

Universität Oldenburg
Institute of Physics & ForWind
Küpkersweg 70,
26129 Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke
Room, W33 3-302

Fax. +49-(0)441-798-5099
Tel. +49-(0)441-798-5050
Sektr. +49-(0)441-798-5090



Measurement Technology

In this part of the working group, different measurement methods are used for flow measurement. Thereby, established measuring methods are improved as well as completely new ones are developed. These new measuring methods include, for example, the sphere anemometer and the laser cantilever anemometer.

Currently, the following topics are being worked on:

Spherical anemometer
Holographic flow measurement
Stereo PIV
Laser Cantilever Anemometer
LIDAR wind measurements

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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