Publications in 2001-1999
- Breves, Wiebke
Bio-Optik im Arabischen Meer: Datenanalyse und Modellierung.
Dissertation (PhD Thesis), Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 2001
- Harsdorf S & R Reuter
Stable deconvolution of noisy lidar signals.
EARSeL eProceedings 1, 88-95, 2001
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- Boychuk IV, TA Dolenko, VV Fadeev, M Kompitsas & R Reuter
Real abilities and problems of laser monitoring (in situ) of oil pollution in coastal marine waters.
EARSeL eProceedings, 1, 115-121, 2001
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- Fadeev VV, DV Maslov, ND Matorin, TI Zavyalova & R Reuter
Some peculiarities of fluorescence diagnostics of phytoplankton in coastal waters of the Black Sea.
EARSeL eProceedings, 1, 205-213, 2001
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- Zielinski O, R Andrews, J Göbel, M Hanslik, T Hunsänger & R Reuter
Operational airborne hydrographic laser remote sensing.
EARSeL eProceedings, 1, 53-60, 2001
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- Barth H, R Reuter & M Schröder
Measurement and Simulation of substance specific contributions of phytoplankton, gelbstoff, and mineral particles to the underwater light field in coastal waters.
EARSeL eProceedings, 1, 165-174, 2001
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- Breves W & R Reuter
Bio-optical properties of gelbstoff in the Arabian Sea at the onset of the southwest monsoon.
Proceedings of the Indian Acadademy of Science (Earth and Planet. Sciences), 109, 415-425, 2000
- Harsdorf, Stefan
Streulichtaufnahmen und Fluoreszenzmessungen mit einem Unterwasserlidar.
Dissertation (PhD Thesis), Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 2000
- Zielinski, Oliver
Bio-optische Modellierung des pelagischen Ökosystems nördlich der Kanarischen Inseln.
Dissertation (PhD Thesis), Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 1999
- Barth, Hans
Substanzspezifische Analyse spektraler Attenuationskoeffizienten und ihr Einfluß auf das Strahlungsfeld im Meer.
Dissertation (PhD Thesis), Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany, 1999
- Reuter R, F Gereit, P Hauptmann, G Matz & V Mellert
Submersible sensor network for seafloor surveillance.
In: Coastal Zone 99, Conference Abstracts. Edited by Urban Harbors Institute (University of Massachusetts, Boston) 27-29 July 1999, San Diego, 284-286, 1999
- Harsdorf S, M Janssen, R Reuter, S Tönebön, B Wachowicz & R Willkomm
Submarine lidar for seafloor inspection.
Measurement Science and Technology, 10, 1178 - 1184, 1999
- Heuermann R, R Reuter & R Willkomm
RAMSES: A modular multispectral radiometer for light measurements in the UV and VIS.
In: Environmental Sensing and Applications. Proc. EUROPTO Series, SPIE, 3821, 279-285, 1999
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- Fadeev VV, M Kompitsas & R Reuter
Complex system for optical monitoring of coastal marine water areas: concept and methods.
In: Environmental Sensing and Applications. Proc. EUROPTO Series, SPIE, 3821, 358-368, 1999
- Filippowa EM, IV Boychuk, PS Kreynin, J Niggemann, HK Oertel & R Reuter
Fluorescence spectroscopy as a method for in-situ measurements of water quality.
In: Environmental Sensing and Applications. Proc. EUROPTO Series, SPIE,l 3821, 347-357, 1999
- Harsdorf S, R Reuter & S Tönebön
Contrast enhanced optical imaging of hazardous substances on the seafloor.
In: Environmental Sensing and Applications. Proc. EUROPTO Series, SPIE,l 3821, 378-383, 1999
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- Harsdorf S & R Reuter
Laser remote sensing of sunken chemicals in highly turbid waters: validity of the lidar equation.
In: Environmental Sensing and Applications. Proc. EUROPTO Series, SPIE, 3821, 369-377, 1999
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- Zielinski O, A Oschlies & R Reuter
Comparison of underwater light field parameterizations and their effect on a 1-dimensional biogeochemical model at station ESTOC, north of the Canary Islands.
In: Ocean Optics XIV, 1999
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- Vareschi E, R Reuter, M Janssen, D Brandorff, E König & D Wübben
VERTIQUANT: A device for automatic recordings of zooplankton distributions.
Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 84, 411-417, 1999