. Siefert and J. Peinke
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. (accepted)
[pdf, 308 KB]

Light-in-Flight holography with switched reference beams for cross-correlation in deep volume PIV
S.F. Herrmann., M. Geiger, K.D. Hinsch, and J. Peinke;
in: Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics, eds R.J. Adrian, D.F.G. Durao, M.V. Heitor, M. Maeda, C. Tropea, J.H. Whitelaw (Springer, 2002) p. 3-23

Topological analysis of chaotic behaviour of Schinriki oscillator
N. K. Vitanov, M. Siefert and J. Peinke
Compt. rend. BAS, vol. 55, N9, 25-30 (2002)

Universality of Small Scale Turbulence
Ch. Renner, J. Peinke, R. Friedrich, O. Chanal, and B. Chabaud
Phys. Rev. Let. 89, 12 (2002)
[pdf, 152 KB]

Dynamical analysis of a noise influenced Shinriki oscillator

N.K. Vitanov, M. Siefert, and J. Peinke
Compt. rend. BAS vol. 55, N7, 15-20 (2002).

Estimation of deterministics and stochastic rules underlying fluctuating data sets
S. Siegert, R. Friedrich, Ch. Renner, and J. Peinke
Modeling and forecasting financial data: techniques of nonlinear dynamics
eds. A. Soofi and L. Cao (Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht 2002) p. 375- 400


Markov properties of small scale turbulence
Ch. Renner, J. Peinke, R. Friedrich
Journal of Fluid Mechanic 433, 383 (2001)
[pdf, 884 KB]

Markov properties of high frequency exchange rate data

Ch. Renner, J. Peinke, R. Friedrich
Physica A 298 (2001) 499-520
[pdf, 320 KB]

Problematik der Windböen
F. Böttcher, Ch. Renner, J. Peinke, H.P. Waldl
DeWi Magazin Nr. 19 (2001)
[pdf, 260 KB]

Experimental indications for Markov properties of small scale turbulence
Ch. Renner, J. Peinke and R. Friedrich
PAMM 1, 462 (2002)
[pdf, 120 KB]

On a Complete Statistical Characterization of Turbulence
R. Friedrich, St. Lück, J. Peinke, and Ch. Renner
in: Fluid Mechanics and its applications Vol 59, eds.: T. Kambe, T. Nakano, T. Miyauchi (Kluwer, 2001)p 107ff.
[pdf, 232 KB]

The Spectrum of Singularities of a Fractal Basin Boundary in Sciences of the Interface
M. Alber, Th. Galla, and J. Peinke
eds.: H.H. Diebner, T. Druckrey and P. Weibel (Proceedings of the International Symposium, Sciences of the Inteface, Genista Verlag, Tübingen 2001) p. 155ff.
[pdf, 564 KB]


How to Quantify Deterministic and Random Influences on the Statistics of the Foreign Exchange Market
R. Friedrich, J. Peinke, and Ch. Renner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5224 (2000)
[pdf, 532 KB]

Extracting model equations from experimental data

R. Friedrich, S. Siegert, J. Peinke, St. Lück, M. Siefert, M. Lindemann, J. Raethjen, G. Deuschl und G. Pfister
Phys. Lett. A 271, 217 (2000)

Oscillatory Poiseuille Flow in Homeotropically Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystals

P. Toth, A.P. Krekhov, L. Kramer, and J. Peinke
Europhys. Lett. 51, 48 (2000)
[pdf, 192 KB]

Markov properties of high frequency exchange rate data

Ch. Renner, J. Peinke and R. Friedrich
Int. Journal. of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 3, 415 (2000)

On the complete statistical characterization of velocity increments in turbulence
St. Lück, Ch. Renner, J. Peinke and R. Friedrich
in: Advances in Turbulence VIII, edt. C. Dopazo (CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2000) p. 759
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Conditional Statistics of Velocity Fluctuations in Turbulence
A. Naert, B. Castaing, B. Chabaud, B. Hebral, and J. Peinke
Physica D 113, 73 (1998)

A Note in Three Point Statistics of Velocity Increments in Turbulence

R. Friedrich, J. Zeller, and J. Peinke
Europhysics Letters 41, 153 (1998)
[pdf, 340 KB]

An Improved Multifractal Box-Counting Algorithm, Virtual Phase Transition, and Negative Dimensions

M. Alber and J. Peinke
Phys. Rev. E 57, 5489 (1998)
[pdf, 128 KB]

Dynamics of Disordered Patterns in Electroconvection of Homeotropically Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystals

P. Toth, A. Buka, J. Peinke, and L. Kramer
Phys. Rev E 58, 1983 (1998)
[pdf, 5.3 MB]

The Formation of Chevrons in the Dielectric Regime of Electroconvection in Nematic Liquid Crystals

M. Scheuring, L. Kramer, and J. Peinke
Phys. Rev E 58, 2018 (1998)
[pdf, 824 KB]

Analysis of Data of Stochastic Systems<

S. Siegert, R. Friedrich, and J. Peinke
Phys. Lett. A 243, 275 (1998)


Unifying iteration rule for fractal objects
A. Kittel, J. Peinke, J. Parisi, G. Baier, M. Klein, and O.E. Rösseler
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30, 1887 (1997)

Statistical Properties of a Turbulent Cascade

R. Friedrich and J. Peinke
Physica D 102, 147 (1997)

Description of a Turbulent Cascade by a Fokker-Planck Equation

R. Friedrich and J. Peinke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 863 (1997)
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Chaotic Billiards Seen as Mirror Cabinets

C.A. Kruelle, A. Kittel, J. Peinke, R. Richter, and R.P. Huebener
Physica D 102, 227 (1997)

A Fokker-Planck Equation for the Energy Cascade in Turbulence

A. Naert, R. Friedrich, and J. Peinke
Phys. Rev. E 56, 6719 (1997)
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Devisenmärkte und Turbulenz

W. Breymann, S. Ghashghaie, J. Peinke und P. Talkner
Physikalische Blätter 53, 339 (1997)

A New Approach to Characterize Disordered Structures

J. Peinke, R. Friedrich and A. Naert
Z. Naturforsch 52 a, 588 (1997)

Scaling Properties of Traffic-Flow Data

P. Wagner and J. Peinke
Z. Naturforsch 52 a, 600 (1997)

Whispering Gallery Orbits in the Bunimovich Stadium

C.A. Kruelle, A. Kittel, J. Peinke and R. Richter

Multiplicative Process in Turbulent Velocity Statistics : A Simplified Analysis

F. Chilla, J. Peinke, and B. Castaing
J. Phys. II (France) 6, 455 (1996)

On the Form Invariance of Phase Length Distributions of Type-I Intermittency Observed in a Low Temperature Semiconductor Experiment

R. Richter, J. Peinke and A. Kittel
Europhysics Letters 36, 675 (1996)

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