Publications 2019


University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Publications 2019

Publications 2019


  • Laura Valldecabres: Very short-term forecasting of offshore wind power based on long-range remote sensing observations; Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2019)
  • Mehdi Vali: Model predictive control framework for power maximisation and active power control with load equalisation of wind farms; Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2019)
  • Marc Bromm: Deflection of wind turbine wakes by yaw misalignment – Simulation and field testing; Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2019)
  • Róbert Ungurán: Lidar-assisted feedback-feedforward individual pitch and trailing edge flaps control of variable-speed wind turbines; Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2019)
  • Davide Trabucchi: Lidar measurments and engineering modelling of wind turbine wakes; Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2019)

Reviewed Articles and Books

  • Beck, H., Kühn, M.: Temporal Up-Sampling of Planar Long-Range Doppler LiDAR Wind Speed Measurements Using Space-Time Conversion. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 867.
  • Beck, H., Kühn, M.: Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Dynamic Wind-Turbine Wake Wind Fields with Volumetric Long-Range Wind Doppler LiDAR Measurements, Remote Sensing 2019, 11, 2665,
  • Sedano, C.A., Berger, F., Rahimi, H., Lopez Mahija, O.D., Kühn, M., Stoevesandt, B.: CFD Validation of a Model Wind Turbine by Means of Improved and Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation in OpenFOAM, Energies 2019, 12, 1306,
  • Ungurán, R., Petrović, V., Pao, L.Y., Kühn, M.: Uncertainty identification of blade-mounted lidar-based inflow wind speed measurements for robust feedback–feedforward control synthesis, Wind Energ. Sci. 2019, 4, 677-692,
  • Vali, M., Petrović, V., Boersma, S., van Wingerden, J.-W., Pao, L.Y., Kühn, M.: Adjoint-based model predictive control for optimal energy extraction in waked wind farms, Control Engineering Practice 2019, 84, 48-62,
  • Vali, M., Petrović, V., Steinfeld, G., Y. Pao, L., Kühn, M.: An active power control approach for wake-induced load alleviation in a fully developed wind farm boundary layer, Wind Energ. Sci. 2019, 4, 139-161,

Conference Proceedings (Paper)

  • Petrović, V., Berger, F., Neuhaus, L., Hölling, M., Kühn, M.: Wind tunnel setup for experimental validation of wind turbine control concepts under tailor-made reproducible wind conditions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing, vol. 1222, 2019
  • Ungurán, R., Petrović, V., Pao, L.Y., Kühn, M.: Smart rotor control of wind turbines under actuator limitations, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC), IEEE, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019, pp. 3474-3481
  • Ungurán, R., Petrović, V., Boersma, S., van Wingerden, J.-W., Pao, L.Y., Kühn, M.: Feedback-feedforward individual pitch control design for wind turbines with uncertain measurements, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC), IEEE, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019, pp. 4151-4158
  • Vali, M., Petrović, V., Pao, L.,Kühn, M.: Lifetime extension of waked wind farms using active power control, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol.1256, IOP Publishing, 012029, 2019
  • Würth, I., Valldecabres, L., Simon, E., Möhrlen, C., Uzunoğlu, B., Gilbert, C., Giebel, G., Schlipf, D., Kaifel, A.: Minute-Scale Forecasting of Wind Power—Results from the Collaborative Workshop of IEA Wind Task 32 and 36, Energies 2019, 12, 712

Conference and seminar contributions (Talk and Poster)

