News 2018


12.01.2018: Guest lecture by Prof. Ulrike Rivett

Prof. Ulrike Rivett (University of Cape Town, South Africa) visited our deparment as part of the HEdIS project. On the 11th of January she gave a guest lecture on Information Communication and Technology for Development (ICT4D) - Mobile Technologies to leapfrog development in Africa.

See more: HEdIs Project

30.01.2018: eCoInnovateIT – 10th project meeting in Lüneburg

On Friday, January 26th of 2018 the 10th meeting of the project ‘eCoInnovateIT - Sustainable Consumption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Digital Societ’ took place at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. Together, the participants discussed their joint research strategy with the common goal to find a sustainable way of consuming information and communication technology.  The interdisciplinary team comprises researchers from the Universities in Oldenburg, Osnabrück and Lüneburg and covers a broad spectrum of research backgrounds such as social sciences, information systems, psychology, sustainability management, innovation research and marketing.

Further information: www.ecoinnovateit.de

07.02.2018: Research project meeting "NEMo"

On February 6th and 7th, 2018, the regular research project meeting of NEMo (in German for ‘Sustainable satisfaction of mobility demands in rural regions’) took place. The partners met at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. During the two-day project meeting, the participants exchanged views on the current project progress and the upcoming work packages. In the middle were, among other things, the mobility platform and the next steps regarding the NEMo app. The NEMo app aims to contribute to making mobility in rural areas more sustainable. Representatives of the Leuphana University Lüneburg, the TU Braunschweig and the University of Oldenburg belong to the interdisciplinary consortium of NEMo. The next NEMo project meetig will take place again in Lüneburg at the end of June 2018.

More information on www.nemo-mobilitaet.de

12.02.2018: Conference system BUIS-Tage 2018

The conference system of the conference BUIS-Tage 2018 is now available online.

01.02.2018: GIZ visits Oldenburg University

The German Society for International Cooperation GIZ visited the Computing Science department VLBA at Oldenburg University. The GIZ develops solutions to challenging problems and provides international cooperation services for sustainable development and international education work, supporting the German Government in achieving their set objectives. Dr. Karola Hahn and Dr. Bernd Multhaup are in charge of CENIT@EA on behalf of the GIZ and came to visit Oldenburg from 23 to 24 February.

In the context of their visit, related international research projects of the Computing Science VLBA were introduced, which gave input to the work of CENIT@EA. Next to presentations about research projects of the department, institutional centres introduced themselves. A visit to the associated institute OFFIS was, for example, part of the program. Discussions and knowledge exchange allowed the entire team to plan ahead, with the development of the curricula as the next critical milestone.

One of the presenters, Christian Osorio, has been assigned as project manager at Oldenburg University for CENIT@EA. He works at the department of Computing Science since 2004 and has gained relevant work experience in international research projects. Next to CENIT@EA, he is managing, along with two South African partner institutions, Nelson Mandela University and University of Cape Town, the project Hub for Education on ICT for Sustainability. Together with Julia-Katharina Franke and Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez, Christian Osorio will be responsible for the project CENIT@EA at Oldenburg University.

18.02.2018: DEMIS project meeting

The annual project meeting of the DEMIS team took place in Oldenburg on February 12. The focus was primarily on aspects of project management and the scheduling of upcoming research stays in Mozambique, Tanzania and Germany. The participation on the BUIS-Tage 2018 was also coordinated.

06.03.2018: Research cooperation Volkswagen AG

ithin the scope of a future research cooperation between Volkswagen AG (revision) and the Business Informatics (VLBA) on 6th March 2018 Prof. Marx Gómez received the VW employees Stefanie Flohr and Andreas Ollmann.

09.03.2018: CENIT@EA Uni Odenburg Team Visits the DAAD in Bonn

On March 8th 2018 visited Christian Osorio and Julia Franke, as part of the CENIT@EA Uni Oldenburg Team, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), funding partner of the CENIT@EA project, at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute in Bonn. The representatives of the DAAD in this meeting were Lars Gerold, Dorothee Weyler, Simon Cremer and Klaudia van Eyk.

