G. Bajaj, R. Agarwal, P. Singh, N. Georgantas, and V. Issarny, "A study of existing Ontologies in the IoT-domain" CoRR, vol. abs/1707.00112.
author = {Garvita Bajaj and Rachit Agarwal and Pushpendra Singh and Nikolaos Georgantas and Val{\'{e}}rie Issarny},
title = {{A study of existing Ontologies in the IoT-domain}},
journal = {CoRR},
year = {2017},
volume = {abs/1707.00112},
abstract = {Several domains have adopted the increasing use of IoT-based devices to collect sen- sor data for generating abstractions and perceptions of the real world. This sensor data is multi-modal and heterogeneous in nature. This heterogeneity induces in- teroperability issues while developing cross-domain applications, thereby restricting the possibility of reusing sensor data to develop new applications. As a solution to this, semantic approaches have been proposed in the literature to tackle problems related to interoperability of sensor data. Several ontologies have been proposed to handle different aspects of IoT-based sensor data collection, ranging from discover- ing the IoT sensors for data collection to applying reasoning on the collected sensor data for drawing inferences. In this paper, we survey these existing semantic ontolo- gies to provide an overview of the recent developments in this field. We highlight the fundamental ontological concepts (e.g., sensor-capabilities and context-awareness) required for an IoT-based application, and survey the existing ontologies which include these concepts. Based on our study, we also identify the shortcomings of currently available ontologies, which serves as a stepping stone to state the need for a common unified ontology for the IoT domain.},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/BajajASGI17},
eprint = {1707.00112},
file = {:languages/A study of existing Ontologies in the IoT-domain.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {rank4},
timestamp = {Thu, 28 Mar 2019 11:58:08 +0100},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.00112},
M. Bermudez-Edo, T. Elsaleh, P. Barnaghi, and K. Taylor, IoT-Lite Ontology.
author = {Maria Bermudez-Edo and Tarek Elsaleh and Payam Barnaghi and Kerry Taylor},
title = {{IoT-Lite Ontology}},
howpublished = {W3C Member Submission},
month = nov, year = {2015},
abstract = {IoT-Lite ontology is a lightweight ontology to represent Internet of Things (IoT) resources, entities and services. IoT-Lite is an instantiation of the SSN ontology. The lightweight allow the representation and use of IoT platforms without consuming excessive processing time when querying the ontology. However it is also a meta ontology that can be extended in order to represent IoT concepts in a more detailed way in different domains. It also can be combined with ontologies representing IoT data streams such as SAO ontology. Following best practices in ontology engineering iot-lite is meant to be used with a quantity taxonomy, such as qu-taxo, that allows the discovery and interoperability of IoT resources in heterogeneous platforms using a common vocabulary.},
file = {:languages/IoT-Lite Ontology.pdf:PDF},
url = {https://www.w3.org/Submission/2015/SUBM-iot-lite-20151126/},