Publications 2021


University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Publications 2021

Publications 2021

Reviewed Articles and Books

  • Berger, F., Onnen, D., Schepers, G., and Kühn, M.: Experimental analysis of radially resolved dynamic inflow effects due to pitch steps, Wind Energ. Sci., 6, 1341–1361, doi:10.5194/wes-6-1341-2021, 2021.
  • Eguinoa, I., Göçmen, T., Garcia‐Rosa, P.B., Das, K., Petrović, V.I., Kölle, K., Manjock, A., Koivisto, M.J.,Smailes, M.: Wind farm flow control oriented to electricity markets and grid integration: initial perspective analysis, Advanced Control for Applications, e80, doi:10.1002/adc2.80, 2021.
  • Neuhaus, L., Berger, F., Peinke, J.,Hölling, M.: Exploring the capabilities of active grids, Experiments in Fluids 2021, vol. 62, pp. 1-12, doi:10.1007/s00348-021-03224-5, 2021.
  • Petrović, V., Jelavić, M.,Baotić, M.: MPC framework for constrained wind turbine individual pitch control, Wind Energy 2021, vol. 24, pp. 54-68, doi:10.1002/we.2558, 2021.
  • Rott, A., Schneemann, J., Theuer, F., Trujillo Quintero, J. J., Kühn, M.: Alignment of scanning lidars in offshore wind farms, Wind Energ. Sci. Discuss. [preprint], doi:10.5194/wes-2021-62, in review, 2021.
  • Schneemann, J., Theuer, F., Rott, A., Dörenkämper, M., Kühn, M.: Offshore wind farm global blockage measured with scanning lidar, Wind Energ. Sci., 6, pp. 521-538, doi:10.5194/wes-6-521-2021, 2021.
  • Seifert, J. K., Kraft, M., Kühn, M., and Lukassen, L. J.: Correlations of power output fluctuations in an offshore wind farm using high-resolution SCADA data, Wind Energ. Sci., 6, 997–1014, doi:10.5194/wes-6-997-2021, 2021.
  • Sinner, M., Petrović, V., Langidis, A., Neuhaus, L., Hölling, M., Pao, L.Y., Kühn, M.: Experimental Testing of a Preview-Enabled Model Predictive Controller for Blade Pitch Control of Wind Turbines, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, pp. 1-15,  doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3070342, 2021.
  • Theuer, F., van Dooren, M. F., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M.: Lidar-based minute-scale offshore wind speed forecasts analysed under different atmospheric conditions, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, doi:10.1127/metz/2021/1080, 2021.
  • Vali, M., Petrović, V., Pao, L., Kühn, M.: Model Predictive Active Power Control for Optimal Structural Load Equalization in Waked Wind Farms, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, pp. 1-15, doi:10.1109/TCST.2021.3053776, 2021.
  • van Dooren, M. F., Kidambi Sekar, A. P., Neuhaus, L., Mikkelsen, T., Hölling, M., and Kühn, M.: Modelling the Spectral Shape of Continuous-Wave Lidar Measurements in a Turbulent Wind Tunnel, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. [preprint], doi:10.5194/amt2021-233, in review, 2021.
  • van Dooren, M. F.: Doppler Lidar Inflow Measurements. In: Stoevesandt B., Schepers G., Fuglsang P., Yuping S. (eds) Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05455-7_35-1, 2021.

Conference Proceedings (Paper)

  • Sinner, M., Petrović, V. and Pao, L. Y.: Implementation of Advanced Wind Turbine Controllers for Scaled Turbine Testing in a Wind Tunnel, 17th EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021.

Conference and seminar contributions (Talk and Poster)