This gathering was planned in order to get to know each other, but also to discuss subjects regarding the structure and management of CENIT@EA. The most important topics addressed were:

  • Steering Joint Committee Meeting in Arusha, Tansania (March 19th 2018)
  • Academia Public-Private Partnership Forum and Exhibition in Nairobi, Kenya (March 21st -22nd 2018)
  • Organizational Plan of the GIZ
  • Annual Requirement Plan and Finances related topics
  • Indicators Catalog and Annual Report

The meeting was a total success and both parts, the CENIT@EA Oldenburg Team and the DAAD, are excited about the future cooperation in this outstanding academic project.

12.03.2018: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018

From 6 to 9 March, the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (multi-conference Business Informatics) 2018 took place in the central building of the Leuphana University Lüneburg. The main theme of this year's MKWI was "Data-driven X - Turning Data into Value". VLBA employees Volkan Gizli, Alexander Sandau, Stefan Wunderlich, Benjamin Dietrich and Safwan Sulaiman as well as students Marcel Saager and Patrick Baber attended the conference. The VLBA representatives gave presentations on the following topics: Increasing the efficiency of data centers, user-centered value-added services to differentiate automobile manufacturers, block-chain technology in the energy market, and sustainable mobility and energy monitoring. 

27.03.2018: Kickoff of the project group PROPOSE.AI

The kickoff-meeting of the project group “PROPOSE.AI”, which will start in the next summer semester 2018, took place on the 26.03.2018 in the premises of the cooperation partner, Brille24 GmbH, in Oldenburg. In addition to getting to know all involved persons, the main focus was on defining first project steps and topics.

The project groups main objective will be the development of an artificial intelligence service platform with the purpose of personalized product recommendations on the basis of heterogenous data sources.

28.03.2018: Joint Steering Committee Meeting and 6th Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum and Exhibition 2018

On March 19th  2018 the project manager of CENIT@EA from the Oldenburg University (UOL), Christian Osorio, and the representatives from the DAAD, Lars Gerold and Simon Cremer, and GIZ, Karola Hahn and Bernd Multhaup visited the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in order to join the 1st Joint Steering Committee (JSC) meeting. Representatives of NM-AIST, the Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) and the East African Community (EAC) also were part of the JSC session. The chairman of this gathering was Prof. Dr. Alexandre Lyambabaje, executive secretary of IUCEA. The committee discussed topics related to the management and steering of CENIT@EA.

Furthermore, from March 21st to 22nd   2018, the 6th Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum and Exhibition (APPPF) took place at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. This event intended to enable the academia, the public and the private sectors to display the practical aspects of their operations, products, services and achievements as a way of enhancing linkages between the academia, the public and the private sectors in promoting industrialization in the East African region. DAAD, GIZ, UOL and NM-AIST representatives also made part of this event by presenting the CENIT@EA project to the assistants. Bernd Multhaup, together with Godfrey Uromcamu from Imprint (U) Ltd., gave a presentation to the APPPF title Landscape Mapping Overview of the private sector and academia in EAC with focus on ICT.

19.04.2018: NEMo presents interim results at partner meetings

On April 18, the project team of the inter- and transdisciplinary research project NEMo (German acronym for “Sustainable satisfaction of mobility demands in rural regions”) presented key interim results to its associated partners from business, science, politics and administration and discussed them. The NEMo team presented the results of a survey on carpool acceptance, the results of group discussions on mobility practices in the model regions, the status quo and the next steps of the NEMo app as well as business models for improving mobility. Current projects and plans in the field of sustainable mobility were also presented from among the participants.

18.04.2018: Final meeting of eCoInnovateIT

The final meeting of the project ‘Sustainable Consumption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Digital Society’ took place on the 16th of April 2018 at the University of Osnabrück. During the meeting, the final status reports were presented and the final results from the different work packages were discussed. Furthermore, the final report and the practical guide of the project were discussed and possible follow-up research projects were suggested. The participants of the interdisciplinary consortium include representatives of the University of Oldenburg, the University of Osnabrück and the University of Lüneburg.

