Thin Oxide Films on Metal Supports



Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institute of Physics
D-26111 Oldenburg


Room: W2 3-327a


Meike Hurling


Room: W2 1-133

Thin Oxide Films on Metal Supports

Preparation of Oxide Films on Metal Supports

  • Developing preparation schemes for numerous ionic and covalently bound oxides of 1-100 monolayer thickness
  • Tailoring film quality and intrinsic properties via
    • Crystallographic nature of supporting metal surface
    • Growth conditions, for instance the oxygen chemical potential
    • Film thickness
    • Insertion of dopants and impurities
  • Exploring surface morphology, electronic properties and defect structure (point and line defects) of the oxide films by STM


Simple Oxides

Transition and Rare-Earth Metal Oxides

For details:

Nilius, Surf. Sci. Rep. 64 (2009) 595 and  J. Phys. Cond. Matter 27 (2015) 303001.

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