

Publications in 2004-2002

Patsayeva S, R Reuter & D N Thomas

Fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in seawater at low temperatures and during ice formation
EARSeL eProceedings, 3(2), 227-238, 2004
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Steigenberger S, F Terjung, H-P Grossart & R Reuter

Blue-fluorescence of NADPH as an indicator of marine primary production .
EARSeL eProceedings, 3(1), 18-25, 2004
Download 500 kB pdf file.

Schröder M, H Barth & R Reuter

Impact of Inelastic Scattering on the Underwater Daylight in the Ocean: Model Evaluation, Validation and First Results.
Applied Optics, 42(21), 4244-4260, 2003

Dellwig O, F Terjung, H-J Brumsack & R Reuter

Understanding the Bioreactor Wadden Sea: a Geochemical and Physical Approach
Berichte - Forschungszentrum Terramare, 12, 47-50, 2003

Kölsch S, S Gebhardt, F Terjung, G Liebezeit, R Reuter J Rullkötter & H-J Brumsack

Freshwater Discharge into the East Frisian Wadden Sea: Geochemistry of Humic Matter-Rich Waters
Berichte - Forschungszentrum Terramare, 12, 71-74, 2003

Breves W, R Heuermann & R Reuter

Enhanced red fluorescence emission in the oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea.
Ocean Dynamics, 53, 86-97, 2003
The original publication is available at Springer Verlag.

Breves W, R Reuter, N Delling & W Michaelis

Fluorophores in the Arabian Sea and their relation to upwelling processes.
Ocean Dynamics, 53, 73-85, 2003
The original publication is available at Springer Verlag.

T A Dolenko, V V Fadeev, I V Gerdova, S A Dolenko & R Reuter

Fluorescence diagnostics of oil pollution in coastal marine waters using artificial neural networks. Applied Optics, 41(24), 5155-5166, 2002

Patsayeva S & R Reuter

Temperature dependence of fluorescence spectra of natural organic matter in seawater.
In: Geoinformation for European-wide Integration. Proceedings of the 22nd EARSeL Symposium in Prague, Czech Republic, 4-6 June 2002, pp. 217-222. Thomas Benes (editor), 687 pp.,  Millpress (Rotterdam) 2003

Zielinski O, A Oschlies, O Llinas & R Reuter

Underwater light field parameterization and its effect on a 1-dimensional biogeochemical model at station ESTOC, north of the Canary Islands.
Deep-Sea Research II, 49(17), 3529-3542, 2002

Villagarcía MG, O Llinás, R Reuter, MJ Rueda, O Zielinski & J Godoy

Distribution of gelbstoff fluorescence in the Northern Canary Box.
Deep-Sea Research II, 49(17), 3497-3511, 2002

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