News 2017

24.12.2017: Christmas greetings

On 21.12.2017 our annual Christmas party took place. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

20.12.2017: Experts discuss mobility in rural areas

Around 60 participants from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium discussed possible solutions for sustainable mobility in rural areas on December 14th at the University of Oldenburg. The event was part of the project "Shaping the Future of Smart Regions North" and was organized by the Department of Business Informatics / Very Large Business Applications (VLBA) of the University of Oldenburg. The attending experts from science, business, politics, administration, cities and municipalities exchanged views on existing and possible mobility concepts as well as the necessary framework conditions.

The documentation (in German only) can be downloaded from the NEMo project website: www.nemo-mobilitaet.de/blog/de/expertenworkshop/.


On the 30th of November 2017, the fourth and last workshop of the innovation network for sustainable smartphones (INAS) at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg took place. Members of the eCoInnovateIT project from the University of Oldenburg got in touch with entrepreneurs and other researchers to discuss new concepts and share ideas on how to prolong the lifetime of our smartphones. The workshop was entitled "Integration - Value added architectures and business models for the «Service Point of the Future»“.

For more information visit: ecoinnovateit.de/

24.11.2017: 1st HEdIS Summer School Impressions

On November 22nd, 2017 the 1st HEdIS Summer School started with a Welcome Event at the Summerstrand Hotel in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Students and some industrial partners had the opportunity to register early for our summer school and also exchange some words to get to know each other.

The first day of the Summer School (November 23rd 2017) focused on an introduction to IoT, overviews on sustainability topics (water, mobility and energy study cases), and a presentation on design and thinking approaches. After the experts’ sessions,  the participants formed work groups, who picked one of the 3 given topics in order to manage and accomplish the tasks for the Summer School’s final assessment.

For more information about the Summer School please check our HEdIS Summer School Schedule Nov 2017.

20.11.2017: VLBA at DVWG conference

On November 16th the research assistants Ali Akyol and Benjamin Dietrich presented the NEMo project (German acronym for “Sustainable satisfaction of mobility demands in rural regions”) at the DVWG conference. The conference took place in Hannover and dealt with mobility management in rural areas and the perspective of citizens. More than 100 mobility experts attended the event.

17.11.2017: CENIT-EA Coordinators Meeting

The 1st coordination workshop for the newly approved DAAD-GIZ-BMZ project "Center of Excellence on ICT for East Africa" (CENIT@EA) took place in Arusha, Tanzania from November 14th to 18th 2017. In addition to the funding institutions, all East African partners attended the workshop. The project coordinator co-hosted the event together with the GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation) and defined all relevant project milestones. Other topics included the structure of the Master's Programme, including the regulations, the composition of the Steering Committee, the development of communication structures and the necessary laboratory equipment. During the project meeting from November 30th to December 5th 2017, the curriculum, as well as the selection criteria for awarding scholarships were defined, and the cooperation agreement and marketing strategy were drawn up.

06.11.2017: Research stay of DEMIS participants

In the frame of the DEMIS project Ramadhani Sinde (NM-AIST,Tanzania), Ézar Esau Nharreluga (Universidade Pedagógica, Mozambique),  Hortência Macombo Massinga (Universidade Pedagógica, Mozambique) and Judith Leo (NM-AIST,Tanzania), 4 research students visits the Carl von Osietzky Oldenburg University in Oldenburg, Germany. 

The 4 students will complete a 20 days stay in which they will focus and improve their PhD and research topics, will present their topics and critical research areas to colleagues at the host institution and will experience the opportunity of working in a German scientific environment.

26.10.2017: Kickoff of the research cooperation with abat AG

The kickoff-meeting of the new research cooperation between the department VLBA and the abat AG took place on the 26.10.2017 in Bremen. Among other things, main topics, goals of the project and the further steps were discussed.

The cooperation focusses on topics such as Predictive Maintenance, Sensors, Augmented and Virtual Reality, User Experience and other innovative topics in the context of SAP. Futher informations will follow shortly (Projects). Alternatively, you can contact us directy (Contact person: René Kessler).

25.10.2017: Workshop in cooperation with ecco Unternehmensberatung

On October 24th a workshop took place at the department Very Large Business Applications/VLBA together with representatives of the consultancy ecco. Focus of the workshop was the digitalization of services and products provided by ecco. ecco is a consultancy based in Oldenburg and supports companies in areas such as management systems, corporate social responsibility, management and training of managers.

