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ArtFest in Bremen-Vegesack

According to the organisers, the ArtFest in Bremen-Vegesack is „a celebration of art in all its forms" and is organised by students at Constructor University in Bremen. With this exhibition, art from artists from all over the world is brought to Bremen to celebrate diversity and creativity. Art forms include, for example, cartoons, sketches, collages, paintings, drawings, photography, film, poetry, theatre, dance, interactive installations, textiles, ceramics, performances, mixes media and many more. You can find more information about the ArtFest on their website.

There is no entry fee. However, please note that all travel routes to and from Bremen-Vegesack and within Bremen are at your own expense (e.g. CampusCard/ semester ticket, Deutschlandticket or a VBN ticket for the whole day). Our PhD tutors can help you purchase the right ticket before hopping on the train. Please make sure to arrive early if you need to purchase a ticket at the main station in Oldenburg. 

The ArtFest venue is a 10-minute walk from the train station Bremen-Vegesack.

Meeting point: Oldenburg main station, South side (Hauptbahnhof Süd)
Date and time: Saturday, 5th April 2025, 10:45 am (train departure: 11:05 am)

If you would like to participate, please register here by 1st April 2025.

05.04.2025 10:45 – Offenes Ende

IO-Webmaster (Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p47662c131412 | # |
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