Publications 2017


University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Publications 2017

Publications 2017


  • Stefan Kapp, Lidar-based Reconstruction of Wind Fields and Application for Wind Turbine Control, Dissertation, Universität Oldenburg, 2017. URL:

Project Reports

  • Bockholt, S., Voß, S., Bromm, M., Kühn, M., Botasso, C., Campagnolo, F., Heinemann, D., Erhöhung des Flächenenergieertrags in Windparks durch avancierte Anlagen- und Parkregelung ("CompactWind") : Abschlussbericht des Verbund-Forschungsprojekts, Germany, 2017​​​​​​
  • Aman, T. Z.; Bastine, D.; Beck, H.; Dörenkämper, M.; van Dooren, M. F.; Friedrichs, W.; Funcke, P. G.; Heinemann, D.; Hieronimus, J.; Kühn, M.; Peinke, J.; Reuter, R.; Schmidt, J.; Schmidt, M.; Schneemann, J.; Steinfeld, G.; Stoevesandt, B.; Trabucchi, D.; Trujillo, J. J.; Vollmer, L.; Voß, S.; Wächter, M. & Witha, B. Kühn, M. & Schneemann, J. (Eds.) Abschlussbericht des Verbund-Forschungsprojekts Analyse der Abschattungsverluste und Nachlaufturbulenzcharakteristika großer Offshore-Windparks durch Vergleich von »alpha ventus« und »Riffgat«(»GW Wakes«) (2017)
  • Ehrich, S.; Lind, P.; Shrestha, B.; Steinfeld, G.; Tambke, J.; Trujillo, J.J.; Wächter, M.; Vera Tudela, L.; Wurps, H.; Zadorozhnyy, A.; Kühn, M. (Eds.) Abschlussbericht des RAVE-Forschungsprojekts „Probabilistische Lastbeschreibung, Monitoring und Reduktion der Lasten zukünftiger Offshore-Windenergieanlagen“(OWEA Loads) (2017)
  • Bromm, M.; Heinemann, D.; Kühn, M.; Petrović, V.; Rott, A.; Steinfeld, G.; van Dooren, M.; Vollmer, L.; Voß, S.(Eds.) Abschlussbericht des Verbund-Forschungsprojekts „Erhöhung des Flächenenergieertrags in Windparks durch avancierte Anlagen- und Parkregelung“ (»CompactWind«) (2017)

Reviewed Articles and Books

  • Lind, P., Vera-Tudela, L., Wächter, M., Kühn, M., Peinke, J.: Normal behavior models for wind turbine vibrations: Comparison of neural networks and a stochastic approach, Energies 10 (2017) 12, 1944
  • Mittelmeier, N., Allin, J., Blodau, T., Trabucchi, D., Steinfeld, G., Rott, A., and Kühn, M.: An analysis of offshore wind farm SCADA measurements to identify key parameters influencing the magnitude of wake effects, Wind Energy Science 2 (2017) 2, 447-490
  • Trabucchi, D., Vollmer, L., and Kühn, M.: 3D Shear layer simulation model for the mutual interaction of wind turbine wakes: Description and first assessment, Wind Energy Science 2 (2017) 2, 569-586
  • Vera-Tudela, L., Kühn, M.: Analysing wind turbine fatigue load prediction: The impact of wind farm flow conditions. Renewable Energy, 107 (2017) 352-360
  • Vollmer, L., Steinfeld, G., and Kühn, M.: Transient LES of an offshore wind turbine, Wind Energy Science 2 (2017) 2, 603-614
  • Beck, H.; Kühn, M. Dynamic Data Filtering of Long-Range Doppler LiDAR Wind Speed Measurements. Remote Sens. 2017, 9(6), 561; doi:10.3390/rs9060561
  • Pauscher, L.; Vasiljevic, N.; Callies, D.; Lea, G.; Mann, J.; Klaas, T.; Hieronimus, J.; Gottschall, J.; Schwesig, A.; Kühn, M.; Courtney, M. Erratum: Pauscher, L., et al. An Inter-Comparison Study of Multi- and DBS Lidar Measurements in Complex Terrain. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 782. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 667; doi:10.3390/rs9070667;
  • Mittelmeier, N., Blodau, T., and Kühn, M.: Monitoring offshore wind farm power performance with SCADA data and an advanced wake model, Wind Energ. Sci., 2, 175-187, DOI: 10.5194/wes-2-175-2017, 2017.
  • van Dooren, M. F., Campagnolo, F., Sjöholm, M., Angelou, N., Mikkelsen, T., and Kühn, M.: Demonstration and uncertainty analysis of synchronised scanning lidar measurements of 2-D velocity fields in a boundary-layer wind tunnel, Wind Energ. Sci., 2, 329-341, DOI:10.5194/wes-2-329-2017, 2017.