  • Anantharaman, A., Schneemann, J., Centurelli, G., Bot, E., Kühn, M.: Comparing wake models and lidar measurements of wind farm wakes, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]
  • Anantharaman, A., Messmer, T., Ribnitzky, D., Berger, F., Neuhaus, L., Peinke, J., Kühn, M., Hölling, M.: Research activities in Wind Energy at the University of Oldenburg, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021 [Poster]
  • Bastine, D., Kühn, M.: Investigating the evolution of wake turbulence with nacellebased lidar measurements, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Chamoli, S., Petrovic, V., Kühn, M.; Wind turbine protection system to safeguard blade-tower clearance, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Hulsman, P., Petrović, V., Rott, A., Sucameli, C. R., Campagnolo, F., Botasso, C. L., Bockholt, S., Gerds, A., Adler, S., Kühn, M.: Real-Time Robust Active Wake Steering Control between two Onshore Wind Turbines based on the Curled Wake Model, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Hulsman, P., Steinfeld, G., Petrović, V., Kühn, M.: Comparison of wake behaviour and turbine response during yaw-offset conditions in different atmospheric stabilities between LES and free-field measurements, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Langidis, A., Nietiedt, S., Kröger, L., Wester, T.T.B., Rofallski, R., Göring, M., Petrović., V., Gülker, G., Luhmann, T., Kühn, M.: Rotor loads estimation through optical measurements on a wind tunnel model turbine, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Onnen, D., Petrovic, V., Kühn, M., Larsen, G. C., Lio, W. H., Liew, J. Y.: Dynamic wake tracking based on wind turbine blade loads: Methodology, simulation and experiments, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]
  • Ortensi, M., Fruehmann, R., Neumann, T.: How waves from offshore wind farms impact the performance and fatigue loads of Alpha Ventus, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]
  • Ortensi, M., Theuer, F., Kühn, M.: Optimisation of long-range lidar trajectories for wind speed forecast using large eddy simulations (LES). EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]
  • Petrović, V.: Experimental approach to the development and validation of wind farm control, International Workshop on Advanced Cooperative Systems, online event, 2021. [Talk]
  • Ribnitzky, D., Kühn, M.: Offshore megastructures and an introduction to innovative rotor concepts, IEA task 37 workshop on Low wind turbines, online event, 2021. [Talk]
  • Ribnitzky, D., Kühn, M.: Innovative aerodynamic rotor concepts for demand-oriented power feed in, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]
  • Schneemann, J.; Theuer, F.; Rott, A.; Dörenkämper, M.; Steinfeld, G. & Kühn, M. Measuring large scale offshore wind farm effects with scanning lidar, RAVE Workshop 2021, online event, 2021. [Talk]
  • Schneemann, J., Theuer, F., Rott, A., Centurelli, G., Dörenkämper, M., Steinfeld, G., Kühn, M.: Large scale offshore wind farm effects measured with scanning lidar, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Schneemann, J., Theuer, F., Rott, A., Centurelli, G., Dörenkämper, M., Steinfeld, G., Kühn, M.: Assessing large scale offshore wind farm effects with scanning lidar, EERA JP Wind & SETWind Annual Event 2021, online event, 2021. [Talk]
  • Schneemann, J., Canadillaz, B.: Long range lidar to assess wind farm cluster effects, X-Wakes Industry Workshop 2021, online event, December 2021. [Talk]
  • Sekar, A. P. K., Hulsman, P., van Dooren, M. F., Kühn, M.: Synchronised WindScanner Measurements Between Two Closely Spaced Wind Turbines, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Sengers, B. A. M, Steinfeld, G., van Dooren, M. F., Heinemann, D., Kühn, M.: Optimal lidar scanning pattern for wake composition under yaw misalignment, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Theuer, F., van Dooren, M. F., von Bremen, L., Kühn, M.: Lidar-based minute-scale wind speed and power forecast of free-stream and wake-influenced offshore wind turbines, Wind Energy Science Conference, online event, May 2021. [Talk]
  • Vöhringer, A. L., van Dooren, M. F., Kühn, M.: Optimisation of measurement settings for long-range dual-Doppler Lidar and Radar wind field reconstruction, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]
  • Wester, T. T. B., Kröger, L., Langidis, A., Nietiedt, S., Rofallski, R., Goering, M., Luhmann, T., Peinke, J., Gülker, G.: PIV and deformation measurements on the rotor blade of a rotating, scaled model wind turbine with flexible blades under tailored inflow conditions, 14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – ISPIV, August 2021. [Talk]
  • Zúñiga, M., Petrovic, V., Kühn, M.: Control-oriented modelling of wind farms based on wind tunnel experiments, EAWE PhD Seminar, Porto, November 2021. [Talk]

Data and Software

  • Berger, F., Onnen, D., Schepers, J, G., Kühn, M.: Dataset – Radially resolved dynamic inflow pitch step experiment in wind tunnel, Zenodo,, 2021. [Data set]
  • Hulsman, P., Wosnik, M., Petrović, V., Hölling, M., Kühn, M.: Data Supplement for “Curled Wake Development of a Yawed Wind Turbine at Turbulent and Sheared Inflow” – Wind Energy Science Journal, Zenodo,, 2021. [Data set]
  • Rott, A.: AndreasRott/Alignment_of_scanning_lidars_in_offshore_wind_farms: Version1.0 (Release1.0.0), Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5654919, 2021.
  • Rott, A.: Data supplement for "Alignment of scanning lidars in offshore wind farms" - Wind Energy Science Journal, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5654866, 2021. [Data set]

Project Reports

  • Orozco, P., Anantharaman, A., Sebastiani, A., Guo, F., Fu, W., Peña, A., van Dooren, M. F., Würth, I.: LIKE Deliverable 5.1 Application benefits and innovation of lidar for wind energy, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5543910, 2021.
  • Reuder, J., Cheynet, E., Clifton, A., van Dooren, M. F., Gottschall, J., Jakobsen, J. B., Mann, J., Palma, J., Schlipf, D., Sjøholm, M., Trujillo, J.-J., Thobois, L., Würth, I., Zasso, A.: LIKE Deliverable 4.1 Recommendation on use of wind lidars, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4672351, 2021.
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