Joachim Peinke


Universität Oldenburg
Institute of Physics & ForWind
Küpkersweg 70,
26129 Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke
Room, W33 3-302

Fax. +49-(0)441-798-5099
Tel. +49-(0)441-798-5050
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Joachim Peinke

Prof.Dr. Joachim Peinke


Institut für Physik

Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg
D- 26129 Oldenburg

Room: W33 / 3-302

Tel. +49-441-798-5050
Fax +49-441-798-5099



Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke, born 1956 in Ludwigshafen/Rh (Germany) graduated at the Physics Department of the University of Tübingen with a diploma in Experimental Physics and received his PhD with distinction in 1988 on "Nonlinearities and Chaos in the Transport of Electrons in Semiconductors” at the University of Tübingen, Germany. He became researcher at the University of Tübingen until 1990, at the Centre de Recherches sur les Très Basses Températures of the Centre National de la Recherche Sientifique in Grenoble from 1990 to 1994. In 1992 he habilitated at the University of Tübingen with the title of Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur nichtlinearen Dynamik in Halbleitern. In 1994 he went to the University of Bayreuth (Physics department) where he got in 1994 the venia legendi. From 1993 until 1998 he was Heisenberg fellow of the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. In 1998 he became professor in Experimental Physics devoted to Wind Energy at the Department of Physics at the University of Oldenburg.

Committees, Chairs and Academic Positions, Awards

  • 1999 until 2001 “Vorsitzender der Studienkommission“ (head of the commission for teaching affairs)
  • 2002 until 2003 Dean of the Department of Physics
  • 2003 founding member of “ForWind” – Centre for Wind Energy Research of the universities Oldenburg, Hannover and Bremen and since than member of the board of directors
  • 2007 until 2010 spokesman of “ForWind” – Centre for Wind Energy Research of the universities Oldenburg, Hannover and Bremen
  • 2016 Chaire d’excellence of „Laboratoire D’Alliances Nanosciences-Energies du Futur“ (LANEF) Of Grenoble research facilities (Université Joseph Fourier, CNRS, CEA und INP)

 He is:

  • Member of steering committee ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) Special Interest Groups 44 Multiscale-generated Turbulent Flows
  • heading the Fraunhofer IWES department Fluid and System dynamics (since 2009)
  • Chief editor Wind Energy Sience, the interactive open-access journal of the European Academy of Wind Energy

He has been:

  • director of COAST the scientific centre for environmental and sustainability research of the university of Oldenburg.
  • member of the Lenkungsgruppe “Zukunft sichern” of the “Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr”
  • Expert in research commission of DAAD 2002-2013
  • elected member of the European technical platform – TPWind 2007 - 2013
  • chairman of the scientific advisor board and member of the board of directors of the DEWI - German Wind Energy Institute
  • Sub-Programme Coordinator "Science of Transport phenomena and physical chemistry of processes“ and Management Board member, European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Programme “Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Application" (AMPEA)
  • President of EAWE - European Academy of Wind Energy (2012 – 2013)
  • Past-President of EAWE - European Academy of Wind Energy (2013 - 2016)
  • Chairman, Vice Chairman(04/2009 – 04/2012) of “Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik” (section dynamics and statistical physics) of the DPG – German Physical Society

Prof. Dr. Peinke:

  • In 1985  received the Dr.-Friedrich-Förster Award.
  • In 2014 is appointed as Sir Walter Murdoch University Distinguished Collaborator

He acts as Referee for several national and international science organizations. He has organized of over 20 national and international meetings (conferences and workshops) like, iTi 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 on turbulence und EuroMech Colloquium on Wind Energy 2007 and 2012 and has been the coordinator of several joint research projects: iTi – interdisciplinary turbulence initiative supported by the DFG; ForWind –center for wind energy research of the Universities Oldenburg, Hanover and Breme supported by ministry of Lower-Saxony, joint project on wind turbulences supported by the BMBF, smart blades for wind turbines BMU

Research profile

The main research topics have been: nonlinear chaotic dynamics and complex systems like turbulence, econophysics (Pub 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), wind energy (6,7,8,9) and other disordered system like traffic flow, avalanches, earthquakes (10). Besides experimental aspects a central focus of my research lies on modern techniques of time series analysis and the modeling of complex disordered systems with noise. In particular we (together with R. Friedrich Uni Münster) developed a new method (Pub 2, 3, 5) to extract in a parameter free way without presumptions the underlying dynamical model equations. This method enables to differentiate between causal essences (deterministic processes) and random noise-like influences. With this method it is also possible to detect collective modes generated by the interaction of subunits in a complex system, and to work out mechanism leading to heavy tailed statistics and extreme events.

