

Publications in 1998-1996

Determann S, J Lobbes, R Reuter & J Rullkötter

UV fluorescence excitation and emission spectroscopy of marine algae and bacteria.
Marine Chemistry, 62, 137-156, 1998 download (1 MB pdf file)

Milchers W, S Patsayeva, R Reuter & R Willkomm

Airborne laser fluorosensing of maritime parameters: application of geostatistics.
EARSeL Yearbook 1997 (Paris), 90-95, 1998  download (1.8 MB pdf file)

Ohm K, R Reuter, M Stolze & R Willkomm

Shipboard oceanographic fluorescence lidar development and evaluation based on measurements in Antarctic waters.
EARSeL Yearbook 1997 (Paris), 105-113, 1998  download  (400 kB pdf file)

Patsayeva S, R Barbini, F Colao, R Fantoni, A Palucci & R Reuter

Laser induced saturation of DOM fluorescence in natural water.
EARSeL Workshop on Lidar Remote Sensing of Land and Sea, Workshop Proceedings, S Babichenko & R Reuter (editors), Paris 1998   download  (300 kB pdf file)

Harsdorf S, M Janssen, R Reuter & B Wachowicz

Submarine fluorescence lidar for environmental monitoring.
EARSeL Workshop on Lidar Remote Sensing of Land and Sea, Workshop Proceedings, S. Babichenko & R. Reuter (editors), 150-155, 1998  download  (500 kB pdf file)

Ahrenberg F, S Harsdorf, J Niehues & R Reuter

Contrast enhanced imaging in the sea: Application of the optical transfer function for image reconstruction.
EARSeL Workshop on Lidar Remote Sensing of Land and Sea, Workshop Proceedings, S. Babichenko & R. Reuter (editors), 66-74, 1998  download  (800 kB pdf file)

Reuter R & O Zielinski

Hydrographic lidar in space: Fermat's principle as an analytical approach for atmospheric radiative transfer simulation.
EARSeL Workshop on Lidar Remote Sensing of Land and Sea, Workshop Proceedings, S. Babichenko & R. Reuter (editors), Paris, 145-149, 1998
download (75 kB pdf file)

Gereit F, P Hauptmann, G Matz, V Mellert & R Reuter

An ROV-based sensor system for maritime pollution control.
Oceanology International 98 Conference, Brighton, Conference Proceedings Vol 2, 55-68, March 1998   download  (1 MB pdf file)

Schlüter F, R Reuter, F Schröder & K Wiltshire

A fluorometer for simultaneous measurements of the delayed and spontaneous fluorescence of chlorophyll in phytoplankton.
GKSS Hochschulzusammenarbeit, Final Report 1998

Wiltshire KH, S Harsdorf, B Smid, G Blöcker, R Reuter & F Schröder

The determination of algal biomass (as chlorophyll) in suspended matter from the Elbe estuary and the German Bight: a comparison of HPLC, delayed fluorescence and prompt fluorescence methods.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 222, 113-131, 1998

Barth H, R Heuermann, KD Loquay, R Reuter & U Stute

Long-term Stable Sensors For Bio-Optical Measurements.
In: Operational Oceanography. The Challenge for European Co-Operation.
J.H. Steel, H.W.A. Behrens, J.C. Borst, L.J. Droppert and J.P. van der Meulen (editors). Elsevier Oceanography Series, 62 (Amsterdam),  133-140, 1997

Reuter R, R Willkomm, O Zielinski & W Milchers

Hydrographic Laser Fluorosensing: Status and Perspectives.
In: Operational Oceanography. The Challenge for European Co-Operation.
J.H. Steel, H.W.A. Behrens, J.C. Borst, L.J. Droppert and J.P. van der Meulen (editors). Elsevier Oceanography Series, 62 (Amsterdam), 251-258, 1997
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Reuter R & O Zielinski

Perspective of a hydrographic LIDAR in sapce: Specifications and results of a simulation.
In J.-P. Wolf (editor): Lidar Atmospheric Monitoring, Proceedings of SPIE, 3104, 145-151
Download (200 kB pdf file)

Mittenzwey KH, G Sinn, N Roof & S Harsdorf

Improved lidar method for monitoring surface waters: experiments in the laboratory.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(11), 2271-2276, 1997

Barth H, K Grisard, K Holsch, R Reuter & U Stute

Polychromatic transmissometer for in situ measurements of suspended particles and gelbstoff in water.
Applied Optics, 36, 7919-7928, 1997 reprint (1MB pdf file)

Barth H, R Reuter & U Stute

A polychromatic in situ transmissometer for measurements of suspended particels and yellow substance in water.
In Ocean Optics XIII, S.G. Ackelson and R. Frouin (editors),  SPIE, 2963, 622-630, 1997

Harsdorf S, M Janssen & R Reuter

Submarine lidar for the detection of chemical polutants on the seafloor.
In Ocean Optics XIII, S.G. Ackelson and R. Fouin (editors), SPIE, 2963, 684-690, 1997

Nieke B, R Reuter, R Heuermann, H Wang, M Babin & JC Therriault

Light absorption and fluorescence properties of chromatophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Case 2 waters).
Continental Shelf Research, 17, 235-252, 1997

Harsdorf S, M Janssen & R Reuter

Submarine lidar for the detection of chemical pollutants on the seafloor.
Ocean Optics XIII, SPIE, 2963: 684-690, 1996

Mittenzwey KH, R Reuter & A Gitelson

Analysis of dissolved humic substances in eutrophic waters using the fluorescence of natural samples: Calculations and experiments.
Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 81, 1-12, 1996

Determann S, R Reuter & R Willkomm

Fluorescent matter in the eastern Atlantic Ocean Part 2: vertical profiles and relation to water masses.
Deep-Sea Research I, 43, 345-360, 1996 download (1,7 MB)

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