Publications 2015
University of Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70
D-26129 Oldenburg
Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099
Publications 2015
Publications 2015
Project Reports
Kühn, M.: IEA Task 32: Wind Lidar Systems for Wind Energy Deployment (LIDAR), Final report, (2015).
Kühn, M., Cheng, P.W. (Hrsg.), Regelung von Offshore-Windparks durch lokale Leistungsprognosen sowie Monitoring der Leistungs- und Belastungscharakteristik (Baltic I), Abschlussbericht zum BMWi-Verbundprojekt 0325215A, Universität Oldenburg, 2015.
Reviewed Articles and Books
Dörenkämper, M., Witha, B., Steinfeld, G., Heinemann, D., Kühn, M.: The impact of stable atmospheric boundary layers on wind-turbine wakes within offshore wind farms, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn, in press.
Luhur M. R., Peinke, J., Wächter, M., Kühn, M.: Stochastic Model for Aerodynamic Force Dynamics on Wind Turbine Blades in Unsteady Wind Inflow, J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam 10(4), 041010 (Jul 01, 2015) (10 pages) Paper No: CND-14-1048; doi: 10.1115/1.4028963 History: Received February 16, 2014; Revised October 26, 2014; Online April 02, 2015.
Perrone, F., Kühn M.: Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Fore-Aft Fatigue Load Reduction by Coupling Control and Vibrational Analysis, Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy (ISSN 2310-3604), Vol. 2, No. 3, August 2015, pp. 168–175;
Gauterin, E., Kammerer, P., Kühn, M., Schulte, H.: Effective wind speed estimation: Comparison between Kalman Filter and Takagi–Sugeno observer techniques. In: ISA Transactions, S. 1-18, 2015, ISSN 0019-0578,
Conference Proceedings
Bastine, D., Wächter, M., Peinke, J., Trabbucchi, D., Kühn M.: Characterizing Wake Tur-bulence with Staring Lidar Measurements. Wake Conference, Visby, Sweden. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625, 012006 (2015).
Beck, H., Trujillo, J.J., Kühn, M.: Analysis of wake sweeping effects based on load and long-range lidar measurements, DEWEK 2015, Bremen, Germany, Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK (2015).
Berger, F., Kühn, M.: Investigating the aerodynamic implications of slender wind turbine blade design. DEWEK 2015, Bremen, Germany Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK (2015).
Bromm, M., Kühn, M.: Numerical investigation of wake development in a stable atmos-pheric boundary layer. DEWEK 2015, Bremen, Germany, Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK (2015).
Bustamante, A., Vera-Tudela, L., Kühn, M.: Evaluation of wind farm effects on fatigue loads of an individual wind turbine at the EnBW Baltic 1 offshore wind farm. Wake Conference, Visby, Sweden. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625, 012020 (2015).
Jacobsen, S., Lehner, S., Hieronimus, J., Schneemann, J., Kühn, M.: Joint offshore wind field monitoring with spaceborne SAR and platform-based LiDAR measurements. ISRSE36, Berlin, Germany (2015).
Kapp, S., Kühn, M.: A Five-Parameter Wind Field Estimation Method Based on Spherical Upwind Lidar Measurements, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 555 (2014) 012112 http://dx.doi:10.1088/1742-6596/555/1/012112
Kuhnle, B., Kühn, K.: Strukturelle Dämpfer - Ein alter Hut oder Innovation für große Windenergieanlagen?. 6. VDI - Fachtagung Schwingungen in Windenergieanlagen 2015, Bremen, Germany (2015).
Kuhnle, B., Kühn, M.: Unfavourable trends of rotor speed and systems dynamics for very large offshore wind turbines –Analysis of the 10MW INNWIND.EU reference turbine. EWEA Offshore 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark (2015)..
Mittelmeier, N., Blodau, T., Kühn, K.: Offshore Wake Model Validation – Methodology for Linking Model Results and Operational Data. DEWEK 2015, Bremen, Germany, Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK (2015).
Schneemann, J., Bastine, D., v. Dooren, M., Schmidt, J., Steinfeld, G., Trabucchi, D., Trujillo, J.J., Vollmer, L., Kühn, M.: “GW WAKES”: measurements of wake effects in »alpha ventus« with synchronised longe-range LiDAR windscanners. DEWEK, Bremen, Germany, Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK (2015).
Schneemann, J., Hieronimus, J., Jacobsen, S., Lehner, S., Kühn, M.: Offshore wind farm flow measured by complementary remote sensing techniques: radar satellite TerraSAR-X and lidar windscanners. Wake Conference, Visby, Sweden. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625, 012015 (2015).
Trabucchi, D., Steinfeld, G., Bastine, D., Trujillo, J.J., Schneemann, Kühn, M.: Study of wake meandering by means of fixed point lidar measurements: Spectral analysis of line-of-sight wind component. Wake Conference, Visby, Sweden. Journal of Physics: Confer-ence Series 625, 012016 (2015).
van Dooren, M., Trabucchi, D., Beck, H., Schneemann, J., Friedrichs, W., Kühn, M.: As-sessment of the global wind and the local wake direction at »alpha ventus« using long range scanning LiDAR. EWEA Offshore 2015, PO.ID 183 Copenhagen, Denmark (2015).
Vera-Tudela, L, Kühn, M.: Evaluation of a wind turbine fatigue load monitoring system based on standard SCADA signals in different wind farm flow conditions. DEWEK 2015, Bremen, Germany, Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK (2015).
Vollmer, L., van Dooren, M., Trabucchi, D., Schneemann, J., Steinfeld, G., Witha, B., Trujillo, J., Kühn, M.: First comparison of LES of an offshore wind turbine wake with dual-Doppler lidar measurement in a German offshore wind farm. Wake Conference, Visby, Sweden. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625, 012001 (2015).