The research has been enabled by many research projects financed by the DFG, VolkswagenStiftung, BMBF, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Ministry of Lower Saxony, Helmholtz Gesellschaft, BMU, EU and several industrial cooperations.

Common research projects, which have been performed with colleagues from other physics departments: W. Breymann (Uni. Basel Schweiz) B. Chabaud, B. Hebral (CNRS Grenbole Frankreich) F. Chilla, A. Naert and B. Castaing (ENS Lyon Frankreich) B. Cal (Uni of Oregon Portland) R. Friedrich (University Münster), N. Hoffmann (TU Hamburg-Harburg), H. Kantz (MPI Dresden) M. Kern (ETH Zürich/Davos Schweiz) D. Kleinhans (University of Gothenburg) Ch. Krülle, R. Richter (Uni. Bayreuth) Th. Schimmel (Uni Karlsruhe) D. Krekhov. V. Delev (Russian Academy of Sciences Ufa) P.Lind (University of Lisbon) T. Matcharashvili (Georgian Academy of Science, Tbilisi, Georgien) M. Reza Rahimi Tabar (University of Technology, Tehran, Iran) Ch. Vassilicos (Imperial College) N. Vitanov (Ac. of Science Bulgaria);

research projects with researchers from other disciplines: G. Sepold, S. Metev (Uni. Bremer Inst. für angewandte Strahltechnik) P. J. Plath, (Uni. Bremen Inst. für Chemie) E.h. W. Zielke, (Uni Hannover Institut für Strömungsmechanik) P. Schaumann, (Uni Hannover Institut für Stahlbau) C. Wagner (DLR Göttingen) A. Thess and H. Wurmus (Engieering TU Ilmenau) O.E. Rössler (Chemistry Uni. Tübingen), J. Whale (Murdoch University, Australia) as well as member and coordinator of the interdisciplinary turbulence initiative between engineer and physicists DFG;

Selected publications

(out of more than 300 publications – more than 200 in peer reviewed journals)

  1. S. Ghashghaie, W. Breymann, J. Peinke, P. Talkner, and Y. Dodge: Foreign Exchange Market - A Turbulent Process? Nature 381, 767 (1996)

  2. R. Friedrich and J. Peinke : Description of a Turbulent Cascade by a Fokker-Planck Equation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 863 (1997)

  3. S. Siegert, R. Friedrich, and J. Peinke : Analysis of Data of Stochastic Systems, Phys. Lett. A 243, 275 (1998)

  4. F. Böttcher, J. Peinke, D. Kleinhans, R. Friedrich, P.G. Lind and M. Haase : Reconstruction of complex dynamical systems affected by strong measurement noise, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 090603 (2006)

  5. F. Böttcher, St. Barth, and J. Peinke: Small and Large Scale Fluctuations in Atmospheric Wind Speeds, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) 21, 299 (2007)

  6. J. Gottschall and J. Peinke : How to improve the estimation of power curves for turbines Environmental Research Letters 3, 015005 (2008)

  7. P. Manshoor, S. Saberi, M. Sahimi, J. Peinke, A. F. Pacheco, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar : Turbulence-Like Behavior of Seismic Time Series, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 010401 (2009)

  8. R. Stresing and J. Peinke : Towards a stochastic multi-point description of turbulence New Journal of Physics 12, 103046 (2010).

  9. P. Knebel, A. Kittel and J. Peinke : Atmospheric Wind Field Conditions Generated by Active Grids Experiments in Fluid 51, 471-481 (2011)

  10. A. Morales, M. Wächter and J. Peinke : Characterization of wind turbulence by higher-order statistics, Wind Energy 15, 391–406 (2012)

  11. M. Wächter, H. Heißelmann, M. Hölling, A. Morales, P. Milan, T. Mücke, J. Peinke, N. Reinke,

    and Ph. Rinn: The turbulent nature of the atmospheric boundary layer and its impact on the wind energy conversion process, Journal of Turbulence 13, 1-21 (2012)

  12. Ph. Rinn, H. Heißelmann, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke: Stochastic method for in-situ damage analysis, Eur. Phys. J. B 86, 3 (2013)

  13. P. Milan, M. Wächter, and J. Peinke : Turbulent character of wind energy Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 138701 (2013)



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