Anatomical atlases

Anatomical atlases

PROMETHEUS Learning Package Anatomy

Prometheus summarises anatomy in 3 volumes (musculoskeletal system, internal organs, neuroanatomy). It is designed as a learning atlas, whereby this has the character of a short textbook. The illustrations are excellent and there are numerous clinical details that relate to the anatomy. Please note: The Prometheus is not a textbook, therefore the explanations are presented very briefly. Price latest edition 2022: 220 € (Thieme Verlag)

Sobotta, Atlas of Anatomy

Sobotta also summarises anatomy in 3 volumes (locomotor system, internal organs, neuroanatomy). It is also designed as a learning atlas, whereby the texts are even shorter than in Prometheus. The illustrations are just as excellent and there are also clinical details that relate to the anatomy. Note: The Sobotta is also not a textbook, so the explanations are presented very briefly. Price latest edition 2022: 220 € (Elsevier Verlag).

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