23.10.2017: STORM Release

On October 19th the release of STROM, an innovative software solution for sustainability reporting, took place at the Klimahaus Bremerhaven. During this event Prof. Marx Gómez hold a short talk on the latest challenges in the field of sustainability reporting. The development of STROM reaches back to 2012 at the University Oldenburg (department Very Large Business Application/VLBA). Back then a group of students carried out a research project on sustainability reporting. During the research project a start-up was founded in 2015. The start-up named ID-Impuls made the software ready for the market. Since 2017 the ID-Impuls GmbH belongs to abat, an international SAP service provider and product supplier, who does business process optimization. The company’s focus is on the automotive and discrete production industries, on logistics and on sustainability.

17.10.2017: 4th CENTOS Postershow

On October 16th 2017, the fourth CENTOS postershow took place in the BIS hall of the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg. The meeting allowed students to get an in-depth look into the current research process of the universities susainability projects. During this event, the department Business Information Systems / Very Large Business Applications (VLBA) under the conduct of Prof. Jorge Marx Gómez presented three of their current research projects, namely NEMo, eCoInnovateIT and TEMPRO and discussed the results of their research with interested students and fellow researchers.

For more information on CENTOS visit: uol.de/forschung/centos/veranstaltungen/

09.10.17: Award for the dissertation of Saskia Greiner

The dissertation "Risikointegriertes Prozess Engineering am Beispiel Offshore Windpark"  by Saskia Greiner, under the supervision of Prof. Marx Gómez, was the first dissertation ever to be awarded for outstanding work with the "Peter-Welfing-Preis".

We, the whole department VLBA, congratulate you very warmly.

Further information can be found on the website of the Hochschule Bremen.

05.10.2017: Research Project Meeting "NEMo-Mobilität"

The research partners of NEMo (in German for ‘Sustainable satisfaction of mobility demands in rural regions’) gathered regularly on September 28th.The research project NEMo pursues the development of sustainable and innovative mobility services based on business models for rural areas. Therefore, NEMo will create new mobility services, where citizens become mobility provider.

The meeting took place at Institute of Automotive Management and Industrial Production (AIP) at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. Prof. Dr. Helmut Lessing represented the advisory board of NEMo. The participants discussed the next steps of the planned mobility platform for the pilot region of Wesermarsch. Moreover, the results of the citizen surveys were on the agenda.

NEMo is funded by the VW foundation with €1,53 m. and is scheduled for 3 years. Funded are 8 doctoral students and 1 postdoctoral position. NEMo is an inter- and transdisciplinary project. Besides the scientific participants many partners from industry and public are involved in the project.

The next gathering of the research partners will take place in first quarter 2018 in Lüneburg.

More information: www.nemo-mobilitaet.de

02.10.2017: VLBA on the European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) 2017

Between 27.09.2017 and 29.09.2017 the 4th ECDA conference took place in Wroclaw (Poland) at the University of Economics.

At the conference, master student Felix Kruse presented research results of his master thesis. The master thesis findings are primary located in the domain of the data science and were dedicated to support the data-driven decision process within a companies.

25.09.2017: eCoInnovateIT - 9th meeting of project consortium

On the 04th of September 2017, the team around the interdisciplinary research project eCoInnovateIT - ‘Sustainable Consumption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Digital Societ’ from the University of Oldenburg invited its members from the University of Osnabrück and the University of Lüneburg to join them for the 9th workshop of the project. The meeting aimed at connecting the participants in the area of sustainable consumption of smartphones and other ICT products. The meeting allowed all actors within the project to discuss their individual development and find overlaps with other members. In the second half of the workshop, the participants discussed related areas of reserarch, problems and challenges in small teams  and documented the development for upcoming research efforts. 

In this context the team of Prof. Jorge Marx Gómez presented their current development process and answered questions from the audience. The interdisciplinary team comprises researchers from the Universities in Oldenburg, Osnabrück and Lüneburg and covers a broad spectrum of research backgrounds such as social sciences, information systems, psychology, sustainability management, innovation research and marketing. Together, the participants discussed their joint research strategy with the common goal to find a sustainable way of consuming information and communication technology.

