Download MSc/BSc/Dipl. Theses

Download MSc/BSc/Dipl. Theses

Finished MSc/BSc/Dipl. theses

Attention : The publications are password protected for copyright reasons. To gain access, please send an email to wolff [at]

Sebastian Heise (2021) The physical North Sea in the face of a decrease in Atlantic circulation >>Download<<

Diajeng Wulandari Atmojo (2020) Simulation of the hydrodynamic conditions in the Baltic Sea during the winter season 2010/2011 with the ocean model FVCOM >>Download<<

Florian Zimnol (2019) Development of a transport model for oxygen content in the Ems estuary >>Download<<

Tim Wüllner (2018) Stokes drift in the German Bight - An analysis using the coupled wave-current model COAWST >>Download<<

Michael Johannes Schönung (2018) Modelling the drift of macroplastics in the Lower Weser with FVCOM >>Download<<

Philipp Heinrich (2017) Particle tracking and finite-time Lyapunov exponents in the German Bight >>Download<<

Florian Hahner (2016) Interaction of waves and currents on the northern beach of Spiekeroog. Investigation with the coupled current-wave model COAWST >>Download<<

Julia Herling (2015) Beach litter along the German Bight - input pathways and distribution patterns from 1995-2013 >>Download<<

Vanessa Schakau (2014) A coupled physical-biological ocean model of the German Bight: Modelling the seasonal dispersal behaviour of the bacterial genus Vibrio >>Download<<

Anna Vanselow (2014) Investigations of the influence of vertical density layers on exchange times in the Jade Bay using the ocean model ROMS >>Download<<

Lukas Halekotte (2013) Simulation of the temperature-dependent growth of Vibrio spp. in the German Bight with the ocean model ROMS >>Download<<

Christian Behnken (2012) Turbulence characteristics in an East Frisian seaway - comparison of high-resolution numerical model studies with observations >>Download<<

Edna Rödig (2012) Fluxes of heat and freshwater and their impact on the circulation of an inverse subtropical estuary (Hervey Bay, Australia) >>Download<<

Julia Schloen (2012) Modelling the dispersion behaviour of point-source freshwater and saltwater discharges into the Jade Bay to assess their impact on the natural ecosystem >>Download<<

Martin Reck (2012) A regional hydrodynamic model of the North Sea: Properties of residual currents and response to variations in the oceanographic conditions >>Download<<

Soeren Ahmerkamp (2010) On wave motions at the steep slope of a coral reef >>Download<<

Oliver Bleich (2010) Investigations on the site dependence of cooling water discharges into the river Jade under the aspect of temperature distribution with the ocean model FVCOM using the example of the Wilhelmshaven coal-fired power plants >>Download<<

Steffen Rettig (2010) Modelling of the barium concentration in the Jade Bay using FVCOM >>Download<<

Georg Meier (2008) Investigation of the mixed water discharge at the Wilhelmshaven South Beach using a numerical ocean model >>Download<<

Frank Wolk (2003) Three-dimensional Lagrangian Tracer Modelling in Wadden Sea Areas >>Download<<

Alger Werft (2003) Surface Wave Modelling in the Wadden Sea >>Download<<

Nadja Saleck (2002) On the dynamics of tides in the East Frisian Wadden Sea >>Download<<

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