
IT Service Desk

+49 441 798-5555 Please contact the IT Service Desk preferably by , as there is only one phone line available. The IT Dienste will call you back if you leave your telephone number.

Mon-Thu 9:00-15:30 Fri 9:00-12:00

IT Service Desk

Service portal

IT Consultancy

IT-Dienste executives

Websites and hosting

IT services provide the university and its members - students, lecturers and other employees - with the technical infrastructure for the operation of web offerings and web applications.

Central web presence of the university and its facilities

The university operates a central website based on the content management system TYPO3 CMS. It contains most of the websites of the organisational units and individuals. Access for editors is available on request.

Central website

Homepage for employees

Employees have the option of having an official homepage that is linked to their department's website. This homepage can be created and managed using the open source content management system TYPO3. You also have other options for providing your contact information and data.

Official homepage

Web hosting for institutions

University organisational units receive free space for their own homepage on the central website:

Central website

For decoupled projects - e.g. research projects in which the University of Oldenburg is only one of several equal sponsors and which are therefore not part of the central university website - the IT services offer internal university and university-related institutions independent websites:

Web space for institutions

Database and server hosting

IT services host servers for Schools, departments and other institutions within and outside the University.

Please use the university's service portal for the proposal.

By selecting Proposal virtual server, you can order virtual servers of different performance classes with the operating systems Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Windows Server 2019.

By selecting the MySQL database proposal, you can order the installation of a highly available MySQL database.

Costs and duration

There is currently no budget-effective activity allocation. The specification of a cost centre is necessary for the internal cost allocation of Division 2.

Deactivated websites are deleted after two full years of inactivity. So at the beginning of January 2020, all websites that have been inactive (= not updated) since 1 January 2018 will be deleted.

(Changed: 30 Jul 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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