Further information: www.ecoinnovateit.de

31.08.2017: Innovation Lab UNLEASH 2017

From 13th to 21st August 2017, Georg Hake participated together with 1000 young researchers from 129 countries in the global innovation lab UNLEASH 2017 in Copenhagen to create innovative solutions to challenges within The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

UNLEASH is perhaps the largest and most diverse group of young top talents to ever collaborate on solutions to the SDGs and the participants have been carefully selected based on their innovative insights, ideas, and experience. The talent pool draws from tech entrepreneurs, leading academics, and young development program officers. This year, talents will co-create solutions focusing on seven SDG-related themes: Health, Food, Water, Education & ICT, Energy, Urban Sustainability, and Sustainable Consumption & Production.

Further information is provided here: unleash.org

24.07.2017: Statistical Analysis skills training

The Faculty of Business Administration at AIU has started a weekly training sessions with the aim to raise the Statistical Analysis skills of academic staff especially in using SPSS software. Mr. Louay Koulo gave the lecture, which is part of the sustainability of MATRE project, on Wed 19 July 2017 at MATRE lab of the Research Support and Training Center in the Faculty of Business Administration of AIU. The lecture was attended by Full-time academic staff at the Faculty of Business Administration of AIU.

23.06.2017: D. Nyumbeka and M. Smuts present their PhD topics

On Wednesday 21st June Dumi and Martin presented their PhD topics at VLBA department (University of Oldenburg).

Dumisani Nyumbeka is a 2nd year PhD student at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth. His PhD research focuses on creating a scheduling model for the charging of electric vehicles using photovoltaic (PV) powered smart microgrids. This research is part of larger project that seeks to build a network of charging stations that are publicly accessible to the EV drivers nation-wide, thereby reducing range anxiety.

Martin Smuts is conducting his PhD in the fields of energy efficiency and sustainable mobility. He aims to investigate different techniques to improve the accuracy of range estimation technologies in electric vehicles. This research aims to assist drivers in optimising their driving behaviours to manage the limited battery capacity and charging infrastructure of electric vehicles.

22.06.2017: Kick-off meeting of the project "Förderung und Implementierung einer zukunftsweisenden und nachhaltigen Mobilitätsstrategie für den Radverkehr"

On the 22nd of June the kick-off meeting to the research project "Förderung und Implementierung einer zukunftsweisenden und nachhaltigen Mobilitätsstrategie für den Radverkehr" between the partners baron mobility service gmbh and the University of Oldenburg (Business Informatics, VLBA) successfully took place.

21.06.2017: Closed conference VLBA

During the 7th of June 2017 the closed confered of the VLBA took place in the house of the KHG Oldenburg.

Particulary the new research topics were introduced and discussed.

Further information (German-speaking)

21.06.2017: Guest stays within EU-TEMPUS project JMBIOTEC

In the frame of the EU-TEMPUS project "JMBIOTEC" the Egyptian Master guest students Nourhan Yehia and Mohamed Mahmoud are visiting Oldenburg University (Business Informatics Department, VLBA) and gave a presentation on 7th June 2017 about their research projects "Bioinformatics approach for detecting leukemia cancer biomarkers" and "Ethanol production from agricultural waste using desert soil microbes".

20.06.2017: Workshop eIADS-Extensions for eID-Scenarios

On the 08th of June 2017 the project partner of the project Connecting Europe Facility - TREATS (Trans European Authentication Services) Projekts in representative office of the state Saxony-Anhalt in Berlin came together. The project partner meet to discuss new application areas for the eID infrastructure in Germany and Europe. Partners in the TREATS consortium are the college of education HS Harz, HSH Kommunalsoftware, SIXFORM, AKDB, the German Federal Printing Office, OpenLimit, MTG und Governikus as project coordinator.

For further information visit: www.hs-harz.de/studium/fb-automatisierung-und-informatik/informatik-e-administration/treats-ws/

13.06.2017: Third Workshop of the innovation network for sustainable smartphones (INAS)

On the 19th of May 2017, the third workshop of the innovation network for sustainable smartphones (INAS) at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg took place. Members of the eCoInnovateIT project from the University of Oldenburg got in touch with practioners and other researchers to discuss new concepts and share ideas on how to prolong the lifetime of our smartphones.

For more information visit: ecoinnovateit.de/

12.06.2017: HEdIS workshop in June

From 27th to 29th June 2017, the Very Large Business Applications department (VLBA), will be hosting the first module development workshop of the HEdIS project at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Colleagues from the partner universities Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University  and the University of Cape Town, and several other academic and industrial partners from different institutions as well as entrepreneurs from Germany’s northern region will be joining the workshop. Energy, Water and Mobility will be the major workshop topics. The workshop programme includes different keynotes and presentations as well as roundtable discussions and module development sessions.

