Anna-Lena Geßner

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment  (» Postal address)

1. OG 129 (» Adress and map)

Anna-Lena Geßner

Geology with the focus on marine sedimentology and hydroacoustics

Curriculum vitae

since 2021              Scientific assistant (PhD student) at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg,
                                 Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Marine Sensor Systems

2018 - 2021           Master of geosciences at the Universität Hamburg with the focus on geology
                                Thesis title:  Facies distribution of a mesophotic carbonate platform
                                (Saya de Malha Bank, Western Indian Ocean)

2015 - 2018           Bachelor of geosciences at the Universität Hamburg
                                 Thesis title: Georadar investigations of a fossil barrier island (written in german)

Research cruises
May 2019                HE532 (RV Heincke), North Sea, Training Cruise

Sep. - Oct. 2019     SO270 (RV Sonne), Indian Ocean, MASCARA

June 2021               SE202106-1 (FK Senckenberg), East Frisian Coast, Gute Küste Niedersachsen

September 2021    HE582 (RV Heincke), Deutsche Bucht

October 2021        HE586 (RV Heincke), North Sea, Carbostore

March 2022            SE202203 (FK Senckenberg), East Frisian Coast, Gute Küste Niedersachsen

April 2022              HE596 (RV Heincke), North Sea, North Sea Wrecks

June 2022               SE202206-1 (FK Senckenberg), East Frisian Coast, Gute Küste Niedersachsen

September 2022    SE202209-1  (FK Senckenberg), East Frisian Coast, Gute Küste Niedersachsen

Februrar 2023       HE613 (RV Heincke), North Sea, North Sea Wrecks


Geßner, A.-L., Wollschläger, J., Giebel, H.-A., Badewien, T.H. (2024): Impact of a submerged stream groyne on morphology and sedimentology on a tidal inlet, Harle (Southern North Sea, Germany). Frontiers in Earth Sciences. doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1292462

Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Bialik, O.M., J., Braga, J.C., Reijmer, J., Reolid, J., Geßner, A.-L., Hainbucher, D. Bissesur, D. (2022): Carbonate platform drowning  caught in the act: the sedimentology of the Saya de Malha Bank (Indian Ocean). Sedimentology.

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