Doctoral Candidates

We supervise doctoral theses in the field of medicine, epidemiology, biometry and health sciences. For the formal conditions we refer to the doctoral regulations of the faculty (Dr. med., Dr. rer nat, Dr. rer medic).

The doctorate represents proof of the ability to conduct independent research. For a doctorate, we therefore expect not only the performance and publication of research work, but also the acquisition of knowledge and skills of scientific work, both in the subjects of epidemiology and biometry as well as interdisciplinary. For this purpose, attendance of advanced training courses and our doctoral colloquium is required. Further details are compiled in a concept paper.

We are also available as a partner for cooperative doctorates, e. g. Joint PhD.

Conditions that are formulated for the rer.nat and the rer.medic explicitly also apply to medical doctoral theses (Dr. med). In this case, however, one of the three theses required for the cumulative doctorate can be waived if the content of the published (!) master's thesis or major research thesis is related. A prerequisite for acceptance for a medical doctorate in our department is usually that the major research thesis has already been written with us or a subject-relevant master's degree is available and/or regular participation in our or comparable external continuing education courses is already documented before the doctorate begins.

Physicians without previous methodological knowledge or without special interest in epidemiology and/or biometry are asked to refrain from inquiries.

If you are interested in research in our subject area, please feel free to contact us, even if no specific papers are advertised.

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