Further information is provided here: hedis-project.org/

09.06.2017: Neue ländliche Mobilität – Teilnehmer für Online-Umfrage gesucht

Über Internetplattformen oder Aushänge vermittelte Fahrgemeinschaften sind vielen Menschen bisher noch unbekannt und bislang noch keine wirkliche Option für ihren Mobilitätsalltag. Dabei könnte diese Mobilitätsform gerade in ländlichen Gebieten den oftmals unzureichenden öffentlichen Nahverkehr ergänzen, indem Personen mit einem Privatfahrzeug z.B. an selten angefahrenen Bushaltestellen weitere Personen mitnehmen. Wird diese Mobilitätsform akzeptiert? Unter welchen Bedingungen sind Menschen bereit, eine Fahrgemeinschaft mit einer anderen Person zu bilden? Diese Fragestellungen werden im Rahmen einer Online-Umfrage des Forschungsprojektes „NEMo – Nachhaltige Erfüllung von Mobilitätsbedürfnissen im ländlichen Raum“ untersucht

Die Teilnahme an der Umfrage ist unter diesem Link möglich: Zur Umfrage und dauert ca. 15-20 Minuten.

23.05.2017: 9th BUIS Conference in Magdeburg - 19. Tagung der Fachgruppe Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

On the 11th & 12th of May 2017, the 9th BUIS days took place in Madgeburg. The main topic of this years conference was 'smart sustainability'. The conference was held to discuss solutions and concepts, that support sustainable behavior and utilize the possibilities of IT-based solutions. In expert panels and presentations of scientific findings, the participants discussed new concepts and shared ideas on environmental management systems, automatisation, economical and political impacts, knowledge exchange and education.

Some impressions: 9th BUIS Conference 2017

16.05.2017: Reserach stay of Francisco Herrera

Francisco Herrera is working at Universidad Catolica UNICA en Nicaragua as Director of the International Relation Office, this office is in charge of all the process about internationalization. At this moment UNICA has different initiatives in order to promote the international programs and take advantage all the opportunities to study abroad.

Francisco Herrera will stay in Oldenburg for one month working as academic staff mobility in the Department of Computing Science Business Informatics (Very Large Business Applications) to learn about the international projects and make academic relations among Oldenburg University and Universidad Catolica.

This opportunity aims to enhance the quality of higher education and promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through mobility and academic cooperation based on Erasmus Mundus programe

15.05.2017: Successful disputation of Saskia Greiner

Saskia Greiner successfully defended her dissertation - topic: "Risikointegriertes Prozessmanagement am Beispiel Offshore Windpark".

26.04.2017: DAAD New Projects Launch Event

From 24th to 25th April, Jorge Marx Gómez and Stefan Wunderlich attended the official DAAD launch event for newly funded projects in Bonn, Germany. The attendees from different institutions engaged in several very interesting activities, such as presentations, discussions, and networking. This very fruitful event helped generating synergies between newly funded projects and heterogenous partners. Many possibilities for collaboration have been discussed and identified. A comprehensive collaboration between different projects has been envisaged. The HEDIS team is looking forward to this opportunities.

Jorge Marx Gómez presents HEDIS project idea and structure

26.04.2017: 8th meeting of eCoInnovateIT

On the 21st of April 2017, the eight workshop of the innovation-network eCoInnovateIT - ‘Sustainable Consumption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Digital Society’ took place in Osnabrück.
Members of the eCoInnovateIT project from the University of Oldenburg, the University of Osnabrück and the University of Lüneburg got in touch to discuss new concepts and share ideas.
During the meeting, the current progress of the project was presented and the partial results from the different work packages were discussed.

For more informations visit: ecoinnovateit.de/

30.03.2017: Kick-off workshop „Renewable Energy in South Africa made in Germany“

On 4th of Mai 2017 the Kick-off Workshop for „Renewable Energy in South Africa made in Germany“ is taking place at NEXT ENERGY in Oldenburg.