  • Berger, F., Kröger, L., Neuhaus, L., Onnen, D., Petrović, V., Hölling, M., Peinke, J., Kühn, M.: Wind tunnel setup with an active grid and a model wind turbine for aerodynamic research, EERA JP Wind & SET Annual Event, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019. [Talk]
  • Berger, F., Neuhaus, L., Onnen, D., Kröger, L.Kühn, M.: Dynamic inflow due gusts - an experimental wind tunnel study, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Hulsman, P., Petrović, V., Wosnik, M., Hölling, M. Kühn, M.: Wake Deflection Measurement in a Wind Tunnel with a Lidar WindScanner, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Hulsman, P., Wosnik, P., Petrović, V., Hölling, M., Kühn, M.: Turbine Wake Deflection Measurement in a Wind Tunnel with a Lidar WindScanner, NAWEA/WindTech, Amherst, MA, USA, 2019. [Talk]
  • Kidambi Sekar, A.P., van Dooren, M. F. Kühn, M.: Analysis of Correlation between Lidar Measured Wind Fields and Wind Turbine Response, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk].
  • Kröger, L., Traphan, D., Berger, F., Wester, T., Petrović, V., Peinke, J., Gülker, G.: Investigation of dynamic stall on a rotating model wind turbine using high speed PIV, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Langidis, A., Berger, F., Kühn, M.: Aero-elastic scaled blade design of a model wind turbine, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Lukassen, L., Seifert, J., Stevens, R., Meneveau, C., Wilczek, M.: Applicability of a new model for velocity space-time correlations to wind farm LES and measurement data, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland., June 2019. [Talk]
  • Neuhaus, L., Berger, F., Peinke, J., Hölling, M.: Capturing wind turbine power curve and dynamics by atmospheric-like inflow at lab-scale at Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Onnen, D., Berger, F., Kühn, M.: Error Analysis of Local Aerodynamic Loads: Comparison of Measurements and BEM of a 1.8 m Model Turbine, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Peinke, J., Neuhaus, L., Kröger, L., Berger, F., Kühn, M., Hölling, M.: Active grid in a wind tunnel used for wind energy research, NAWEA / WindTech, Amherst, MA, USA, 2019. [Poster]
  • Petrović, V., Berger, F., Neuhaus, L., Hölling, M., Kühn, M.: Wind tunnel setup for experimental validation of wind turbine control concepts under tailor-made reproducible wind conditions, WindEurope, Bilbao, Spain, April 2019. [Talk, Poster]
  • Petrović, V., Berger, F., Neuhaus, L., Huxdorf, O., Riemenschneider, J., Wild, J., Kühn, M.: Wind tunnel validation of wind turbine load reducing concepts based on individual pitch control and blades with rigid leading edge slats, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2019. [Talk]
  • Schneemann, J., Rott, A., Dörenkämper, M., Steinfeld, G.Kühn, M.: Experiment,l Investigation of Offshore Wind Farm Cluster Wakes and their Effect on the Global Tech I Wind Farm, ForWind Symposium on Wind Physics, Oldenburg, 2019. [Talk]
  • Seifert, J. Kraft, M., Kühn, M., Lukassen, L.: Power fluctutation analysis based on high resolution SCADA data of an offshore wind farm, Wind Energy Science Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2019. [Talk]
  • Theuer, F., Valldecabres, L., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M.: Very Short-term Forecast of Wind Speed and Power at the Offshore Wind Farm Global Tech I using Horizontal PPI Lidar Scans, Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, Cork, Ireland. [Talk]
  • Theuer, F., van Dooren, M.F., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M.: Kürzestfrist-Prognose von Windgeschwindigkeit und Leistung des Offshore Windparks Global Tech I mittels langreichweitiger Lidarmessungen, 11. Industrie- und Forschungsplattform Prognose, Kassel, 2019. [Talk]
  • Theuer, F., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M.: Very Short-term Probabilistic Wind Speed and Power Forecasts based on Lidar Measurements at the Offshore Wind Farm Global Tech I, EMS Annual Meeting, Lyngby, 2019. [Talk]
  • Vali, M., Petrovic, V., Pao, L., Kühn, M.: Lifetime extension of waked wind farms using active power control, Wake Conference, Visby, Sweden, 2019. [Talk]
  • Vali, M., Petrović, V.,Kühn, M.: Balancing of structural loads in a wind farm through active power control, Workshop for Systems Engineering in Wind Energy & CL-Windcon Final Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2019. [Poster]
  • van Dooren, M. F., Kidambi Sekar, A. P., Hulsman, P., Neuhaus, L., Kröger, L. Hölling, M. Kühn, M.: Investigation of 2D Flow Structures in a Turbulent Wind Tunnel with two Synchronised WindScanner Lidars, Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, Cork, Ireland. [Talk]


  • Schneemann, J., Voß, S., Rott, A.,  Kühn, M.: Doppler wind lidar plan position indicator scans and atmospheric measurements at the offshore wind farm “Global Tech I”, PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.909721, 2019.
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