SHIFT - Promotion systems for sustainable enterprise foundations
Management: Borderstep Institut für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit gGmbH, Berlin
Project Partner:
- Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
- Linköping University, Schweden
- Aalto University School of Art and Design, Finnland
Duration: 01.02.2013 - 31.01.2016
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SHIFT - Promotion systems for sustainable enterprise foundations
SHIFT - Promotion Systems for Sustainability Business Start-ups
Align business start-up support
The project examines the current support for sustainable business start-ups and new business in the field of environmental technologies and "green" products and services. The research centers on the support and funding opportunities offered by universities, innovation centers and business incubators, business promotion agencies, financial institutions and other conveyors available along the business life cycle, from the initial business idea to market success. One main question is to what extent these funding opportunities are likely to meet the special requirements of "green" start-ups needs.
The research team led by apl. Prof. Fichter analyzes the state and the change of support systems in three European countries (Finland, Germany and Sweden) and their linkage to the EU level. For a better understanding, best practice examples and case studies from other countries with highly developed systems of start-up support will be involved, such as U.S. and Israel.
The research key question is:
What needs to be changed in the field of founding and innovation promotion in order to effectively support the implementation of sustainability innovations in successful businesses?
The aim is to create a paradigm shift in the start-up support for sustainability innovations. Expected project results are concrete and realistic recommendations to the relevant actors (politics, universities, incubators and technology centers, etc.).
The staff of the University of Oldenburg will deal within the consortium with the question how important universities are in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship. In this framework, deficiencies and potential of the existing university start-up support will be identified and on this basis recommendations developed.
SHIFT is funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of "Eco - Innovera ", an European ERA- network (European Research Area) to support research, innovation and "green" technologies (
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