Dr.-Ing. Friederike Bruns


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Rauh

Department of Computing Science  (» Postal address)

I11-0-010a (» Adress and map)

Jederzeit, eine Anmeldung per e-Mail wird erbeten

Non-term consultation: Jederzeit, eine Anmeldung per e-Mail wird erbeten

+49 441 798-4195  (F&P

Dr.-Ing. Friederike Bruns


I11 0-009 (» Adress and map)

Curriculum vitae

Friederike Bruns (B.Sc.'16-M.Sc.'19-PhD'24) was born in Vechta, Germany. She received the bachelor and master of science degrees in computer science, as well as the PhD degree (Dr.-Ing.) from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany, in 2016, 2019, and 2024, respectively. After receiving the M.Sc., she moved forward in her academic career by taking a position as a researcher at the University of Oldenburg in the group Embedded Hardware and Software Systems. After an Erasmus-funded three-month research and teaching stay at JKU in Linz (Austria), she had a position at OFFIS e.V. - Institute for Information Technology, in the group Distributed Computation and Communication in Research and Development Devision Manufacturing. Currently, Bruns is a post-doctoral researcher in the group Distributed Control in Interconnected Systems at the Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. Dr.-Ing. Bruns is an active member to the Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SECPPS) community and regularly contributes to conferences like CASE or ETFA as reviewer and session chair.


For an overview of my scientific publications, please refer to my profiles below:

Research Interest

Systematic Correct-by-Construction Design for Industrial Real-Time Communication

Recent Publications 

  • ETFA '24 - „Analyzing Fault Behaviors in Multi-Domain Systems with Contract-Based Monitors” Friederike Bruns, Francesco Tosoni, Sven Mehlhop, Andreas Rauh, Franco Fummi, Frank Oppenheimer
  • ICIT '24 - "Enabling Automated Timing Verification: A Unified Approach for Industrial Distributed Control Systems” Friederike Bruns, Sven Mehlhop, Bianca Wiesmayr, Alois Zoitl
  • CASE '23 - "Supporting Model-Based Network Specification for Time-Critical Distributed Control Systems in IEC 61499” Friederike Bruns, Bianca Wiesmayr, Alois Zoitl
  • INDIN '23 - "Model-Based Automation of TSN Configuration for Industrial Distributed Systems” Brendan J. Mackenzie, Friederike Bruns, Wolfgang Nebel
  • SEUH '22 - "Teaching Cyber-Physical Systems in Student Project Groups: How Do Alumni Assess the Experience in Retrospective?” Henning Schlender, Ralf Stemmer, Kim Grüttner, Günter Ehmen, Bernd Westphal, Friederike Bruns
  • ETFA '22 – "A Detailed Analysis of Timing Effects in an IEC 61499 Ethernet/TSN Communication Scenario” Friederike Bruns, Jörg Walter, Wolfgang Nebel
  • ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems '20 - "Time Measurement and Control Blocks for Bare-Metal C++ Applications" Friederike Bruns, Irune Yarza, Philipp Ittershagen and Kim Grüttner
  • WFCS '20 - "Work-in-Progress: Modeling of real-time communication for industrial distributed automation systems" Friederike Bruns, Wolfgang Nebel, Jörg Walter and Kim Grüttner
  • FDL '19 - "Time Measurement and Control Blocks for Bare-Metal C++ Applications" Friederike Bruns and Philipp Ittershagen and Kim Grüttner
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