Function account

What a functional account is

Unlike a user account, a function account is linked to a function or role instead of a person. This results in additional possibilities of use, but there are also restrictions associated with it:

  • E-mails that arrive on a function account can be forwarded from there to several personal e-mail accounts. In this way, if one person is absent on holiday, all e-mails to the function can be forwarded to another person.
  • It is possible to work with several people on the function account.
  • Function accounts do not have the status of lecturer in Stud.IP. Function accounts can therefore not create and moderate mailing lists.
  • Function accounts are not transferred to the DFN-AAI infrastructure and cannot participate in EDUROAM.
  • Function accounts cannot download personal software and have no access to the library's personal services.
  • If WLAN is to be used with function accounts on the university campus, this must be explicitly mentioned and justified in the application.

The account name of a function account is used as the e-mail address for this account: <function account name> In addition, this name is also used to set up a web server directory, the contents of which can be found at www.<function account name> and an FTP directory, which can be used at<function account name>. We therefore advise you to choose a name for your function account that is as meaningful as possible.

Applying for a functional account

A functional account is set up via an automatic workflow. Only employees of the university can apply for functional accounts. As the application for functional accounts is based on the dual control principle, another person must be selected as the approver for the account. In addition, it is also determined who is to be responsible for the functional account.

The person responsible has the right to request changes to the account or have it deleted and is used as the email contact for important information regarding the account. If the responsible person leaves the university, another employed person must take over responsibility for the account, otherwise the functional account will be blocked.

Requesting a functional account

For change requests (adding or withdrawing authorisations for mailbox access) for a functional account, please use the form 'Authorisation for the mailbox of a functional account' (only in German), which can be accessed in the IT service portal under 'My workplace'. Please send any other enquiries about the functional account by email:

Validity of function accounts


Guest, course and function accounts are deleted after 180 days of non-use. One month before, you will receive an email informing you that your account is about to be deleted. If you reply to this e-mail, you will be given the opportunity to delay the deletion for a further 180 days. Only if you do not reply within one month will your account and all its contents be irrevocably deleted.

Assignment to a person

A person who is in a current employment relationship with the university must always be assigned to a function account. Employees who will soon be leaving the university will be informed of which function accounts they are responsible for and advised that a new responsible person(s) must be assigned to the function account. If this is not done, the function account will be blocked and later deleted.

Service Desk (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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