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Semester: Wintersemester 2018

3.90.140 EMMIR LS Workshop 1: Refugee Women in Germany -  

Veranstaltungstermin | Raum

  • Mittwoch, 21.11.2018 8:00 - 12:00 | A1 0-005


The workshop provides the option for in-depth discussion of the topics addressed in the eponymous lecture. i.e.
• Forced Migration and its Impacts on Family Life: Challenges and Chances,
• Violence Prevention in the Context of Reception: Concepts, Demands and Realities,
• Gendered means of integration in Germany.
Students are asked to make suggestions and indicate their interests.

• Jesuthasan et al. “Near-death experiences, attacks by family members, and absence of health care in their home countries affect the quality of life of refugee women in Germany: a multiregion, cross-sectional, gender-sensitive study.” In: BMC Medicine 16:15 (2018), DOI 10.1186/s12916-017-1003-5.
• Krause, Ulrike. “A Continuum of Violence? Linking Sexual and Gender-based Violence during Conflict, Flight, and Encampment.” In: Refugee Survey Quarterly 34 (2015): 1-19.

Ulrike Lingen-Ali (PhD) teaches migration and education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany. Current research projects are “Shifting Families: Interrogating notions of ‘family’ in a context of contemporary African Migration and diverse urban spaces, using multi-sited case studies in South Africa, Morocco, and Germany” and “Refugee women, family dynamics and violence: coping with trauma, intervention and prevention within the reception context”, subproject of the research association “Gender, flight, politics of reception. Processes of gendered in-/exclusions in Lower Saxony”. Before, she conducted research on Lone/Single Migrant Parents in Lower Saxony, Germany. She is a member of the Center for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies (CMC), the working group Migration – Gender – Politics (MGP) and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Women and Gender (ZFG). Ulrike publishes on single/lone parenting in migration contexts, doing difference, racisms and religious ascriptions. Her research interests focus on migration und family structures; concepts of identity and belonging; orientalism and othering; religious ascriptions; postcolonial theories; gender dynamics; violence prevention and intervention; social and political structures in the MENA region.



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