Mentoring Program


Student Council of Physics

+49 441 798 3476 (during the meetings)

W02 1-161

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Student council meeting

Date for winter term 2024/25

Every Tuesday, 2 pm – 4 pm

W02 1-161

Mentoring Program

The Mentoring Program

For freshman in physics and engineering physics

The student councils mentoring program targets all students in the first semester in the department of Physics. Freshis get the possibility to have a contact person for possible problems. This will hopefully ensure that they can have a good start into their studies and student life.

The mentors will serve as a contact who can help the new students with questions they may have, or at least know whom to ask that might know. Mentors are students of the student council in a higher. As such they will know most of the problems and can put themselves in the freshmen’s shoes. No question will be “unnecessary” or “stupid”. The mentors have presumably had the same problems… You can text them, talk to them or meet up. If they don’t know the answer they will probably know somebody who does. 

This program is not solemly directed towards Freshis but all students in general, who have some questions.

Mentors of the various study programms

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the students of the respective study program. We are looking forward to your E-Mails.

Bachelor Physics

Double Subject Bachelor Physics

Marie Steinmann

Second Subject: Chemics

Birk Kurre

Second Subject: Computer Science

Bachelor Physik, Technik und Medizin

Bachelor Engineering Physics

Masters Physics

Masters Physik, Technik und Medizin

Masters Engineering Physics

Further study programms

For all other study programms feel free to contact the student council via E-Mail or our other ways of contact.

Student Council Physics

Fachschaft Physik (Changed: 15 Oct 2024)  | 
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