"Die Kombination verschiedener Formen der Energiegewinnung sowie deren zunehmende Dezentralität werden die Verfügbarkeit von Strom sowie die allgemeine Netzstabilität weiter verbessern. Insbesondere in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern wie Südafrika können damit aktuell vernachlässigte Ressourcen wie z. B. die Energiegewinnung aus Biomasse, die vorhandene Solarenergie optimal ergänzen. Mittels Kooperationen sollen Bildung, Forschung und Innovationaktivitäten in Deutschland gestärkt zudem aber auch die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit deutscher Unternehmen durch Erschließung neuer Marktpotenziale unterstützt werden."

27.03.2017: Projektgruppe "DoHA" auf der CeBit

Eine ereignisreiche Woche liegt hinter der PG „DoHA“ und der Auftritt auf der CeBIT ist geschafft. Ausgestellt wurden die verschiedenen Prototypen, die im Verlauf des letzten Jahres entwickelt wurden. Dazu zählen die Abbildung einer logistischen Prozesskette im S/4HANA und die Implementierung zweier verschiedenener Apps auf der SAP HANA-Datenbank. In einer App werden innerbetriebliche Zeiten erfasst und in der zweiten werden verschiedene Sensordaten in Echtzeit analysiert. Neben den Betreuern von abat und der Uni besuchten den Stand unter anderem die Ministerin für Wissenschaft und Kultur Gabriele Heinen-Kljajić, sowie  Dr. Holzkämper und Dr. Marz der Firma CEWE color. Außerdem war der Stand Bestandteil einer „Guided Tour“ über den Gemeinschaftsstand Niedersachsen. Die entwickelten Prototypen kamen sehr gut an und führten zu interessanten Gesprächen. Die Projektgruppe konnte dabei einige Kontakte knüpfen.

21.03.2017: Guest lecture by Dr. Brenda Scholtz

On 21st March 2017 Dr. Brenda Scholtz (Head of Deparment Computing Sciences at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa) held a guest lecture on academic writing. Dr. Scholtz gave interesting insights into the differents aspects of academic writing.

07.03.2017: YEEES successfully kicked off at UNAM

The YEEES (Yields of Evocative Entrepreneurial approaches on Environment and Society) project will foster the development of innovative entrepreneurial approaches, as e.g. the founding of sustainability start-ups and organisations in the respective fields. Our work supports the development of skills and mindsets that lead to entrepreneurial behavior in a way that future change agents identify and exploit opportunities for creative and innovative or “imovative” solutions. We also contribute to a broad and strong German-African cooperation in various ways. That allows mind-changing experiences, which on short and long-term perspective enable people to contribute to sustainable change. The kick off tokes place at the University of Namibia in Windhoek. Participating countries for the four-year project are Germany, Mozambique, South Africa and Namibia.

(Left to right): Dr. Kauna Mufeti, Prof. Uranio Mahanjane, Prof. Jantje Halberstadt, Prof. Jean Greyling, Prof. Andre Calitz, Prof. Magaret Cullen, Prof. Heike Hölzner, Dr. Tim Pattaway, Alexander Sandau, Prof. Helmut Faasch, Rosa Chilundo, Prof. Jorge Marx Gómez

See more: Project details

13.03.2017: Dates for SAP TERP10 course are announced

The new dates for the next SAP TERP10 course are now available.

The next course is taking place from the 31st of July 2017 until the 11th of August 2017. Please consider the terms of application, which ends on the 15th of July 2017.

The instruction language is german.

01.03.17: HEdIS successfully kicked off at NMMU

The collaborative and research education hub that seeks to bring together the practical and research orientated aspects of ICT for supporting the country’s sustainability efforts, kicked off at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). The Hub for Education on ICT for Sustainability (HEdIS) is a collaborative project of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, in Port Elizabeth, the University of Cape Town and Carl von Ossietzky University, in Oldenburg, that will be run through the South African universities’ computing science departments over four years.

Prof Andrew Leitch (DVC, NMMU), Prof Azwinndini Muronga (Dean, NMMU), Dr Brenda Scholtz (Head of Dept. CS, NMMU), Prof Ulrike Rivett (UCT), Prof Jorge Marx Gómez (Project coordinator, UOL)

23.01.2017: Symposium "Science for Sustainable Development" on 23. and 24. January 2017 in Hannover

On January the 23rd Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, University of Osnabrueck and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez, University of Oldenburg are presenting the research results and advancements of the projects NEMo and eCoInnovateIT.

VLBA-Webmaster (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p49397en
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