
01.11.2018 - 30.04.2022

Funded by:
European Union



Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances

Project number: 601150-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA

Project partner

  • Carl von Ossietzky University (Coordinator)
  • Linköping University (S)
  • Vennebroek Academic Services (NL)
  • EWE AG (D)
  • BÜFA GmbH & Co KG (D)
  • CEWE Stiftung & Co KGaA (D)
  • Teksniska Verken (S)
  • Againity (S)
  • Noble Environmental Technologies (NL)
  • Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability (D)




Innovative Programmes of Student-Business-Collaborations in Green Venturing

The project "ScaleUp4Sustainability (S4S)“ combined two important demands called by European policy: 1) To address green entrepreneurship in higher education as an important element in the modernization of Europe’s higher education systems, and 2) to strengthen Europe’s capacity to innovate by introducing new forms of student-business interaction in developing, implementing and scaling-up eco-innovations and starting new green businesses.

The project focussed on the collaboration of student teams and business partners in green venturing. These forms of collaborative green venturing were embedded in Bachelor and Master programmes of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and were organized and coached by professors and teaching staff. Collaborative green venturing constitutes an innovative form of multidisciplinary, real problem-based interactive learning and entrepreneurship education.

The ScaleUp4Sustainability project has launched the Sustainable Venturing Challenges platform, a new platform to facilitate student-business collaboration for sustainability. Its core offer includes an emerging database of challenge platforms and initiatives which helps to connect impact-driven companies who face sustainability challenges to universities and their motivated students who want to be solution providers. How to-guides, real-life experiences and a range of informational resources complete the platform offer. Explore it by clicking on the image down below:

Aims and objectives

  1. to evaluate the outputs and outcomes of innovative, multidisciplinary approaches of student-business collaboration in green venturing and to identify key factors that make the flow and co-creation of sustainable entrepreneurial knowledge and skills more effective,
  2. to develop new, innovative approaches and tools to teaching and learning sustainable entrepreneurship and collaborative green venturing,
  3. to scale up and diffuse innovative approaches collaborative green venturing by broadening these to more universities, departments and teaching programmes and by involving more students with different disciplinary backgrounds,
  4. to strengthen Europe’s capacity to innovate by introducing new forms of student-business collaboration in developing and implementing eco-innovations and starting new green businesses,
  5. to facilitate and boost the transnational exchange of knowledge and experiences with university-business collaboration in green venturing, and,
  6. to disseminate good practices and knowledge in university-related green venturing across Europe.

UOL student-business collaborations

Within the scope of ScaleUp4Sustainability, the ten project partners in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands are realizing different projects with local businesses. Our business partners in Oldenburg are EWE, CEWE and BÜFA. The following projects are in the works right now:

EWE: Digital Transformation: Strategies & Sustainability

  • Together with students from the University of Oldenburg, the energy company wants to explore new possibilities and perspectives in the realm of their innovation strategy. The project is realized as part of Prof. Jörn Hoppmann's module "Digital Transformation: Strategies and Sustainability". This could contribute to a sustainable future energy supply. 

CEWE: Ideation formats with students for new sustainable products at CEWE

  • The basic idea of the collaboration with CEWE is to look for new, sustainable product alternatives that could replace some of the company's current products in the long run. Through such an innovation process with students, radical new ideas could emerge. The cooperation with CEWE was carried out within the Eco-Venturing module last semester. 

BÜFA: Developing a climate neutral company

  • The chemicals company aims to become climate neutral. Through the collaboration with students in S4S, new concepts are to be developed concerning how the company can reduce its green house gas emissions in the forthcoming years. 

More informationen about these projects can be found on the S4S website

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