Conference Proceedings (Paper)

  • Seifert, J., Vera-Tudela, L., Kühn, M.: Training requirements of a neural network used for fatigue load estimation of offshore wind turbines, Energy Procedia 137 (2017) 315-322
  • Trabucchi D., Trujillo J. J., Kühn M.: Nacelle-based Lidar Measurements for the Characterisation of a Wake Model at Different Offshore Operating Conditions, Energy Procedia 137 (2017) 77-88
  • Vali, M, Petrovic, V., Boersma, S., Wingerden, J.-W., Kühn, M., Adjoint-based model predictive control of wind farms: Beyond the quasi steady-state power maximization, IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 4510-4515
  • Rott A., Boersma S., van Wingerden J.-W., Kühn M.: Dynamic Flow Model for Real-Time Application in Wind Farm Control, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 854,
  • Trabucchi D., Trujillo J. J., Ritter K., Steiner J., Kühn M.: Nacelle Based Lidar Measurements for the Characterisation of the Wake of an Offshore Wind Turbine under Different Atmospheric Conditions, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway, in review for Energy Procedia
  • Seifert J. K., Vera-Tudela L., Kühn M.: Training requirements of a neural network used for fatigue load estimation of offshore wind turbines, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway. in review for Energy Procedia
  • Shirzadeh R., Kühn M.: Support structure load mitigation of a large offshore wind turbine using a semi-active magnetorheological damper, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway. in review for Energy Procedia
  • Trujillo J. J., Beck H., Müller K., Cheng P. W., Kühn M.: A test case of meandering wake simulation with the Extended-Disk Particle model at alpha ventus, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway. in review for Energy Procedia

Contributions to books

  • Schmidt, A. H.: Das Modell des Lehrbaustein-Gitters für MINT-Fächer. Eine neue Art der Erfassung von Lerninhalten. In: Entwicklung von wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildungsprogrammen im MINT-Bereich, Arnold, M., et al. (Hrsg.), Waxmann-Verlag, Münster, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-8309-3694-7
  • Poppinga, T., Behrendt, T., Schmidt, A. H.: Kollaborative Entwicklung eines Masterprogramms und verschiedener Zertifikatskurse im modularen Baukastensystem. In: Entwicklung von wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildungsprogrammen im MINT-Bereich, Arnold, M., et al. (Hrsg.), Waxmann-Verlag, Münster, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-8309-3694-7
  • Kärn, M., Schwarzer, C.: Praxisbeispiel Windstudium: Lernprozesse in der Weiterbildung als soziale Prozesse gestalten. In: Entwicklung von wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildungsprogrammen im MINT-Bereich, Arnold, M., et al. (Hrsg.), Waxmann-Verlag, Münster, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-8309-3694-7

Conference and seminar contributions (Talk and Poster)