Further information: www.ecoinnovateit.de

09.05.2018: International Academic Conference on Economics and Business

The International Academic Conference on Economics and Business took place in Beirut (Lebanon) from 3 - 6 May 2018, at which Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez was invited as guest speaker on the topic of blockchain technologies in the energy sector.

14.05.2018: Successful disputation Khalil Omar

On May 7, 2018, Dipl. Inf. Khalil Omar successfully defended his dissertation entitled "A Conceptual Framework for Devising Adaptive User Interfaces to Improve the Usability of Mobile ERP". 

The Department of Information Systems VLBA congratulates.

16.05.2018: Guest researcher reception

On May 15, 2018, Christine Wolff, Mayor of Oldenburg, hosted a reception for visiting scientists in the town hall. Birgit Bruns (Head of the International Relations Office of the University of Oldenburg) was inviting. Our guest researcher from South Africa Louise Greyling (ARTOMBO project) and four PhD students of Business Informatics (Safwan Sulaiman, Ammar AlSous, Mohamed Hamed and Fayez Salma) and Prof. Jorge Marx Gómez were present.

15.05.2018: Louise Greyling (Project ARTOMBO) as guest

The VLBA welcomes Louise Greyling (ARTOMBO project), who will be visiting the University of Oldenburg until the end of May 2018 as a visiting lecturer and researcher. The stay is supported by the International Relations Office Mrs Birgit Bruns of the University of Oldenburg.

05.06.2018: CENIT@EA 1st Coordinating Meeting

On 29th and 30th May 2018 the CENIT@EA UOL  and NM-AIST team gathered together with representatives of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Hochschule Mannheim, the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at the University of Oldenburg for the 1st Coordination Meeting of this academic project.

This event was scheduled in order to discuss and review the following topics:

  • Curricula Status (Master program Embedded and Mobile Systems)
  • Allocation of teaching staff at NM-AIST
  • Student recruitment
  • Rules and regulations for internships
  • Development of close cooperation withthe private and public sector in East Africa
  • Official launch of CENIT@EA

The meeting resulted in a very successful and motivating outcome. We are now looking forward to the 2nd Coordination Meeting which will take place in Arusha, Tanzania.

05.06.2018: Workshop on Sustainability Entrepreneurship in the frame of ICT

On May 22 and 23, the second workshop of our collaborative project Hub for Education on ICT for Sustainability (HEdIS) took place at Oldenburg University. Every year, we develop module curricula that we test in a Summer School at our South African partner universities. The topics that we will cover over the four-year project runtime are Water & Waste Management, Mobility and Energy Efficiency, as well as Education on Sustainability. This year’s topic is Sustainability Entrepreneurship in the frame of ICT.

See more

22.06.2018: Defense Pilar Sánchez Gómez

On 22 June 2018 Pilar Sánchez Gómez (research assistant at UAB) defended her PhD thesis at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Prof. Marx Gómez was invited to act as the external evaluator. Congratulations to Pilar.

11.06.2018: Evaluation of a degree programme

In the frame of a Bachelor study programme evaluation in „Software Engineering“ Prof. Marx Gómez visited from 4-8 June 2018 Mauritius University to act as external evaluator.

29.05.2018: DEMIS project meeting & doctoral colloquium

The penultimate project meeting and doctoral colloquium took place in Oldenburg on May 26 and May 28, 2018. Saturday was dedicated to our doctoral students. All candidates from Ghana and Mozambique presented their research topics in detail and received a lot of feedback. The project meeting focused on the upcoming final meeting.

25.06.2018: VLBA with successful CEBIT presentation

Information technology solutions and approaches can make important contributions towards the development of smart cities and regions. The sustainable development of such structures is not limited to individual aspects - the interaction is crucial. Empower Generations aims to manage decentralized energy generation more intelligently. The focus lies on modern data-based and decentralized technologies. The NEMo (German acronym for “Sustainable satisfaction of mobility demands in rural regions”) project focuses on mobility provision in rural areas and develops sustainable and innovative mobility services and business models based on them.

