Publications 2010


University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Publications 2010

Publications 2010

Kuhnle, B. (2010),
"Design Optimization of the Alstom ECO 100 3 MW wind turbine by using Structural Control Damping Devices", University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart.

Käsler, Y., Rahm, S. and Simmet, R. (2010),
"Wake measurements of a multi-MW wind turbine with coherent long-range pulsed Doppler wind lidar",

Kühn, M., Gasch, R. and Sundermann, S. (2010),
"Offshore-WindParks", book.

Kühn, M., Gasch, R. and Sundermann, S. (2010),
"Strukturdynamik", book.

Luhur, M.R., Schneemann, J. and Milan, P. (2010),
"Stochastic modelling of lift dynamics in turbulent inflows",

Rettenmeier, A., Hofsäß, M. and Schlipf, D. (2010).
"Wind field analyses using a nacelle-based LIDAR system". European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2010, (EWEC 2010), Warsaw, Poland.

Schlipf, D., Trabucchi, D., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Mann, J., Mikkelsen, T., Rettenmeier, A., Trujillo, J.J. and Kühn, M. (2010).
"Testing of Frozen Turbulence Hypothesis for Wind Turbine Applications with a Scanning Lidar System". 15th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS), Paris, Jun.

Schneemann, J., Knebel, P. and Milan, P. (2010),
"Lift measurements in unsteady flow conditions",

Schneemann, J., Knebel, P. and Peinke, J. (2010),
"Lift measurements in turbulent flow",

Trujillo, J.J., Trabucchi, D., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Mann, J., Mikkelsen, T., Rettenmeier, A., Schlipf, D. and Kühn, M. (2010).
"Testing of Frozen Turbulence Hypothesis for Wind Turbine Applications with a Staring Lidar". European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Wind Power Meteorology, Vienna.

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