  • Seifert J. K., Vera-Tudela L., Kühn M.: Training requirements of a neural network used for fatigue load estimation of offshore wind turbines, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway [Poster]
  • Shirzadeh R., Kühn M.: Support structure load mitigation of a large offshore wind turbine using a semi-active magnetorheological damper, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway [Talk]
  • Trabucchi D., Trujillo J. J., Ritter K., Steiner J., Kühn M.: Nacelle Based Lidar Measurements for the Characterisation of the Wake of an Offshore Wind Turbine under Different Atmospheric Conditions, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway [Talk]
  • Trujillo J. J., Beck H., Müller K., Cheng P. W., Kühn M.: A test case of meandering wake simulation with the Extended-Disk Particle model at alpha ventus, EERA DeepWind – 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway [Talk]
  • Kühn M: Forschungsprogrammatik des WindLabs, Universität Oldenburg, Germany, 27. January 2017 Talk]
  • Kühn M., Peinke J., Heinemann D.: Contributions of Wind Physics on further Development of Wind Power, Hauptvortrag DPG Frühjahrstagung, Münster, Germany, 28. März 2017 Talk]
  • Rott A., Boersma S., van Wingerden J.-W., Kühn M.: Dynamic Flow Model for Real-Time Application in Wind Farm Control, Wake Conference 2017, Visby, Sweden [Talk]
  • Schröder L., Bay Hasager C., Giebel G., Vera-Tudela L., Kühn M.: Screening areas for the next offshore wind farm in the Danish North Sea, Offshore Wind Energy 2017, London, UK [Talk]
  • Shirzadeh R., Kaufer D., Kühn M.: Dynamic analysis and design solutions for the jacket structure concept for the 20MW INNWIND.EU reference turbine, Offshore Wind Energy 2017, London, UK [Poster]
  • Vera-Tudela L., Kraft M., Kühn M.: How do missing data affect your data-driven model? Monitoring fatigue loads in wind turbines with SCADA data, Offshore Wind Energy 2017, London, UK [Talk]
  • Bromm M, Rott A, Beck H, Vollmer L, Steinfeld G, Kühn M.: Field investigation on the influence of yaw misalignment and wind veer on the propagation of a wind turbine wake. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk]
  • Kidambi Sekar A. P., Kühn M.: Lower Order Modeling of Wind Turbine Inflow with Short-Range Lidars, WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk]
  • Valldecabres L., Peña A., Courtney M., von Bremen L., Kühn M.: Very short-term wind speed forecast of coastal flow by dual-Doppler scanning lidar, WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk]
  • Unguran, R., Petrovic, V., Kühn, M.: Investigation of the blade mounted lidar use for feedforward control in Large-Eddy Simulation, WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk]
  • Kühn M: Einführung und Session 1: Loads, Monitoring and Controls, ForWind Symposium 2017, Oldenburg, Germany [Talk]
  • Bromm M, Rott A, Beck H, Vollmer L, Steinfeld G, Kühn M.: Freifeldversuche zur Nachlaufablenkung, ForWind Symposium 2017, Oldenburg, Germany [Talk]
  • Rott A., Seifert J., Bromm M., Vollmer L., Kühn M.: Nachlaufablenkung unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten, ForWind Symposium 2017, Oldenburg, Germany [Talk]
  • Trujillo J.-J., Bastine D., Beck H., Trabucchi D., Schneemann J., Vollmer L., Witha B., Kühn M.: A new perspective for wake dynamics - Simplified models and their development, ForWind Symposium 2017, Oldenburg, Germany [Talk]
  • Vollmer L., Trabucchi D., van Dooren M., Steinfeld G., Kühn M.: Validierung einer Modellkette aus Wettermodell, LES-Modell und Anlagenmodell mit Lidarmessungen in alpha ventus, ForWind Symposium 2017, Oldenburg, Germany [Talk]
  • Rott A., Kühn M.: Regelung von On- und Offshore Windparks im Energiesystem, Tag der Energieforschung, 4. Mai 2017, Universität Hannover, Germany [Talk]
  • Rolfes R., Kühn M.: Windenergie, Tag der Energieforschung, 4. Mai 2017, Universität Hannover, Germany [Talk]
  • Vali M., Vollmer L., Petrovic V., Kühn M. : A closed-loop wind farm control framework for maximization of wind farm power production, WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk]
  • Trujillo J.J., Estimation of wind turbine wake advection speed by means of cross correlation of azimuthal meandering series, WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk
  • Trujillo J.J., Robust and systematic analysis of lidar data for wake research, WESC 2017, Lyngby, Denmark [Talk]
  • Berger, F., Hölling, M., Kühn, M., Scaled wind turbine test setup in a wind tunnel with active turbulence generation for induction aerodynamics, load and control experiments, WindTech, Colorado, USA, 2017 [Talk]
  • Bromm, M., Rott, A., Beck, H., Vollmer, L., Steinfeld, G., Kühn, M.: Field investigation on the influence of yaw misalignment and wind veer on the propagation of a wind turbine wake, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Bromm, M., Rott, A., Beck, H., Vollmer, L., Steinfeld, G., Kühn, M.: Challenges in recording high quality wake flow measurements of a wind turbine in field experiments, WindTech, Colorado, USA, 2017 [Talk]
  • Brudler, E., Holtorf, H.: On the alumni networking of the Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy at the University of Oldenburg, 12th International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education, ISREE 2017, Stroemstad, Sweden, 2017 [Talk]
  • Forghani, M., Petrovic, V., Kühn, M., Experiments of wind turbine active flap control using a stationary blade segment in wind tunnel, EAWE PhD Seminar, Cranfield, United Kingdom, 2017 [Talk]
  • Kidambi Sekar, A.P., Kühn, M., Lower order modelling of wind turbine inflow with short-range lidars, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Kidambi Sekar, A.P., Kühn, M., Reduced order analysis of wind turbine inflow with short-range lidars, EAWE PhD Seminar, Cranfield, United Kingdom, 2017 [Talk]
  • Kühn, M., Bromm, M., Wind Physics at the University of Oldenburg – An Interdisciplinary, Multi-Scale Program for Research and Teaching in Wind Energy, Colorado University, Boulder CO, 2017 [Talk]
  • Kühn, M., Berger, F., Neunaber, I., Rott, A., Schottler, J., Wind Physics at the University of Oldenburg – An Interdisciplinary, Multi-Scale Program for Research and Teaching in Wind Energy, National Wind Technology Center, NREL, Boulder CO, 2017 [Talk]
  • Kühn, M., Peinke, J., Turbulence and wind energy research – Scientific challeng, Symposium »Perspectives on Turbulence and Wind Energy Research«, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 2017 [Talk]
  • Kühn, M., WindLab – Das neue Oldenburger Forschungslabor für Turbulenz und Windenergiesysteme, 28. Kontaktpunkt Wirtschaft«, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 2017 [Talk]
  • Kühn, M., Cost effective fixed and floating sub structures, Workshop » Innovations for LCOE reduction in offshore wind energy – technologies, models and strategies«, Wind Europe, Amsterdam, 2017 [Talk]
  • Rott, A., Vollmer, L., Doekemeijer, B., Seifert, J., van Wingerden, J.-W., Kühn, M.: Accounting for wind direction variability and uncertainty by robust active wake deflection control in wind farms, WindTech, Colorado, USA, 2017 [Talk]
  • Rott, A., Schneemann, J., Trabucchi, D., Trujillo, J.-J., Kühn, M.: Accurate deployment of long range scanning lidar on offshore platforms by means of sea surface leveling, WindTech, Colorado, USA, 2017 [Poster]
  • Schneemann, J., van Dooren, M., Kühn, M., Turbulence analysis from Doppler lidar measurements in the open field and in the wind tunnel, Measurement methods in Turbulence, Grenoble, France, 2017 [Talk]
  • Schneemann, J., Wächter, M., Rott, A., Kühn, M., Turbulence analysis from Doppler lidar measurements, Perspectives on Turbulence and Wind Energy Research, Oldenburg, Germany, 2017 [Talk]
  • Shrestha, B., Zalkind, D.S., Pao, L. Y., Petrović, V., Kühn, M., Optimized activation of individual pitch controller, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Trujillo, J.-J., Beck, H., Friedrichs, W., Schneemann, J., Trabucchi, D., Robust and systematic analysis of lidar data for wake research, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Trujillo, J.-J., Kühn, M., Estimation of wind turbine wake advection speed by means of cross correlation of azimuthal meandering series, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Valldecabres, L., Steinfeld, G., Trujillo, J.-J., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M., Optimizing LIDAR measurements for very short-term power forecasting using a LIDAR simulator, EAWE PhD Seminar, Cranfield, United Kingdom, 2017 [Poster]
  • Valldecabres, L., Peña, A., Courtney, M., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M., Very short-term wind speed forecast of coastal flow by dual-Doppler scanning lidar, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Vollmer, L., Hieronimus, J., Gaertner Aranda, A., Schmidt, J., Wake measurements inside of an offshore wind farm with three long-range lidars Lukas, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Unguran, R., Petrović, V., Kühn, M., Investigation of the blade mounted lidar use for feedforward individual pitch and trailing edge flaps control in Large-Eddy Simulation, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • Vali, M., Vollmer, L., Petrović, V., Kühn, M., A closed-loop wind farm control framework for maximization of wind farm power production, WESC 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark [Talk]
  • van Dooren, M., Kühn, M.: Implementation and analysis of a five-parameter wind field description based on 2-D Lidar measurements, Wind Europe, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017 [Talk]
  • Vera-Tudela, L., Sanchez, L., Kraft, M., Kühn, M.: How to implement a fatigue load monitoring system in a wind farm, Wind Europe, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017 [Talk]

