Publications in 1992-1990
- Hengstermann T & R Reuter
Laser Remote sensing of pollution of the sea: a quantitative approach.
EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing, 1 , 52-60, 1992
- Wang H, T Hengstermann, R Reuter & R Willkomm
Robust improvement in the signal-to-noise of a laser fluorosensor through selectively averaging signals.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 63, 1877-1897, 1992
- Wadsworth A, WJ Loojen, M Petit & R Reuter
Aircraft experiments with visible and infrared sensors.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13, 1175-1199, 1992
- Hengstermann T, R Reuter, H Wang & R Willkomm
Laser remote sensing of gelbstoff and chlorophyll a on the Wadden Sea surface.
EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing, 1 111-118, 1992
- Hengstermann T, KD Loquay, R Reuter, H Wang & R Willkomm
A laser fluorosensor for airborne measurements of maritime pollution and of hydrographic parameters.
EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing, 1, 85-90, 1992
- Bartsch B, T Braeske & R Reuter
Oceanic lidar operating at high altitudes: a computer model study.
EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing, 1, 79-84, 1992
- Smid H, R Reuter & K Grüner
Luftüberwachungssystem zur Erkennung von Meeresverschmutzungen.
Bundesministerium für Verkehr (Hrsg.), 43 pp., 1991
- Reuter R
Hydrographic applications of airborne laser spectroscopy.
In: Optoelectronics for Environmental Science, S. Martellucci and A.N. Chester (editors), Plenum Press, 293 pp., 149-162, 1991
- Grüner K, R Reuter & H Smid
A sensor system for airborne measurements of maritime pollution and of hydrographic parameters.
Geojournal, 24(1),103-117, 1991
- Hengstermann T & R Reuter
Lidar Fluorosensing of mineral oil spills on the sea surface
Applied Optics, 29, 3218-3227, 1990 reprint