WiPMA Blog

WiPMA Blog

WiPMA Blog

14.05.2021 Basics

By 14.05.2021, we reached the first milestone as planned with the final presentations of our seminar papers. In addition, a basic objective of the project group was compiled. These two subgoals were completed at the corresponding point in time.

The project group is delighted about the timely achievement of the first milestone and believes to be on schedule. However, it also recognizes the growing challenges to come and the increasing degree of difficulty with the further milestones.

04.06.2021 Vision

On 04.06.2021, we were able to complete the second milestone on time. The milestone aimed to define and present our vision. In the following the feedback received was incorporated.

As a project group, we are also pleased that we have achieved our goals on time. Looking at the next milestones ahead it becomes clear that a larger workload has to be achieved. The project group is currently confident that these targets will be met regardless.

01.10.2021 Interim presentation

The WiPMA project group successfully presented the interim presentation. The presentation was attended by members of the WiSA big data project as well as representatives of the OFFIS e.V. and various industry partners.

The presentation focused on the essential progress in the project. A first prototype of the system was shown, which the students from the departments of computer science and business informatics are developing. In addition to the various functions and views of the dashboard, the underlying architecture and various mechanisms of the backend were also presented. An essential part of the presentation was the machine learning methods used in the project, as well as the first models that were trained with the methods.

The models were discussed by the listeners of the lecture in a subsequent discussion with the project group. The different approaches were discussed in more detail. For the WiPMA group, the discussion resulted in further approaches and possibilities for improvement.

Figure: Live Demonstration | Source: Team - WiPMA

Now the project group is working on the further development of the prototype. The focus will be on improving the models through methods such as hyperparametrisation. Smaller corrections to the Front-End and Back-End will also be made.

19.10.2021 Excursion at Windlab University Oldenburg

On 21.10.2021 the project group visited the wind tunnel of the University of Oldenburg in the Windlab of the Unicampus Wechloy. The guided tour by Hendrik Heißelmann gave insights into the construction of the wind tunnel. A generator accelerates the air up to km/h and sends this wind through a closed 3x3m channel (see picture). Such wind tunnels are used to test the aerodynamics of test objects. With the help of wind LiDAR, the resulting wind speeds, wind directions and turbulence can be measured.

The experiments in the oldenburg wind lab help to better understand the effects of different wind situations on a wind turbine. For example, the wind turbulence generated behind a wind turbine during regular operation is investigated. The aim is to minimize the negative effects on the turbines behind by adjusting the rotor position. This can lead to significantly improved overall performance, especially in large wind farms. The excursion helped the project group to build up domain knowledge and we would like to thank the Windlab in Oldenburg very much for these insights.

Figure: Team Excursion – Windlab University Oldenburg Campus Wechloy | Source: Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Heißelmann

04.04.2022 WiPMA final presentation

Everything is coming to an end, including the work of the WiPMA project group.

On 04.04.2022, the project group successfully presented its findings in the areas of Data Understanding, Machine Learning, Architecture and Visualization in a final presentation. The project group was able to gain a lot of experience within one year, which brought ups and downs, whereby the ups such as the collaboration and the sense of achievement outweighed the downs.

The project group would like to thank the members of the WiSA Big Data project, the representatives of OFFIS e. V., the industry partners and those who followed the project with interest. We hope that our findings and the outlook into the future will open new perspectives for further projects.

VLBA-Webmaster (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p84711en
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