Student Theses

  • Carlos Giron: Optimization of the Wind Energy Production Through Efficient Portfolios, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2017)
  • Egom Macilia Assam: Feed Forward Control of a 7,5 MW Smart Blades Wind Turbine using a Linear Kalman Filter, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2017)
  • Alina Roß: Situational activation of Load Mitigation Concepts for a Commercial Offshore Wind Turbine, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2017)
  • Julian Schödler: Identification of wind turbine production losses due to icing using neural networks, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2017)
  • Raúl Fernando Vázquez Recalde: Development of an analysis procedure for evaluating dynamic behavior of operational wind turbines using mechanical load measurement data, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2017)
  • Frouzakis, N.: Implementation of virtual LIDARs in LES for wake analysis, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University, (2017)
  • Hamza, M. I.: Assessment of different wake tracking methods, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University, (2017)
  • Li C. S.: Design of experiment methods for the damage evaluation of floating wind turbines, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University, (2017)
  • Reckweg, L.: Extraction of Modal Parameters of a Rotor Blade: Design, Construction and Experiment, Bachelor Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University, (2017)
  • Sangster, M.: Wind Farm Layout Optimisation for both Loads and Production using Surrogate Wake Models and Automated Optimisation Methods, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University, (2017)
  • Sambahamphe, B. S.: Geographical Information System (GIS) Analysis of Global Wind Atlas Data, Master Thesis, Carl v. Ossietzky University, (2017)
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