User account for university members
User account for university members
When you join the university (enrolment, recruitment), the IT services automatically generate a user account for you. You will receive the account name together with an initial password from the Enrolment Office or the Human Resources Department.
Lecturers receive the account data from the commissioning institution when the teaching assignment is issued.
Members of a university clinic receive their account data from the Office of the Deanery of the School VI - Medicine and Health Sciences.
The accounts of employees, lecturers and members of university clinics have the status lecturer in Stud.IP; when using the digital services of the library, the accounts have the same rights.
The account designation is generated automatically by our systems using a random generator; it cannot be influenced by you or us or changed later.
Activate user account
Your new user account must be activated before you can use it. To do this, please change the automatically assigned initial password
Activate account / change password
and replace it with a password of your own choice. This should consist of at least eight characters and contain at least four letters and one number. It must not contain your first or last name or your personal or matriculation number.
You will also be asked to set up a second factor. We recommend setting up several second factors so that you retain access to your data even in the event of loss. You can find more information here:
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Validity of the user account for students
After your de-registration, your account will still be available to you for 12 months. During this time, you will receive two emails informing you that the account is about to be deleted. These emails will be sent one month after de-registration and one month before the account is deleted. After this month, your account and all its contents will be irrevocably deleted.
Lifetime email address with the Alumni Programme
If you register for the University's alumni programme at the end of your studies, you can ask to keep your email inbox. Your account will then be converted into an alumni account, with which the IT Services Groupware service can continue to be used.
Thefollowing applies to alumni accounts: The account will be deleted if you have not used it for more than 180 days. Before this happens, you will receive an e-mail informing you that your account is about to be deleted. If you reply to this email, the deletion will be suspended and the 180 day period will start again. If you do not respond to a deletion notice within 28 days, your account and all content will be irrevocably deleted.
Validity of the user account for employees of the university
Your user account loses its validity when you terminate your employment with the university. (Excepted are emeritus professors, whose account remains valid until the end of their life).
However, your account will only be deleted if you have not used it for more than 180 days. Use is defined as an active login to a service (e.g. Stud.IP, webmail, password change), but not the retrieval of e-mails via an e-mail programme.
Before this happens, you will receive an e-mail informing you that your account is about to be deleted. If you reply to this email, the deletion will be suspended and the 180 day period will start again. However, if you do not respond to a deletion notice within 28 days, your account and all its contents will be irrevocably deleted.
Validity of the user account for guest students
Your account as a guest student is only valid for the respective enrolment period. If you have not submitted an application for admission as a guest student in C3L after the enrolment deadline (for the summer semester after 30.04., for the winter semester after 31.10.), your account will be blocked two weeks later and you will no longer be able to use your account at our university. (In the summer semester on 15.05., in the winter semester on 15.11.).
If you enrol again as a guest student at C3L in the following semester, your account will be reactivated. If the period of non-enrolment exceeds 12 months, your account will be irrevocably deleted!