Public Transport in Oldenburg

Moving in Oldenburg ...

Be aware that Universität Oldenburg has two campuses: Campus Wechloy and Campus Haarentor. The conference takes place at Campus Wechloy (Carl von Ossietzky Straße). 

... by bus

Bus lines

There are 16 regular bus lines in Oldenburg. They are numbered, beginning with 301 up until 329.
All other bus lines are regional lines!

The line 306 (direction: Universität) is the preferred way to reach the Campus Wechloy.
Just use the bus until the end of the line and you will reach the stop Carl von Ossietzky Straße directly in front of the main entrance of the university in Wechloy.
This is also where the conference takes place!

Nevertheless, you may use line 310 (direction: Wehnen/Famila-Center), leaving the bus at at the bus stop Universität/Artillerieweg or Grootepool and just wait for the 306.

If you want to reach Campus Haarentor you may use line 324 (direction: Infanterieweg) and leave the bus at the stop Universität.

A map with full details is available here: Bus map (PDF) - For your information: The university is located in the west.
Much more information and all time tables are available on the pages of the "VWG" (Verkehr und Wasser GmbH):

The abbreviation ZOB stands for "Zentraler Omnibus-Bahnhof"; in English: central bus station. It is next to the train station. This is where almost all bus lines come together. The bus stop Lappan is the former main bus station, but it is still quite important since it is located directly at the city center.

Bus tickets

There are single tickets and tickets that may be used more than one time.
The prices for single tickets are differentiated by the distance you want to ride and whether it is for a child or an adult. To get from ZOB or the train station or the city to Campus Wechloy, you will need an I ticket.
You can also get 4 tickets at once (4er Ticket) and get a reduced price.
Since there are very many rules for other tickets here are just the most important prices:

Ticket (class) Price Adults €  
Single ticket 2,70
4er Ticket 8,80
1-day ticket
(1 adult + 3 children < 15 years)
7-day ticket 20,00

For most participants it is probably easiest to get a 7 day ticket. You can buy it at the ticket vending machines in the city center or at the support center of the VWG (at ZOB, next to the train station, and at Lappan).

... by car   ... or taxi

There are many car rental agencies located in Oldenburg. Europcar is only 300 meters away from the train station:

Moslesstraße 74
Tel: +49 (441) 926800
Fax: +49 (441) 9268066

The price for renting a common car for 5 days will be approximately 200€. This includes 1500 kilometers.
But renting a car is not really necessary in Oldenburg and in most cases not recommendable, since parking may be a hassle in the city center.

The most popular taxi services are:

63 0 63 (or free call: 0800 63 000 63) Taxi Zentrale
8 11 11 Hatscher Taxi
12 1 21 MiniCar

... by bicycle

Since Oldenburg is called a "Fahrradstadt" (meaning that many people often use their bikes) you might want to rent a bike. Many bicycle stores also rent bikes. Ask at your hotel. 


Firstly, some links to good maps of Oldenburg and the region around it: 

Here is a map of the complete Campus. Here is a map of Campus Wechloy. Above the big "loop", at the arrow pointing to "W1 Mathematik", is the main entrance.

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