25.06.2018: Scientific meeting at the Leuphana University Lüneburg

On 21 June, NEMo's scientific partners met for the regular project meeting. This time the event took place at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. Among other things, the next steps regarding the mobility platform were discussed. The reason for the meeting was a guest lecture of the TU Hamburg on the project "UrbanRural Mobility Solutions". The next meeting is expected to take place in Oldenburg in September 2018.

17.07.2018: Workshop "Improving Graduate Employability through Capacity Building Partnerships"

Participation of Barbara Rapp and Jorge Marx Gómez at the workshop "Improving Graduate Employability through Capacity Building Partnerships" which took place from 10-12 July 2018 in Accra (Ghana). The workshop was organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

10.10.2018: Successful final project meeting DEMIS

During 1.-2. October 2018 the project partner within DEMIS (Doctoral Education in Environmental Management Information Systems) came together to conduct the final project meeting. All African partner institutions participated were invited to Oldenburg University (VLBA). Representatives were Daniel Nukpezah (University of Ghana), Karoli Njau (Nelson Mandela Institute of Science and Technology, Arusha, Tansania) und Uranio Mahanjane (Universidade Pedagogica, Maputo, Mozambique). From VLBA Barbara Rapp, Julia Franke and Jorge Marx Gómez participated.

19.10.2018: 9th Network Meeting of Centres of African Excellence in Berlin

From the 10th to the 13th October 2018, all eleven Centres of African Excellence came together at the Humboldt University in Berlin to engage in a close exchange about the contribution to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2063 of the African Union commission. In addition, the Network Meeting set the frame for the 10thAnniversary of the Centres of African Excellence, which was incorporated into the overall agenda.

The official opening on Wednesday included an introductory session for the upcoming workshops, a short recap of the results of last year’s meeting and recent developments in the Centre of Excellence (CoE) programme. After that, the Centre’s representatives got the chance to network. The evening was concluded by an informal dinner with all attending representatives and alumni.

The following day, two sessions on current topics concerning the CoEs took place. The first one targeted the research cooperation among the CoEs and relevant surrounding factors. The second session performed a Status Quo Analysis on the CoE’s contributions to and impact on the Agenda 2063 and the SDGs through input from each centre. Furthermore, a discussion on future prospects took place, considering potential political perspectives of the future which prove to be relevant for sustainable development in Africa. After these two informative sessions, the attendees were briefed about the upcoming Anniversary Celebration.

During the celebration, different perspectives were considered, for example through Alumni who presented their experiences, followed by an interactive roundtable discussion and Q&A. The next day, on October 12th, the Anniversary Symposium continued with a total of six parallel workshops on current working areas of CoEs, e.g. job creation and employability in Sub-Saharan Africa, digitalisation and higher education/ new technologies ­­or the development of land use, food security and roots of migration. The outcomes of the workshop were then presented in a plenary discussion. The rest of the day was spent in a more casual manner.

The event ended on Saturday after the symposium was reflected on and discussed in small, internal groups.

The CENIT@EA Team mainly used the Network Meeting to broaden our horizons on current topics regarding the development of CoEs and engage in a deeper exchange with other attendees, alumni and Centre representatives. The Network meeting was certainly informative and served its purpose to create a platform of exchange and cooperation.

11.11.2018: CENIT@EA scholarship coordination meeting at NM-AIST

From November 11th to 14th 2018, the University of Oldenburg met up with the DAAD and NM-AIST in Arusha, Tanzania to step forward in the process of preparation for the scholarship application and awarding.

The central objectives of the preparation meeting were the discussion of criteria of admission to NM-AIST, the further development of an advertisement campaign for the project and the estimated date for the call for applications.

Furthermore, we were able to advance in the aspect of opening applications – although students need to be patient for a few more weeks, we are confident to cut the waiting time as short as possible.

In short, the preparation meeting can be called a success in all regards, as current issues, challenges and opportunities were resolved, yielding in new confidence for the project.


04.12.2018: In the frame of the DAAD-funded DEMIS project

In the frame of the DAAD-funded DEMIS project (Doctoral Education in Environmental Management Information Systems) Lloyd Larbi from Ghana University successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled. 

(Changed: 14 Jan 2025)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p54442en
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