Research & Projects

Our work on sea
Sensor technologies that we have developed, improved or contributed to:
- Bubblemeter, bubble quantification on ROVs.
- Optical nitrate algorithm with external temperature, salinity information.
- Low cost surface drifters
- Hyperspectral radiometry on BGC-Argo
- EyeOnWater colour app and database
- Imaging and identification of plankton species
- Excitation-emission matrix fluorescence methods and tools
- Sunlight corrections for remote sensing reflectance
- smartFluo, MatrixFlu, Kallemeter, oil-on-water
- Characterisation methods for floating plastic debris
- Data correction methods for underway and time series data
- Calibration methods for long-term operation
- Parameterisations for underwater light field approximations
- Measurement strategies for assessing marine environmental processes
- Realistic laboratory approaches for the nearshore environment
- Combined observation and modelling strategies