A. Salihbegovic, T. Eterovic, E. Kaljic, and S. Ribic, "Design of a domain specific language and IDE for Internet of things applications" in Proc. 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2015.
doi: 10.1109/MIPRO.2015.7160420
author = {Salihbegovic, Adnan and Eterovic, Teo and Kaljic, Enio and Ribic, S.},
title = {{Design of a domain specific language and IDE for Internet of things applications}},
booktitle = {{38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO)}},
year = {2015},
month = {05},
abstract = {With the goal of relieving the Internet of things (IoT)application designers of the complexities and heterogeneity of wireless sensory networks (WSNs), devices, communication media, protocols and operating systems, the development of higher level domain specific language has been undertaken. The result is DSL-4-IoT Editor- Designer, which is based on high level visual programming language, established on the class of visual domain specific modeling languages (VDSMLs). DSL-4-IoT is using formal presentations and abstract syntax in a metamodel. The visual front-end of the Editor has been developed in JavaScript language. The runtime execution of generated IoT application configuration files is done by the open source project “OpenHAB” runtime engine. In order to demonstrate the viability and usability of the developed DSL-4-IoT visual model based language, an experimental IoT testbed including 15 heterogeneous wireless sensory devices spanning two application domain (smart home and remote patient monitoring), has been designed and deployed.},
comment = {DSL-4-IoT Visual Domain-specific Modeling Language + IDE generates config files, executed by the OS OpenHAB runtime engine devices, sensors, wireless networks, communication, protocols},
doi = {10.1109/MIPRO.2015.7160420},
file = {:languages/Design of a domain specific language and IDE for Internet of things applications.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {rank4},